posted ago by T-Rex32 ago by T-Rex32 +257 / -1

Fascists, (true meaning of the word)

I just witnessed a video of a man getting arrested on ski slopes on this mountain. I have been to several places in Canada to enjoy different mountains, but I want you to know that I will never come to this fascist, anti science, freedom hating, Justin Castro piece of shit commie mountain. Maybe in a previous life, I did have a desire to ski some more spots in Canada but not here, not EVER. Please look up the definition of Communism and Socialism. More people have been killed by their own governments than by any war. Stalin killed 50 million of his own people. That is what is coming to Canada if you do not wake up! If you do not wake up, I hope you all enjoy the rest of your time on earth because Hell will not be so nice for you. And I say that very earnestly because I hope nothing but disdain and misery for all of you for letting to happen to an innocent person OUTSIDE and when masks have been proven not to stop the spread of microns as small as covid. IM SURE YOU REQUIRE THE VACCINE TOO WHICH SHOULD PROVE TO YOU THAT THE VACCINE IS NOT EFFECTIVE! This behavior is abhorrent and anyone who stood by and did nothing as one human assaulted another human over something as asinine as a mask should be ashamed of themselves. I hope that you will come to find God and realize your wickedness, but I seriously doubt it.

Feel free to email them yourself.....


Video of skier getting arrested next to his family https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/shock-video-skier-assaulted-and-arrested-for-not-wearing-mask-on-slopes/