I expect this "antifa-con" will be big news in Portland and Seattle, someone should set up a tickets website for pre-orders. The victims will be too embarrassed to ask for refunds when the discover it is in Moscow, Russia (rather than Idaho)
Most aren't from America. And those that are will have to contend with 3 separate generations of American Veterans with real combat experience, not some bullshit larper crap in pre-2022 Ukraine.
If pantifa/BLM want to show out of his summer, fine. The gloves will be coming off the Veterans, if [they] care to find out.
Yeah antifa are anti fascists right? Such a weird situation going on. Wendy Rogers was at the groyper event, which some members are indeed outwardly fascist, at least they think Hitler has merit and do like him.
But Putin says he is fighting fascists, and antifa are fighting fascists. Both hating neo Nazis. Lol this is too strange.
The further I get into this I swear its like WW2 is still going on. It never ended. The "hot" active war stopped but the real evil filth infiltrated everywhere. Worldwide. Operation Paperclip? Infiltrated the USA and Mil-Intel-Complex. Ukraine? Never really left. Then you can stumble into Operation High Jump and searching for Nazis at the south pole.
Do we have 25% of the worlds prison population? Most of them are black right?
I have seen a few shows on prisons in the US that confirm they are blacks and a friend who works in one says yes, but are they really all mostly black people?
If so it looks like they are making a case for white neo Nazis controlling America.
I wonder how well this will go over on Gab because of the groypers and the far right who identify as neo Nazis.
Every NPC:
WTF, I love Nazis now!
Every Based Citizen:
You ARE the NAZI's.
Always have been.
🌍👨🏻🚀 🔫👨🏽🚀
I expect this "antifa-con" will be big news in Portland and Seattle, someone should set up a tickets website for pre-orders. The victims will be too embarrassed to ask for refunds when the discover it is in Moscow, Russia (rather than Idaho)
If only we could put them and the pacific north west antifa together in the same room, that would be a pay per view record breaker.
Most aren't from America. And those that are will have to contend with 3 separate generations of American Veterans with real combat experience, not some bullshit larper crap in pre-2022 Ukraine.
If pantifa/BLM want to show out of his summer, fine. The gloves will be coming off the Veterans, if [they] care to find out.
Yeah antifa are anti fascists right? Such a weird situation going on. Wendy Rogers was at the groyper event, which some members are indeed outwardly fascist, at least they think Hitler has merit and do like him.
But Putin says he is fighting fascists, and antifa are fighting fascists. Both hating neo Nazis. Lol this is too strange.
Are there recent reports on antifa in Ukraine during this "invasion?" Because [their] leader, Soros, is clearly on Ukraine's side.
Why not a week earlier on Communism Day, oops I mean International Workers Day?
what does this meme mean ? I'm lost :(
The MSM, leftist normies are all calling Putin crazy and a Nazi. Meanwhile he's actually destroying the real Nazi's in Ukraine.
If you can find Putin's announcement from last week, he gave a little history lesson going back to WW1 and Bolshevik "revolution"
I found this to be enlightening. Its long.
The further I get into this I swear its like WW2 is still going on. It never ended. The "hot" active war stopped but the real evil filth infiltrated everywhere. Worldwide. Operation Paperclip? Infiltrated the USA and Mil-Intel-Complex. Ukraine? Never really left. Then you can stumble into Operation High Jump and searching for Nazis at the south pole.
The continued NAZI ideology is relevant.
Events will clarify.
Think subgroup.
Does this mean some of the groypers that are openly fascist are part of the deep state? Wendy Rogers and MTG were at a groyper event recently. Hmm.
Putin's Announcement
Great MEME!!!
If Putin is aiming to do that, he's gonna need help. Lots and lots of help.
Does that make us/the US the baddies?
Azerbaijan are hardly 'good guys'
Brazil should be there
Pakistan will not participate in the UN General assembly about the invasion.
“Strings cut”. - Q
One of Chinese embassies has listed all the nations American has attacked and also criticized the US for having 25% of the worlds prison population.
Looks like Pompeo visiting damn near every nation on earth was a master plan. The west is gonna be left to hold its on fascist nuts.
Do we have 25% of the worlds prison population? Most of them are black right?
I have seen a few shows on prisons in the US that confirm they are blacks and a friend who works in one says yes, but are they really all mostly black people?
If so it looks like they are making a case for white neo Nazis controlling America.
I wonder how well this will go over on Gab because of the groypers and the far right who identify as neo Nazis.
Won't they all simply decline the invite, because Russia Russia Russia, Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine?