“Opposition to international financial institutions and transnational corporations[edit]
People opposing globalization believe that international agreements and global financial institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Trade Organization, undermine local decision-making. Corporations that use these institutions to support their own corporate and financial interests, can exercise privileges that individuals and small businesses cannot,[10] including the ability to:
move freely across borders
extract desired natural resources
use a wide variety of human resources
The movement aims for an end to the legal status of "corporate personhood" and the dissolution of free market fundamentalism and the radical economic privatization measures of the World Bank, the IMF, and the World Trade Organization.“
Propaganda effect. Pro Russian photos always have close cropped shots of him by himself. Or camera angle shooting from the bottom to make him appear bigger and more powerful. Or there would be a stool for him to stand on.
I dare you to say that to Razor Ramon's face .. although for gas money and a ham sandwich you can probably have him come to your house.. and he's had like 12 knee surgeries.. so.. I dare you to say that to Kevin Nash's face... although..
Xi IS the CCP. They voted to make him president for life. He is the head of the party and what he says goes. He is obviously in control of china's decisions. He's the president for life of the CCP, so he has every advantage that goes with such a title and would have the most to lose if the CCP were to fall
So we've gone from "the military is the only way.", To, "the military of the greatest communist power ever forming an alliance with the military of our longest running enemy to defeat our govt and military is the only way."
Are you supposing that this group is going to defeat our govt to ree state trump so he can make America great again?
Guy on the right is Cyril Ramaphosa - South Africa president.
Anti globalist union
Bolsonaro. Brazilian president.
Thanks -- makes sense now.
This is from the BRICS trade deal announcement. Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa
Isn’t that global trading guys?
I’m dumb when it comes to this but what is antiglobalization?
Isn’t that trading business with countries around the world?
Like these guys are doing?
“Opposition to international financial institutions and transnational corporations[edit] People opposing globalization believe that international agreements and global financial institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Trade Organization, undermine local decision-making. Corporations that use these institutions to support their own corporate and financial interests, can exercise privileges that individuals and small businesses cannot,[10] including the ability to:
move freely across borders extract desired natural resources use a wide variety of human resources The movement aims for an end to the legal status of "corporate personhood" and the dissolution of free market fundamentalism and the radical economic privatization measures of the World Bank, the IMF, and the World Trade Organization.“
Against world trade agreements also?
He was always short and Xi is fairly tall for a Chinese.
And then there's cute little Modi🐸
He’s short
Thought it was judo but you’re right. He’s a formidable human being.
Propaganda effect. Pro Russian photos always have close cropped shots of him by himself. Or camera angle shooting from the bottom to make him appear bigger and more powerful. Or there would be a stool for him to stand on.
🤣 precisely
Xi is 5'10 or 5'11, Putin is 5'6
is the angle at which the photo was taken.
both are the same height
And Old Glory held by GEOTUS is the tip of the spear.
Countries that didn’t get the Pfizer shot too
Together they represent more than half the population of the entire world.
Someone should shop Pepe and the Kekistani flag in there
BRICS alliance. Look into New Foundation Bank to see how the Fed will be toppled.
I dare you to say that to Razor Ramon's face .. although for gas money and a ham sandwich you can probably have him come to your house.. and he's had like 12 knee surgeries.. so.. I dare you to say that to Kevin Nash's face... although..
Freeing their regions of globalism. Only one missing is Trump
Well, maybe next year.
Date taken ?
That pic is from the BRICS announcement.
Sorry, I got all the others, but who's the guy in the middle? I feel ignorant now.
President Bolsonaro of Brazil
I feel less ignorant now. Thanks, fren!
You're welcome. Don't self-deprecate, friend. We're all learning here. I'm sure you know loads of info on other topics I've never heard of.
We know the CCP is working for the globalists. Are we holding to the the theory that Xi is a secret White Hat cleaning out the Party?
Xi IS the CCP. They voted to make him president for life. He is the head of the party and what he says goes. He is obviously in control of china's decisions. He's the president for life of the CCP, so he has every advantage that goes with such a title and would have the most to lose if the CCP were to fall
Actually Xi didn't get the 'head of the party for life' yet. The others in CCP are mobilizing resistance right now before the final vote.
Avengers assemble motherf**ker.
So we've gone from "the military is the only way.", To, "the military of the greatest communist power ever forming an alliance with the military of our longest running enemy to defeat our govt and military is the only way."
Are you supposing that this group is going to defeat our govt to ree state trump so he can make America great again?
What about the plan?
First thing that popped up in my mind when I saw this picture was " Kids Next Door" cartoon show lol