Still Crying Wolf: Convicted Hate Hoaxer Jussie Smollett Claims He's Only in Jail Because He's Black...🙄🙄🐸
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To my white brothers and sisters.
You can totally use the same now. If someone is harassing you.
Just say "You are messing with me because I am white!"
Had to do this already with a brown-skinned City Code Compliance dude who was harassing me for having a cargo trailer in my driveway and viewable from the street. Btw, I don’t live in a fancy gated neighborhood with an HOA.
The third time he showed up to harass me I walked out to the end of my driveway and pointed to all the Mexican landscaping trailers lining my neighborhood street and said “Really? It looks like you’re targeting ME for being white because you aren’t tagging any of these trailers, which are actually parked on the street illegally.”
He backed down immediately, so it works in So Cal at least.
PS. I happen to love Mexican people, food and culture and I get along great with all of my neighbors even though I’m a minority here.
Seriously... Minorities would not know how to deal with this. The best way to fight this is
Great job!!!
I say to white brothers & sisters Just say "You are messing with me because I'm Black."
Apparently, nobody explained to Jussie Smollett the #1 rule in prison.
Rule #1: "Shut up."
He's not going to survive long if he can't understand that.
Question: why did Jussie hire two black men to masquerade as Trump supporters? Why not two white guys?
It seems to me that he sold out his black brothers without a thought for them, and now that he's caught he wants to play the race card?
You can't have it both ways, Jussie.
My guess is that he recruited them by assuring them that since they were black and he was going to blame two white dudes, they would never make the list of suspects.
Ha! That didn't age well.
He hates white people.
He has no white friends.
Based on that comment, I'd say he's in jail because he's fucking stupid.
This guy. The real reason he's having a meltdown is because of withdrawals
Well first off if he were white and tried to start a race war at the very least he would not be in jail. He would be in prison. Being in prison would be just.
So, Jussie, like Hussein, is of mixed race. Is just his Black half in jail? If so, where is his White half?
I guess we should get used to this. Once the public arrests start they are all going to scream it's because they are female, because they are black, because they are gay, because they are Democrat, because they aren't a Trump supporter. The list of excuses will be long and the crying will be loud.
Hoping he needs to get stiches on his hole....
He did this in league with Kamala and her stupid bill. If he dies, they wanted him silenced.
No one believes his BS. He has lost ALL credibility.
I think he's just pointing out that because he's no "Alec baldwin", is why he's in jail. The white actor killed and is free while he lied and he's in jail
play that race card!!
Seems like the only rayyyycist in the room is Jussie.
And if I say yes?
No Juicey, your in jail because your an AssHoe!
because if he was white he wouldn't have committed the crime?
He's not wrong... If he was a white dude creating a fake race hoax the hoax would just have been ignored in the first place. They would just call him fragile.