Was just coming here to say ^this^. Those that are awake and do their research, know the truth. Those that aren't awake and believe the MSM, believe the narrative. Between these two extremes, are the folks that are slowly waking up to the truth.
I heard Marc Levin on his radio show and he is full bore on being anti-Putin, and we should be going to war over it. I would love to ask him what information was used for him to form his opinions of Putin, and what is happening in Ukraine. He would be first to say that MSM is corrupt and full of fake news, so why would he believe what they say about Putin and Ukraine?
Good question -- and he's not the only conservative saying stuff like this. I've signed up for a few key politicians' newsletters to keep tabs on what's going on. I just got one this evening from a definite non-RINO who went full bore on condemning Putin and wanting to divest from Russian financial interests. This guy should know better, too.
The only thing I can figure is that this is all a smoke-screen. Is it possible that "boycotting" Russia has something to do with the switch away from the central banks? If Russia gets rid of their central bank before we do, then what would we use as currency to buy things from Russia? Perhaps claiming a boycott is a smokescreen to cover for the fact that we CAN'T buy anything right now from Russia until we, too, are off the central bank. Who knows? I'm just spitballing here and am not a financial wizard.
I think virtually everyone in the world outside of Russia, had gotten their impression of Putin, from the global MSM that we know is so reliable :) And now, the same media is using the tear-jerking photos to further entrench the emotions regarding Putin and what is going on in Ukraine. I know Putin is no saint, but I don't think he is orchestrating any "crimes against humanity" that the media is trying to peg him with.
I think it's just intellectual laziness. Time spent thinking about an alternative or ,God forbid, digging into the subject, is time that you can't be tweeting, or on instagram or tiktok.
And it's acceptance to the flexible morals club, you just need to parrot the agenda of the day and you are in. The louder and prouder you are, the more street cred you get. Killing children? Using race to shatter peace and unity? Corrupting natural families? Creating wars to gain power and money? Oh boy, yes please! And that's not even the really sick stuff.
Is being contrarian any better? TV tells you Russia bad? Russia good! You didn’t do any more research, you didn’t apply any critical thinking, you just disagreed because you believe your role in this war is to be contrarian. And even if you’d do research, you purposefully looked for contrarian sources because that’s what those who have been leading these sheep of a different flock want you to believe. It’s just as bad honestly, and it runs rampant here.
To answer your question, anything that the majority agree on, I believe the opposite is true. It has served me well in my life. Whatever the mainstream opinion that is pushed by the media, the elites, Holllywood, etc., I go the other way. Is Putin, the good guy? I don’t know, but what I do know, the people telling me he is the bad guy are either liars or corrupt.
So do you believe that the sky isn’t blue? That water isn’t wet? That food doesn’t provide sustenance? Your argument is one of convince. Globalists aren’t just magically opposed by counter globalists, they’re opposed by other globalists with a different vision.
I am, by being a critical thinker and realizing that Russia is pumping out as much bullshit as the US is. The bio labs exist, but they didn’t create Covid. Putin wants control of them not to destroy them, but because he wants bioweapon superiority. This isn’t that hard.
It does, these are the N95 mask wearers in their car by themselves... they also try and take selfies with wild animals, Buffalo, Moose then wonder why it attacked them ... 🙄
Well, Fauci can suck a jab needle, stick it in his ass, and ride it straight to Hell, and I believe that Russia's committing war crimes. The Russian military is not exactly a bastion of morals and decency.
^ That's also the grumpy veteran in me.
I also know for a fact that Ukraine has been committing war crimes, including shelling their own civilians, stationing soldiers in schools and hospitals, planting explosives/incendiary devices in playgrounds, and deploying fighters not in uniform.
it fits - the sheep that injected the poison are the same that want to be ruled by the deep state.
I bet they will also create selfies of themselves eating bugs.
Was just coming here to say ^this^. Those that are awake and do their research, know the truth. Those that aren't awake and believe the MSM, believe the narrative. Between these two extremes, are the folks that are slowly waking up to the truth.
Pretty much this. You're more or less sampling a pool of people who, actively (and this part is important), actively refuse to think for themselves.
Think about that for a second, they will actually go out of the way to avoid thinking for themselves.
That's why controlling the narrative has been so important for the DS. NPCs need to be told what to think.
That's why we first need to shatter the narrative that holds them, then install the truthful narrative to give these people a new perspective.
Because like it or not they will never change, and need to be spoon fed what is truth and what is not.
It is because they are Canadians?
Very well explained. Underrated comment.
Putin is the new ivermectin.
It not only kills the virus --- it destroys the bio-labs.
I heard Marc Levin on his radio show and he is full bore on being anti-Putin, and we should be going to war over it. I would love to ask him what information was used for him to form his opinions of Putin, and what is happening in Ukraine. He would be first to say that MSM is corrupt and full of fake news, so why would he believe what they say about Putin and Ukraine?
Good question -- and he's not the only conservative saying stuff like this. I've signed up for a few key politicians' newsletters to keep tabs on what's going on. I just got one this evening from a definite non-RINO who went full bore on condemning Putin and wanting to divest from Russian financial interests. This guy should know better, too.
The only thing I can figure is that this is all a smoke-screen. Is it possible that "boycotting" Russia has something to do with the switch away from the central banks? If Russia gets rid of their central bank before we do, then what would we use as currency to buy things from Russia? Perhaps claiming a boycott is a smokescreen to cover for the fact that we CAN'T buy anything right now from Russia until we, too, are off the central bank. Who knows? I'm just spitballing here and am not a financial wizard.
...I've been spending way too much time on the internet...lol.
I think virtually everyone in the world outside of Russia, had gotten their impression of Putin, from the global MSM that we know is so reliable :) And now, the same media is using the tear-jerking photos to further entrench the emotions regarding Putin and what is going on in Ukraine. I know Putin is no saint, but I don't think he is orchestrating any "crimes against humanity" that the media is trying to peg him with.
I think it's just intellectual laziness. Time spent thinking about an alternative or ,God forbid, digging into the subject, is time that you can't be tweeting, or on instagram or tiktok.
And it's acceptance to the flexible morals club, you just need to parrot the agenda of the day and you are in. The louder and prouder you are, the more street cred you get. Killing children? Using race to shatter peace and unity? Corrupting natural families? Creating wars to gain power and money? Oh boy, yes please! And that's not even the really sick stuff.
100% agree. It's shocking to me what the Americans of today are willing to be spoon-fed and believe.
Is being contrarian any better? TV tells you Russia bad? Russia good! You didn’t do any more research, you didn’t apply any critical thinking, you just disagreed because you believe your role in this war is to be contrarian. And even if you’d do research, you purposefully looked for contrarian sources because that’s what those who have been leading these sheep of a different flock want you to believe. It’s just as bad honestly, and it runs rampant here.
Oh? So you’re saying that Russia and their counterparts have no incentive to pass along their own psyops? Does that really make sense to you?
And you’re wrong, most often the truth lies in the middle, not the extremes of either side.
To answer your question, anything that the majority agree on, I believe the opposite is true. It has served me well in my life. Whatever the mainstream opinion that is pushed by the media, the elites, Holllywood, etc., I go the other way. Is Putin, the good guy? I don’t know, but what I do know, the people telling me he is the bad guy are either liars or corrupt.
What’s amazing too is Killary does Uranium-1 then screams Russia bad all pointing fingers at Trump. That says a LOT.
So do you believe that the sky isn’t blue? That water isn’t wet? That food doesn’t provide sustenance? Your argument is one of convince. Globalists aren’t just magically opposed by counter globalists, they’re opposed by other globalists with a different vision.
It's easy to be a critic, help solve the problem.
I am, by being a critical thinker and realizing that Russia is pumping out as much bullshit as the US is. The bio labs exist, but they didn’t create Covid. Putin wants control of them not to destroy them, but because he wants bioweapon superiority. This isn’t that hard.
Are you suggesting "Oppositional Defiant Disorder" is a mental deficiency none the less?
Ah of course, every day we get new scape goats. Your simplistic view of good and evil is entertaining.
It does, these are the N95 mask wearers in their car by themselves... they also try and take selfies with wild animals, Buffalo, Moose then wonder why it attacked them ... 🙄
Bears for the WIN. 😂
Well, Fauci can suck a jab needle, stick it in his ass, and ride it straight to Hell, and I believe that Russia's committing war crimes. The Russian military is not exactly a bastion of morals and decency.
^ That's also the grumpy veteran in me.
I also know for a fact that Ukraine has been committing war crimes, including shelling their own civilians, stationing soldiers in schools and hospitals, planting explosives/incendiary devices in playgrounds, and deploying fighters not in uniform.
I've seen it all here on this website, too.