Any linguists out there recognize some language patterns? Latin, os is opening and ut is that, but nothing else clicks for me. Perhaps the unusual marks are ways of clouding the message, like cropping memes?
Here is the answer from down below. I checked and it is true.
It's Cebuano - translation is "they will be punished and will be punished for their sins"
As much as I think the Filipino President is a commie that needs to go down, this code is still a mystery. There was another thread explaining how if you remove every 'p' and substitute it with a 'w' (p=23, w is the 23rd letter), it translates well in Quechua, and somehow translates to taking down the Vatican and Bill Clinton. Since my non-existent Quechua skill is about as good as my Cebuano, I'm gonna pass on this one. Either way it means something to someone, and I'm still on board with the plan.
I think it is a different alphabet and the "P=23" is the substitution.
So, the first two letters "os" need to be adjusted for P=23, maybe 22(o) and 26(s).
Post 2226? (I doubt it, think there is a message in there.)
It reminds me of the ciphers they used to run in papers in the Victorian era. They're mentioned in Sherlock Holme stories.
If you think Q comms are hard to crack, take a look at what the little people used to have to crack to read secret messages between the elite. Crazy stuff.
Thanks. Did a search by post number and such, and nothing came up. We need some kind of standard here. I do think this link works for all of us That is where I get the numbers. I imagine many of us are not on Truth Social yet, so that option is out, as primary anyway.
Chaotic times indeed. qagg is a great resource. QR was having fun with this and the Q of spades post. General consensus over there is these TS@q post decodes are a waste of time though. As in "no outside comms past present future" so unless Q hops back on and trips chek and we are told to watch TS@q then time is better spent on other digs. I have fun with these though!
Q dropped a picture with punisher and the filename was
PAIN=23 iir
One cities say if 1=a, 2=b
Then 23 = BC
Cities be Bill Clinton
Could reference time, as in BC/AD
Could be a date as in the 23rd
If p=23, then os=22, 26. Post 2226 doesn't seem relevant, but 22+26=48. Check it out...
Makes sense in hindsight, but what about the rest of the message? Those foreign characters and all.
Any linguists out there recognize some language patterns? Latin, os is opening and ut is that, but nothing else clicks for me. Perhaps the unusual marks are ways of clouding the message, like cropping memes?
It's Cebuano - translation is "they will be punished and will be punished for their sins"
This is waaaay out there, but...
p = 23
Proverbs 11:21 (1+1 = 2, 2+1 = 3 , hence 23)
New King James Version
Though they join forces, the wicked will not go unpunished; But the posterity of the righteous will be delivered.
This is very similar to the translation:
"they will be punished and will be punished for their sins"
How did you translate this? I can't seem to find an online translator that can do this.
As much as I hating doing so, I used Google Translate.
Thanks, fren. Mystery solved!
You're welcome, fren!
Rara (if inverted r=r)=66
Here is the answer from down below. I checked and it is true. It's Cebuano - translation is "they will be punished and will be punished for their sins"
It's Cebuano - translation is "they will be punished and will be punished for their sins"
We have a winner! Did a little searching and you are correct! Thanks anon
You're very welcome!
@q has responded to this saying that it is interesting but not correct
I'm sure there's some significance to using cebuano, instead of English or any other language. Maybe the Filipino President will face justice?
u/lucrarnia, any ideas? I'm not current on politics over there?
I got money on this being a Future Proves Past com. Well done Mr. A!
As much as I think the Filipino President is a commie that needs to go down, this code is still a mystery. There was another thread explaining how if you remove every 'p' and substitute it with a 'w' (p=23, w is the 23rd letter), it translates well in Quechua, and somehow translates to taking down the Vatican and Bill Clinton. Since my non-existent Quechua skill is about as good as my Cebuano, I'm gonna pass on this one. Either way it means something to someone, and I'm still on board with the plan.
P=23= no outside comms
Where did you come up with that?
Sorry not seeing it in the correlation of link #2984 must be tired.
p=23 os íqna sirpán un ʁará jáq'an kes mut'úˤh χírtːut parčáħ wárχˤbos
What's an upside down capital r? My figures go awry there.
I think it is a different alphabet and the "P=23" is the substitution. So, the first two letters "os" need to be adjusted for P=23, maybe 22(o) and 26(s). Post 2226? (I doubt it, think there is a message in there.)
It still tells me I’m 1,080,000 in line after creating an account 2 months ago.
It reminds me of the ciphers they used to run in papers in the Victorian era. They're mentioned in Sherlock Holme stories.
If you think Q comms are hard to crack, take a look at what the little people used to have to crack to read secret messages between the elite. Crazy stuff.
It looks like a cipher.
If you have the raw text and don't mind posting it I can later try to plug it into the decryption tools.
Thanks. Did a search by post number and such, and nothing came up. We need some kind of standard here. I do think this link works for all of us That is where I get the numbers. I imagine many of us are not on Truth Social yet, so that option is out, as primary anyway.
Chaotic times indeed. qagg is a great resource. QR was having fun with this and the Q of spades post. General consensus over there is these TS@q post decodes are a waste of time though. As in "no outside comms past present future" so unless Q hops back on and trips chek and we are told to watch TS@q then time is better spent on other digs. I have fun with these though!
I posted this above.
It was a punished image and the file mans said skewing like pain=23 or something to that effect
then his little pppppppppppppppppppppqppppppppppppppppppp
would be q surrounded by pain?