I wonder if Will Smith’s wife Jada Pinkett Smith got the jab and now she’s getting alopecia and that’s why he slapped the shit out of Chris Rock for joking about it.
Jada does not have auto-immune alopecia like this poor man has (as shown in the tweet above). And while she has milked this 'alopecia' claim for quite some time, a close observation of the many photos of her recently, show just the opposite.
She actually has plenty of uniform, non-patchy hair over her entire head, including brows, lashes, etc. In fact, in a photo taken the night of the Oscars where she is standing next to her husband in a profile view, you could see that she had as much hair as her husband did, except hers was shaved, and his was not.
She would not have all that follicular coverage if she had auto-immune alopecia as she asserts. So then....why is she claiming she does? Read further:
What she DOES HAVE is mild frontal recession. Since we see a horizontal thin scar going across the top of her head, we can infer it is from a previous brow lift. Now, one unfortunate result of a brow lift is that after the swelling is over you realize the surgeon pulled the hairline too far back in search of a wrinkle-free brow.
Additionally, the surgical undermining of the scalp and the high tension from pulling the scalp tight can cause one to suffer something called 'shock loss' which is a temporary loss in certain areas. She does not seem to have that.
But her hairline is a bit too far back. Now the tension from the brow lift may be also causing something called 'traction alopecia' which is the same as what you see when the ladies wear tight cornrow braids and then they get a receding hairline until they give the scalp a rest for a period of time.
So, I believe this is what Jada has - a retracting hairline from a too-tight brow lift, but not alopecia, not an auto-immune, she's not sick, she's not a victim, and the rest of her hair is just fine. She could have worn a custom wig, a beautiful African hair wrap, or just been OK with the lightweight G.I. Jane joke. But no.
She is a narcissist and a selfish person with hundreds of millions of dollars from Will's success. Of course she just couldn't allow her husband to bask in the attention and the glory of his Oscar nomination without ruining it with her selfishness.
I am surprised, at this point since the jab was first given, that these ignorant people are still taking it. This is the penalty for not being awake to all the events in your life.
I had some slight shedding about a month after a covid infection. Everything seems to be coming back. I think it has happened years before after a flu or sickness.
This dude looks like he's doing an audition for the Engineer from Prometheus.
All he needs is some green paint and he could try out for Shrek the real life movie.
I wonder if Will Smith’s wife Jada Pinkett Smith got the jab and now she’s getting alopecia and that’s why he slapped the shit out of Chris Rock for joking about it.
I don't think she did.
The bald spot where she says it started is likely a surgery scar, probably from a brow lift.
The hide the scar under the hairline.
The whole thing is one long commercial.
Jada does not have auto-immune alopecia like this poor man has (as shown in the tweet above). And while she has milked this 'alopecia' claim for quite some time, a close observation of the many photos of her recently, show just the opposite.
She actually has plenty of uniform, non-patchy hair over her entire head, including brows, lashes, etc. In fact, in a photo taken the night of the Oscars where she is standing next to her husband in a profile view, you could see that she had as much hair as her husband did, except hers was shaved, and his was not.
She would not have all that follicular coverage if she had auto-immune alopecia as she asserts. So then....why is she claiming she does? Read further:
What she DOES HAVE is mild frontal recession. Since we see a horizontal thin scar going across the top of her head, we can infer it is from a previous brow lift. Now, one unfortunate result of a brow lift is that after the swelling is over you realize the surgeon pulled the hairline too far back in search of a wrinkle-free brow.
Additionally, the surgical undermining of the scalp and the high tension from pulling the scalp tight can cause one to suffer something called 'shock loss' which is a temporary loss in certain areas. She does not seem to have that. But her hairline is a bit too far back. Now the tension from the brow lift may be also causing something called 'traction alopecia' which is the same as what you see when the ladies wear tight cornrow braids and then they get a receding hairline until they give the scalp a rest for a period of time.
So, I believe this is what Jada has - a retracting hairline from a too-tight brow lift, but not alopecia, not an auto-immune, she's not sick, she's not a victim, and the rest of her hair is just fine. She could have worn a custom wig, a beautiful African hair wrap, or just been OK with the lightweight G.I. Jane joke. But no.
She is a narcissist and a selfish person with hundreds of millions of dollars from Will's success. Of course she just couldn't allow her husband to bask in the attention and the glory of his Oscar nomination without ruining it with her selfishness.
Some of these women who used to weave in fake hair have receding hair line and hair loss over time.
No because Smith was laughing until he saw wife was pissed off.
Don't forget the brow lift surgery, facelift surgery, over-processed ethnic hair treatment, etc., etc.
I am surprised, at this point since the jab was first given, that these ignorant people are still taking it. This is the penalty for not being awake to all the events in your life.
I believe my daughter has Alopecia caused by the HPV vaccine. Remember how hard they pushed that a few years back?
I regret giving in to it. I didn't let my family take any Covid jabs after that.
It took a long time for Alopecia to develop so you don't immediately associate it with the vaccine.
That's how they get you.
Poor dude instantly became 30 years older.
Photo 2 is a young uncle fester
I had some slight shedding about a month after a covid infection. Everything seems to be coming back. I think it has happened years before after a flu or sickness.
we can say that his head was a "shining example" of the dangers of the clotshot!!