Strangest thing…me thinks it’s Deep State Shenanigans…have some “QANON” conspiracy theorist claim the world is ending then when it doesn’t happen the normies will automatically discredit ANYTHING “Q” related…I mean c’mon DS, there is no “QANON”….there is “Q” and “ANONS”…dingleberries!
That forces normies to google that word and consume the fake world of disinformation and propaganda about it, thousands of negative articles with zero positives. Lazy normies will simply conclude it must really be bad.
Just for fun I typed it into Yandex, the Russian google—second result was, the actual Q drops!
I did a whois lookup on, the website on the postcard, it says the website is linked to Protocol Labs, Inc.
This company is part of Y combinator, Silicon Valley's famous startup incubator. This is the rats nest of all these woke big tech execs that take their billions and reinvest in the next hyped startups. Many of the most recognizable tech brands were started at y combinator.
I noticed on this company's about page that they work with Wolfram Alpha. Wasn't this the company caught up in the 2016 election and accused of assisting Trump with Clinton data. I can't remember exactly, just remember the name.
Strangest thing…me thinks it’s Deep State Shenanigans…have some “QANON” conspiracy theorist claim the world is ending then when it doesn’t happen the normies will automatically discredit ANYTHING “Q” related…I mean c’mon DS, there is no “QANON”….there is “Q” and “ANONS”…dingleberries!
Return to sender marked "ok groomer".
And tape a fender washer to it.
Send it to Disney
100% Deep State tactic. They are trying to go grassroots/guerilla with this "QANON" nonsense. Nothing on this postcard makes any sense.
Totally a glowie move. Easy. Basic. A fucking postcard?! LOL.
Someone should get fired for this one. That's just silly.
I had to read the sideways mish-mash twice to figure out who "they" is in the second sentence LOL
It reads the way Biden talks: like a ten-year-old describing a dream he had
This will have the effect of going outside and screaming at the sky
They HAVE to call it "Qanon"
That forces normies to google that word and consume the fake world of disinformation and propaganda about it, thousands of negative articles with zero positives. Lazy normies will simply conclude it must really be bad.
Just for fun I typed it into Yandex, the Russian google—second result was, the actual Q drops!
I did a whois lookup on, the website on the postcard, it says the website is linked to Protocol Labs, Inc.
This company is part of Y combinator, Silicon Valley's famous startup incubator. This is the rats nest of all these woke big tech execs that take their billions and reinvest in the next hyped startups. Many of the most recognizable tech brands were started at y combinator.
I noticed on this company's about page that they work with Wolfram Alpha. Wasn't this the company caught up in the 2016 election and accused of assisting Trump with Clinton data. I can't remember exactly, just remember the name.
Nice supplemental, thanks fren.
You are welcome, fren. Thanks for the support.
No, Wolfram Alpha was not that company. That was Cambridge Analytica.
Ah, thank you! Not sure how I confused the two. Thanks for clearing it up.
Doing the real work