Edit: Great website BTW, along with vigilantlinks.com. I initially ignored vigilantcitizen.com, but it does a pretty good job of not running off in wild directions.
I've also read that the eye of Horus is likened to the penial gland, it has a similar shape to the area. And from my understanding the penial gland is what connects us to God and gives us the want for free will, which is why they had depictions of poking(damaging) it with a long stick in Egyptian drawings(and why they did that with covid tests), I've also heard flouride kills the penial gland. I'm not sure the validity, but the things I've seen seem correlated.
Always with the One-Eye sign.
Symbolism will be their downfall.
Edit: Great website BTW, along with vigilantlinks.com. I initially ignored vigilantcitizen.com, but it does a pretty good job of not running off in wild directions.
I've also read that the eye of Horus is likened to the penial gland, it has a similar shape to the area. And from my understanding the penial gland is what connects us to God and gives us the want for free will, which is why they had depictions of poking(damaging) it with a long stick in Egyptian drawings(and why they did that with covid tests), I've also heard flouride kills the penial gland. I'm not sure the validity, but the things I've seen seem correlated.
Two six sided logos on the box... and a love with a white rabbit. Its all symbols....
Isn't it ironic for a Hollywood creep to be selling deodorant?
Gotta cover up what stinks.
Well the price seems about right, with 6's and 9's and all.
She must stank.
There is a white rabbit on it and she’s covering one eye 😡
No bunnies were harmed in the testing of this product. Children, on the other hand...
...are turned straight over to Hillary.
Beat me to it!
Symbolism will be their downfall. 🙏🏻🇺🇸
Product catchphrase: "Put my wife's deodorant under yo mothahfuckin armpits."
. . . Or I’ll slap you in the face!
Never trust a woman who keeps her maiden name on top of her married name
I think she means "subhuman"...her kind
Did Will slap you as well? You'd better put an icepack on that eye!
That bitch looks straight up evil.
Do I get a free blowjob from her if I buy some? You know, Will, from "your" wife? Hahahahahahah
"Hey Humans"...I suppose that's what's in the container. 😲
You could be on to something.
If that deodorant were named "Hello, Humans," by using it you'd gradually morph into Clif High.
That's why she's losing her hair – the brand name's not quite right so it's only a partial transformation.
The deodorant attracts the woo
Even more bizarre, listen to he band "Wicked Wisdom"
I refuse to listen to such evil but I will certainly look into it and look at the lyrics.
Not sure which is the worse crime: illuminati offenses or charging $7 for deodorant
Well, charging $6.66 was a little obvious -- even for them.
Could that be why prices are usually .99 ?
Well. I missed that
If you google "hello humans," you get this woman's stuff. I wonder if Clif High knows about this.
This is just creepy looking.
Just say NO