Wife's best friend has taken nearly a month off work and she's been sick on and off since she got jabbed.
My buddies parents are both sick as fuck for like the 4th time in two months, both jabbed.
Wife's mother, former boss, his wife, his kids all sick as hell constantly over the last month.
And now there is a mysterious virus going around with symptoms that are very unusual including:
Blurred vision
Ringing in ears on and off
Throat pain
All those "theories" and predictions about people getting sicker and sicker are starting to come to fruition.
I’ve had a nasty cough all week…taking all my vitamins…I don’t wanna go to the doctor anymore
Use Zelenko's protocol. Quercetin, D3, and zinc.
Try the Wim Hof Method.
Thanks friend 🙏🏻
One thing thing I would like in my area NE of Houston:
Whenever a criminal is arrested for shoplifting, Auto or House break in, robbery or other crimes... They should be immediately given the Covid "vaccine" right after being booked .
That way, when they are released the next day and get re-arrested for something else a day later... They can get another "vax" shot. Rinse and repeat up to 20 times in one month for some of these boneheads.
Eventually, they will lose the "vax" lottery. Probably by their 10 th arrest, they will be stetile, have tumors and heart problems.
Essentially you'd like to institute the death penalty for property crimes that are currently not capital offenses? Not to mention that the person would never get to see a jury to be at least found guilty first? That's a horrible and wretched idea.
Not that I agree with the “wretched idea”, but is it any less wretched that gov’ts around the world have essentially “institute(d) the death penalty” against innocent citizens (including children) for no crimes at all?
Could it be in part due to EMFs?
Physical Symptoms Of EMF Damage:
This is almost identical to what my jabbed friends keep complaining about.
A lot of those are also jab reactions.
Orrrr... just a spike protein that is coagulating the blood and densely concentrating in vital organs, while shutting down your body's natural immune response and ability to fight off cancerous cells.
EMF is not needed for all of the above.
If EMF/5G can* make matters worse on top of the vaxx, sheep people are fukt.
Scientists have found that the Graphene Oxide stores and amplifies 5G and other radiation. People are getting radiation poisoning and its causing oxidation damage to their cells. They need to take the Zalenko protocol, and it works because everything in the forumla are antioxidants.
Very interesting. Is it possible this then accounts for how some geographical areas seem to be hit harder than others with jab reaction? There are still a lot of areas where 5G hasn’t rolled out. We don’t have it where I live yet and I haven’t heard of anybody having jab reaction around here.
MA just north of Boston. I totally agree. It's batches. But I am positive the people I listed in the post are cause of jab.
So far I have confirmed:
My father had a triple bypass 3 weeks after second dose. Had a heart attack due to blood clots that the docs had no clue how they got there or developed so fast because he has regular check ups.
Close friends wife lost their third child in second trimester a month after third dose. She is very lefty.
Wifes best friends fiance, myocarditis.
Dads best friend, a man I consider an uncle, same exact problem as my father. Same time frame (They got jabbed together with their wives)
Wifes best friend is deteriorating since she took second dose (coerced).
Perpetually sick friends of mine all jabbed that were never like this before. Known them since I 6 years of age.
Others, completely fine it would appear.
Hey wait a minute. I had all those symptoms last weekend after a major bender, too much tokillya. Maybe I wasn't drunk and it was from the clotshot my neighbor had, and I'm having psychosomatic reactions to his shot.
My office is 90% jabbed. So many seem to have aged 10 years since early 2021. They are all sick constantly, and tru to hide/ excuse it away.
The lethargy is kind of a leading indicator. Both vax-induced and classic covid do that. If they are open to help, you can give them the nebulizer info.
It's cheap, effective, doctor-recommended, non-prescription, and still hasn't been subject to a gaslighting campaign, so it's still a liberal-friendly treatment. Links below:
2nd reference. https://deeprootsathome.com/dr-mercola-nebulized-peroxide-the-single-most-effective-early-strategy/
Of course it's only if they want help, but lots of people have found it effective.
My vaxed in laws all seem fine, but we still get sick every time we see them. Even with all the vitamins. I'm so sick of it yet hubby doesn't see it/believe it is from them so
About 1/3 of the vax people I know got really sick after. Lots of them are totally fine.
So far, how long has it been, and how many of these shots have they taken?
Over a year ago and most took the original two and no boosters.
Agree, I believe this is why we see so many “boosters”. They have to sprinkle it in here and there to avoid waking the sheep