346 Sigh, time to update your uniforms frogs! Another medial has been bestowed upon us! (media.greatawakening.win) 🏡 Another WIN 🏘️ posted 2 years ago by catsfive 2 years ago by catsfive +346 / -0 31 comments download share 31 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I want 17 of these badges.
1 badge for every jab avoided.
Military style: stars on badge bronze for second jab avoided, silver for 3 or more..
Oh please tell me someone is making shirts and hats with this on them....!
I'm just gonna say "UPDOOT" to your comment as you are currently at 17 updoots and don't want to be the one to change it. :)
thanks a lot. So I came right behind you and did it!
Kek! Thanks, now I can updoot.
sorry for the -1 vote. I clicked on the up and then realized I changed it from 17 to 18. my bad. so I was just trying to fix my fu
That's a great badge. It would go well with the "Survivor of Authoritarian Bull Shit" award!
We were all at the Battle of Normiedy.
i want the meme wars, 420th battalion
I've earned several of these! GIMME!!
I want one!!
Love it!
Nice patch! Might I suggest veteran instead of survivor .....
I wanna make this a patch
I need this for my range bag
How many medals does that make now? 17?
Mmmk...who is going to drop a link to where we can purchase these?
Big MAGA Op.
This is beautiful
That would make an epic bumper sticker.
Except for the ones that didn't survive. I lost two friends.