Nowadays the ones perceived to have class are smooth talking liars imo. I would rather have the blunt truth over a gift wrapped lie any day of the week
You know what. The time for class in the political spectrum is over. The democrats and RINOs have taken everything in the last few decades. All of them "spoke the right way" and we're perceived by the public to have "class and decorum". And it was all LIES. The best smooth talking outwardly "classy" being is the devil. Just keep that in mind. At this point in time we need somebody with some damn balls to stand up and say "FAFO". That's what trump did. The oval office wasn't meant to be held by people of "higher education and class that speak the right words", but rather held by someone of the people, by the people. Average Joe's like you and me who love this country and understand what needs to be done. If you draw the line in politics at that, then maybe this isn't for you fren. We're all shit talkers here. Deal with it
And don't forget honor and honesty. You know, one of the first red pills I swallowed was the true blue Mormons who wouldn't say sh't if they had a mouthful of it, but had absolutely no problem with cheating their neighbor. There are so many Dorian Grey's, and compared to their vile, hidden evil, some colorful adjectives are just necessary description. Btw, he didn't swear in that statement. Vulgar? Yes. But no swearing.
Thank you. It did not sound at all like him, but he is so far ahead of me, I thought "It's a comm and someone who knows and understands will explain." This is why the shitpost sign is a good thing.
Politics needs to be over. Politics is not government administration.
Politics is the battle over power for resources. It's played out in every corporation Including this one. WE DONT NEED IT IN GOVERNMENT. we need service.
So the formalities of politics or its decorum do not interest me in the least.
You do know this isn't even a real tweet right? You're all butthurt over something not real. Also, it's time to buck up buttercup. Give a shit if my president swears a little bit. It's the actions that matter. But to each their own opinion. Stay frosty dude
I will take an honest man that curses over all the other worthless pieces of crap that curse, but only behind your back. You're kidding yourself if you think other Presidents didn't curse, and somehow had more class than one that says what he feels to your face.
I and many others on here don’t care about “presidential” was JFK “presidential” and classy to fuck Marilyn Monroe? No and I don’t care about that either. The greatest leaders in history were also very flawed. Caeser, Napoleon, Alexander the Great etc. they were strong though. And quite frankly even if Trump cleaned up his language the left would still hate him. And the people triggered by his language are emotional thinkers. The country is going into the shitter we need logic and strength right now. Most of our modern Presidents were smooth talking pieces of shit.
This is why others like Ron Paul ultimately failed. They were too nice. “Nice guy” conservatives/libertarians lose. In the end we need people willing to get into the mud with the Dems and willing to cast out the RINO serpents from our ranks.
These are different times. I’ve waited 50 yrs for someone to run America like a profitable business. The decorum you mention is nothing but lies and click words to placate people who appreciate class and decorum in politics while they screw the people, legal citizens.
LOL..... JFK's sexcapades private???? it was all over the news and television... everyone knew that he was a man of "action".... I still like what he stood for as a leader, so don't get me wrong.. but he was a drilling lots of test-wells.....
What is interesting is that the top posts that we can read on the Twitter comment are all pretty positive for Donald Trump. Maybe the algorithms have already changed. Normally when it's something to do with Trump the top 100 comments are all negative and vile against the man
If he actually tweets this out, he gets automatic legendary status. As if he doesn't have that already
Always has.
Updoot to you fren. And happy good Friday 😎
Thanks! And happy Good Friday to you too MAGA Mando.
Exactly! Never left.
Nowadays the ones perceived to have class are smooth talking liars imo. I would rather have the blunt truth over a gift wrapped lie any day of the week
You know what. The time for class in the political spectrum is over. The democrats and RINOs have taken everything in the last few decades. All of them "spoke the right way" and we're perceived by the public to have "class and decorum". And it was all LIES. The best smooth talking outwardly "classy" being is the devil. Just keep that in mind. At this point in time we need somebody with some damn balls to stand up and say "FAFO". That's what trump did. The oval office wasn't meant to be held by people of "higher education and class that speak the right words", but rather held by someone of the people, by the people. Average Joe's like you and me who love this country and understand what needs to be done. If you draw the line in politics at that, then maybe this isn't for you fren. We're all shit talkers here. Deal with it
And don't forget honor and honesty. You know, one of the first red pills I swallowed was the true blue Mormons who wouldn't say sh't if they had a mouthful of it, but had absolutely no problem with cheating their neighbor. There are so many Dorian Grey's, and compared to their vile, hidden evil, some colorful adjectives are just necessary description. Btw, he didn't swear in that statement. Vulgar? Yes. But no swearing.
And it wasn't even Trump. Just a wishful thinking type of post. So much butthurt over something not real 😂
Thank you. It did not sound at all like him, but he is so far ahead of me, I thought "It's a comm and someone who knows and understands will explain." This is why the shitpost sign is a good thing.
No truer words have been spoken.
Politics needs to be over. Politics is not government administration.
Politics is the battle over power for resources. It's played out in every corporation Including this one. WE DONT NEED IT IN GOVERNMENT. we need service.
So the formalities of politics or its decorum do not interest me in the least.
You do know this isn't even a real tweet right? You're all butthurt over something not real. Also, it's time to buck up buttercup. Give a shit if my president swears a little bit. It's the actions that matter. But to each their own opinion. Stay frosty dude
I prefer a man speak my language. If he can't, fuck him.
I do too, but that was a different world.
Today we need someone to stomp on the hornet's nest.
I will take an honest man that curses over all the other worthless pieces of crap that curse, but only behind your back. You're kidding yourself if you think other Presidents didn't curse, and somehow had more class than one that says what he feels to your face.
I and many others on here don’t care about “presidential” was JFK “presidential” and classy to fuck Marilyn Monroe? No and I don’t care about that either. The greatest leaders in history were also very flawed. Caeser, Napoleon, Alexander the Great etc. they were strong though. And quite frankly even if Trump cleaned up his language the left would still hate him. And the people triggered by his language are emotional thinkers. The country is going into the shitter we need logic and strength right now. Most of our modern Presidents were smooth talking pieces of shit.
This is why others like Ron Paul ultimately failed. They were too nice. “Nice guy” conservatives/libertarians lose. In the end we need people willing to get into the mud with the Dems and willing to cast out the RINO serpents from our ranks.
These are different times. I’ve waited 50 yrs for someone to run America like a profitable business. The decorum you mention is nothing but lies and click words to placate people who appreciate class and decorum in politics while they screw the people, legal citizens.
You just said “bullshit” in a rant about swearing being tacky. Smh
Niether is Joe Biden.
"foul-mouthed heathen"? So no believer would use those words? F*ck yeah, they would.
Give me plain English and street talk for all I care as long as it's truth.
Had enough lies coated in bitter sugar.
wasn't JFK banging Marylin Monroe and many others??? that kind of classy??
LOL..... JFK's sexcapades private???? it was all over the news and television... everyone knew that he was a man of "action".... I still like what he stood for as a leader, so don't get me wrong.. but he was a drilling lots of test-wells.....
Baahaaahaaaa! Damn! I love it!
The only people who get triggered by his language are the fence sitting boomer types.
What a way to put a smile on my face! This makes Good Friday a Great Friday.
Come On With It Already!!!
He's not Jesus, dipshits.
What is interesting is that the top posts that we can read on the Twitter comment are all pretty positive for Donald Trump. Maybe the algorithms have already changed. Normally when it's something to do with Trump the top 100 comments are all negative and vile against the man
He can lose the swearing. A lot of us don’t want it, need it, or abide by it. Our nation is in deep peril. We need action, not profanity!