It is a constant flow through the Rio Grande Valley and they are being shipped everywhere in the country where there is a lack of "diversity". They are coming in from hundreds of countries, not just Mexico and Central America.
It has to reach a critical breaking point. Unfortunately, most people only give a shit when it personally effects them and modern Americans are not known for their foresight. I love America but the truth is we have become a lazy, complacent people.
It’s human nature to want to be left alone. Some, like me, are very territorial. If I had alien invaders running across my property it’d be in my nature to do everything to thwart them. Not saying I’d kill anyone unless I had to, but I could come up with some interesting deterrents. Think Halloween + Santaria + MIL tactics.
Most sane people want to be left alone. Only leftist freaks need constant attention. So until the harassment of the invasion comes to your door, nothing will be done.Yes, that is a black-pilled outlook but that is my frustration speaking. I have been constantly harassed for several years. I am ready for action now. It will have to become unbearable for most to spark real action.
I’m from a border state, and although the illegals get away with EVERYTHING, any local citizen shooting a … what you call “prairie dog” … will be prosecuted to the fullest [liberal] extent of the law. Governors like Texas’s Greg Abbott are TRYING everything that’s “legal.” They're up against the cabal, remember — deeply imbedded bottom to top.
Me thinks Twitter will be sued by stockholders because they came up with a poison pill to prevent Musk from taking over the company. They will devalue their stock if he buys more. How can that be in the best interest of the stockholder? Class action! The board has a fiduciary duty to run the company in the best interest of the stockholders, not the employees. Sue the hell out of them!
The board Government has a fiduciary duty to run the company Country in the best interest of the stockholders citizens, not the employees third party. Sue the hell out of them!
if only the country was run like a business, we could be great.
Why draft legislation to regulate a company that you are also legislating out of business?
That's like limiting how much drugs a person can have and on the same day banning drugs. It defies logical thought.
I've been a member of a number of class action lawsuits and it seems typically the only people who get anything good are the lawyers. What I've gotten so far:
$5 a month off my Sprint bill for 12 months or something (I was no longer a Sprint customer at that point)
a $15 food credit at Six Flags (I no longer have a season pass there)
some sum so trivial for a price fixing thing on memory I don't even remember
$250 something from some foreign currency charge/conversion on a credit card for a couple years in which I spent 50 days in Europe for work. This was the exception because it was a credit card they obviously knew the exact amount you qualified for and it was an easily proven monetary loss
That’s what I’ve long believed was possible! Class action suit with very smart, savvy attorneys (Sidney Powell et al.) representing the United States Citizens vs (A list of individuals a MILE long). God Speed! Who will step up? This is not only to save our country; it’s for the history books! 🙏🇺🇸
I’d like to sue for letting our country be invade by thousands of illegals
Millions of illegals…
8 digits of illegals.
It is a constant flow through the Rio Grande Valley and they are being shipped everywhere in the country where there is a lack of "diversity". They are coming in from hundreds of countries, not just Mexico and Central America.
At what point do the locals take matters into their own hands and start treating them like prairie dogs? Surprised it hasn’t happened yet.
It has to reach a critical breaking point. Unfortunately, most people only give a shit when it personally effects them and modern Americans are not known for their foresight. I love America but the truth is we have become a lazy, complacent people.
It’s human nature to want to be left alone. Some, like me, are very territorial. If I had alien invaders running across my property it’d be in my nature to do everything to thwart them. Not saying I’d kill anyone unless I had to, but I could come up with some interesting deterrents. Think Halloween + Santaria + MIL tactics.
Most sane people want to be left alone. Only leftist freaks need constant attention. So until the harassment of the invasion comes to your door, nothing will be done.Yes, that is a black-pilled outlook but that is my frustration speaking. I have been constantly harassed for several years. I am ready for action now. It will have to become unbearable for most to spark real action.
I’m from a border state, and although the illegals get away with EVERYTHING, any local citizen shooting a … what you call “prairie dog” … will be prosecuted to the fullest [liberal] extent of the law. Governors like Texas’s Greg Abbott are TRYING everything that’s “legal.” They're up against the cabal, remember — deeply imbedded bottom to top.
Soros AG's: no standing
Me thinks Twitter will be sued by stockholders because they came up with a poison pill to prevent Musk from taking over the company. They will devalue their stock if he buys more. How can that be in the best interest of the stockholder? Class action! The board has a fiduciary duty to run the company in the best interest of the stockholders, not the employees. Sue the hell out of them!
boardGovernment has a fiduciary duty to run thecompanyCountry in the best interest of thestockholderscitizens, not theemployeesthird party. Sue the hell out of them!if only the country was run like a business, we could be great.
It kind of is, they both ignore the same laws and benefit the same small group of people.
How does one file a global class action suit? Asking for a friend.
A 100 million single lawsuits would be more effective than one global lawsuit.
Talk to lin wood.
If it's just for petty revenge, fuck a class action, binding arbitration for each and every one affected
I'd like to sue on behalf of all the youth of our nation who died on the battlefield so the globalists could turn their 30 pieces of silver.
Put me down for 4 reddit accounts 4 separate filings lol
Why not regulation AND kill?
Why draft legislation to regulate a company that you are also legislating out of business? That's like limiting how much drugs a person can have and on the same day banning drugs. It defies logical thought.
Would make a good movie title
A new drug that would not be subject to either the ban or the regulation? Sure what if...
Wow, that's a delta too right there. April 9th was the same day Elon announced his Twitter position.
Yes. I demand the $1.59 I would get for being shadowbanned.
Maybe you missed the point? The process is the punishment, not the judgement or award.
Only place I ever got banned was here.
Sounds like we might hear from that site DJT set up, asking patriots to tell their Twitter censorship stories...
Only got banned once and had to agree that I broke their rules of speech. Lmao. Wtf?
There's so much more they could be tried for...
I've been a member of a number of class action lawsuits and it seems typically the only people who get anything good are the lawyers. What I've gotten so far:
Also sue the demons for forcing people to violation of our right to bodily autonomy.
Make sure to get yourself banned before you sue
Clowar/Piven Strategy.
My guess is that this would be about the covid jab, but obviously I could be wrong.
That’s what I’ve long believed was possible! Class action suit with very smart, savvy attorneys (Sidney Powell et al.) representing the United States Citizens vs (A list of individuals a MILE long). God Speed! Who will step up? This is not only to save our country; it’s for the history books! 🙏🇺🇸
My Body Is Ready.
Already did, living in a mansion next to Obama's in Hawaii.
Will the same go for the one's who called out the likes of LeBron James and Colin kaepernick tona fist fight??? .... asking for a friend!
How about some of the Ripple lawyers?