Once they establish the whole requirement for a digital ID for everything, it will then become straightforward to make life simpler for everyone by having their ID chip embedded under their skin.
Mark of the Beast-I think Jesus will be back fairly soon, best get things right with God if not already folks. Trust me, being on the wrong side then, won’t be pretty or fun!!
Exactly. Get the idea of digital ID on the phone into the mainstream for about a year, then articles will be put out saying "Gosh, isn't it so annoying to have to get your phone out every time you want to do something? A chip would be so much easier!" Also would not be remotely surprised if using the digital ID with the phone is somehow "problematic" because it excludes the Poor who can't afford phones.
Yep. One step is already here for concert tickets. We rarely go to concerts but there’s one my wife wanted to maybe see. They require a phone app to buy and then present the tickets. No other method.
Digital ID will be sold as a good thing by the seemingly good guys, too.
Voter ID requirement? Digital ID. Need to authenticate human accounts for social media? Digital ID. Etc...
Can you see where this is going?
Start your car? Digital id.
Buy a loaf of bread? Digital id.
Breathe air, drink water? Digital ID
Fortunately my rifle does not require a digital ID to operate.
Not yet lol. They'll try to find way.
She may not require a digital ID, but she definitely requires digital banking access in the form of a credit card. KEK!
But they will come and take it away on some digital ID pretext.
were talking about the french bro, lol
Once they establish the whole requirement for a digital ID for everything, it will then become straightforward to make life simpler for everyone by having their ID chip embedded under their skin.
Mark of the Beast-I think Jesus will be back fairly soon, best get things right with God if not already folks. Trust me, being on the wrong side then, won’t be pretty or fun!!
You got that right.
Exactly. Get the idea of digital ID on the phone into the mainstream for about a year, then articles will be put out saying "Gosh, isn't it so annoying to have to get your phone out every time you want to do something? A chip would be so much easier!" Also would not be remotely surprised if using the digital ID with the phone is somehow "problematic" because it excludes the Poor who can't afford phones.
Yep. One step is already here for concert tickets. We rarely go to concerts but there’s one my wife wanted to maybe see. They require a phone app to buy and then present the tickets. No other method.
She said fuck that.
Good woman!
Yes, because you rarely leave your arms at home when you go shopping or banking, or breathing or anything else. Oh, voting.
Made by your truly, Mr Musk.
In this case, landing in Hell. I would prefer the Moon, but no, not for us. The serfs land in hell.
But voter ID is racist
The Mark of the Beast