Sorry, but I say we just cut the head off this critter and burn the carcass, be done with it!
I'll provide the marshmallows, AND the razor sharp hatchet which has been used to de-head at least 15/9ft-10ft gators at 300-350 pounds (Florida gators are little on the skinny side)
If fighting to be free from tierney, communism, oppression, whipes out our species then that's where we were headed anyway. I would much rather die fighting against it than capitulating to it.
If the species is annihilated, our souls are still intact. Think of the human body as a nice new shiny car that you have to take care of until old age, assuming you make it that far. Your body is a temple, according to the bible. Why a temple? What's inside of the temple? That's where God resides - in your soul. You can crash the car, blow up the temple, but your soul and God will never die.
Some day, and it could be in 7 years or it could be in 7 billion years, an extinction-level event will occur on this planet. It's statistically guaranteed. Eventually, our species will be annihilated, either by our own hand or by God's. Don't fret about that. Just be the best YOU that you can be, continue to fight the good fight, continue to shine your good light. There's a 100 percent chance of death at the end of our journey so let's make it a great journey.
Our sun is also estimated reach the end of it's life in about 5 billion years. In the process it will expand and engulf the inner planets before completely running out of fuel and collapsing (but probably not into a black hole). So not quite within 7 billion years unless we have colonized other solar systems like you mentioned. I'm being pedantic though lol
Sorry, but I say we just cut the head off this critter and burn the carcass, be done with it!
I'll provide the marshmallows, AND the razor sharp hatchet which has been used to de-head at least 15/9ft-10ft gators at 300-350 pounds (Florida gators are little on the skinny side)
If fighting to be free from tierney, communism, oppression, whipes out our species then that's where we were headed anyway. I would much rather die fighting against it than capitulating to it.
If the species is annihilated, our souls are still intact. Think of the human body as a nice new shiny car that you have to take care of until old age, assuming you make it that far. Your body is a temple, according to the bible. Why a temple? What's inside of the temple? That's where God resides - in your soul. You can crash the car, blow up the temple, but your soul and God will never die.
Some day, and it could be in 7 years or it could be in 7 billion years, an extinction-level event will occur on this planet. It's statistically guaranteed. Eventually, our species will be annihilated, either by our own hand or by God's. Don't fret about that. Just be the best YOU that you can be, continue to fight the good fight, continue to shine your good light. There's a 100 percent chance of death at the end of our journey so let's make it a great journey.
Nice and poetic!
Well said!!
We would migrate from this planet long before then...there are millions of them
Our sun is also estimated reach the end of it's life in about 5 billion years. In the process it will expand and engulf the inner planets before completely running out of fuel and collapsing (but probably not into a black hole). So not quite within 7 billion years unless we have colonized other solar systems like you mentioned. I'm being pedantic though lol
I really don't mind scorched earth at this point.
Curtis Lemay once said of nuclear holocaust: "if there are two of us left and only one of them, we still win."