People such as myself who live outside the USA often wrongly imagine that "America" is one place all the same. I worked in New York City for a while and was astounded at the general day to day rudeness from its inhabitants. I just assumed that all Americans were assholes.
Years later I had reason to make an extended visit to Tempe, AZ, What a difference! I could not believe how polite everyone was to me.
I now fully understand the reason for that. And I like it.
NYC is definitely NOT the city of brotherly love by anyone's standards. I'm glad you had the opportunity to explore other parts of america.
I lived the life of a Gypsy growing up, born under a wandering star, never in one house more than two years, (Father was a salesman) it was a blessing to be exposed to so many different cultures. The micro cultures are quite profound just on the other side of the track, town, county's, state, region country.
Even after I struck out on my own I still had that itchy foot, worked the oil patch all up an down the Gulf Coast
Then I jumped in a big truck and ran them roads until the wheels fell off. Coast to Coast, Canada to Old Mexico, and everything in between.
Rubbed shoulders, sweat and bled with people I would trust my life to, and often did.
And I've known some real human garbage I wouldn't trust with my neighbors dog, (and I don't even like that animal).
A wise old lady once told me, where ever Gods people are, the devil has set up shop, and the only time you'll ever be free of temptation and evil, is if you're lucky enough to be call home to the house of our Father.
I spent about 3 month in "the rotten apple" NYC, that place smells of fear, I thought it was crazy, no one made eye contact and avoided interaction unless someone in the vicinity was dangerously crazy, then everyone was trying to find assurances and alliances in case s#!t went down. (Often my Southern Charm was mistaken for crazy dangerous s#!t)
Everybody's a player, and most play the game well, unfortunately the only winners are the ones that don't play at all. And that explains the safety of isolation in the crowd, all alone in a sea of people.
Well I'm rambling on, I'll part with these words,
Fear is a emotion so strong, it can compelle you to think with your fists, find reasoning in your rage, seek to destroy what which you don't understand, and carry contempt for Gods creation.
The ability to feel secure in self, wether it be awareness or security allows you to elevate above the primal state of the reptilian brain.
Nothing good ever comes from allowing fear to be your master.
Mid Tenn here. Lots of folks got em. Being conceled one never knows exactly who or how many who’s. But most my peeps went ahead and took the class/got their permit anyway.
Where I live absolutely everyone has a rifle, a shotgun and multiple pistols. Local flea market vendors told me they are selling over 5k dollars of ammo each every day. MREs stocked. We all want peace. But willing to protect if necessary.
Heh, and yet Nashville is supposedly "blue". Just another bit of circumstantial evidence to prove that blue cities aren't really blue. On a different note, the more guns in the hands of legal citizens, the better.
See, I don't believe that. I'm sure it's true to SOME extent, but nowhere near what people let on. This is a weird bit of hypocrisy I see more than we should with people on this board, and on our side in general. It's been proven time and again that 90-95% of people moving from a blue to red state are conservative and moving for freedom and like company.
We can't keep claiming every major city is "blue" because of transplants from NY, NJ, CA, IL, MI, WA, OR, etc. Especially when the evidence is so overwhelming that all of these states are actually red. Remember there's overwhelming evidence that Trump won NY, CA, WA, OR, and MI in 2020. Not really been many people look into NJ or IL in regards to 2020, but I'm sure if we did we'd find a ton of evidence Trump won them as well.
This is like trying to have our cake and eat it too. "THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN!" but also "CALIFORNIANS AND NEW YORKERS ARE MOVING HERE AND TURNING THE STATE BLUE!" Both can't be true.
Besides, people GREATLY overestimate the number of blue state refugees that move to red states. I don't have the numbers off the top of my head for Tennessee, but I DO have the numbers for Texas, so I'll use that instead. Over the last 10 years there's been a grand total of 687K Californians who moved to Texas over the last 10 years. That's out of a population increase of 3.8 Million for the record. So a little over 18% of Texas' population increase came from California. And as I said, every actual statistic that isn't from VICE or Buzzfeed points to these people being overwhelmingly conservative.
Want to know the number one reason people move to Texas? Freedom, specifically the freedom to hunt, fish, hike, and experience the outdoors. Most of which are activities traditionally associated with conservatives (especially hunting since it involves guns).
Heck, even on here it's not uncommon to see at least 5-10 people talking about moving from some "blue" crap hole to a red state several times a week. And everything I've said thus far applies to EVERY major city, not even just the southern ones.
Another weird concept people not to stop assuming, is that EVERYONE on our side want's to live in the middle of nowhere in a rural county. Yeah, a lot of us do, but it's simply not true that all of us do. A very large percentage of people on our side (possibly even the majority) DO enjoy city life and all the conveniences it presents. Probably an even larger percentage enjoy living in Suburbia where they can enjoy the city amenities while having moderate peace and quiet. Remember, the suburbs are growing like never before in red states. In places like Miami and Houston, the surrounding suburbs are actually outpacing the core city in terms of population growth.
What a lot of people don't catch when look at state populations, is that even in California and New York, NYC, Buffalo, LA, San Fran, etc. ARE STILL GROWING in population. It's the rest of that state(s), where all of the traditionally red voters are, that's shrinking and resulting in net population decreases.
So seriously, we need to stop with this weird hypocritical nonsense where we want to claim every election for the last 60 years has been stolen in some fashion, but also claim states and cities are legitimately turning blue because of freedom seeking transplants who are overwhelmingly on our side.
Ok, first of all, I never even argued the pricing out part. That's pretty true across board and a problem that needs a solution. So not sure where you get that I'm arguing with that.
However the rest of what I said IS true. If you get butthurt over reality, then that's your problem. I can't force you to see reason and logic if you're dead set on having a victim mentality because you want to have your cake and eat it too when it comes to interstate immigration and politics.
The 90-95% stat is true, as is essentially every other fact I laid out. If you want to live in denial and project a constant defeatist mentality then be my guest. All you're doing is showing your hypocrisy when more and more evidence is shown every day that there are no where near as many liberals as there are conservatives. Just like how it was proven that 79% of all votes in Atlanta/Fulton County were fake/illegal. Let that sink in, 79% of all votes cast in the largest county/city in Georgia are either fake or illegal.
But of course according to you most of those votes were probably legitimate because Atlanta's actually blue and everyone who's moved there in the last decade is a raging liberal with absolutely no conservatives daring to set foot in Fulton county.
Ever consider that it's actually the liberal policies of politicians that cheated their way into office that's causing things to get worse? Not like we aren't experiencing that on a national scale currently with the resident. You get a handful of people into an office with power over a specific area and they can run the entire area into the ground regardless of what kind of people actually live there.
And when they cheat to get in, just like the resident, then that's not on the people who live there or have moved there.
I don't live in Nashville if you must know, but I don't need to live there to apply the same logic that applies to every major city in the country. I'm not saying there are NO liberals moving to large cities or that have lived there for decades. That's a wishfully ignorant thought. Even when everything is said and done, going by Q's 4-6% lost forever stat, there's going to be 13.6-20.4 Million brainwashed lefties in the USA.
The point I'M trying to make, is it's not the people MOVING to states and cities that are causing cities to become "liberal" crap holes. It's the mass cheating that's causing that. Nashville has I believe just under 700K people, so assuming for most of the last two decades around 20% of that have actually been brainwashed liberals, that's 140K people. Going with the 6% stat from the Q post, that's 42K people when all is said and done. (I know this may or may not be true since it's not like it's be an even 4-6% across the board, but this is just for argument's sake).
Now consider that most conservatives actually work and have lives. We're not like liberals where a large portion of them are unemployed, debt ridden, and have nothing but time to protest, loiter, be interviewed, be loud, and generally make asses of themselves in public.
They have the advantage of being lazy and not actually having any responsibility, which when combined with entirely lopsided media coverage (remember, the media will take pictures of Trump rallies 5+ hours before they start when there's like a few hundred people there and claim that's all that showed up while ignoring the actual massive crowds he gathers) give off the illusion of there being some cockroach nest of liberals in every major city that are just swarming about like the bugs they are.
People on OUR side on the other hand, have families, jobs, responsibilities. We work, and when we get home we're tired and want to rest or spend time with our family. We have an INFINITELY smaller media footprint, because we don't have the "luxury" of being unemployed Neanderthals who's entire lifestyle is funded by george soros.
So it's not that hard to take 42K-140K people in a moderately large city like Nashville, and make it SEEM like they're the majority of people in the area when there's so little competition for peoples attention. And the ease at which you can create and perpetuate this illusion scales with population size. So it's even easier in Jacksonville, Atlanta, Austin, Phoenix, etc. And LA/NYC/Chicago are essentially a paradise for this type of brainwashing/narrative coercion.
Wow how different things are for you. Anyone tried that here would be instantly zapped by the cops. A few years ago there was a guy walking to fix his mum's coffee table and he had some bits of wood in a plastic grocery bag. Cops decided for some reason it must be a gun in the bag so just gunned him down right in the street.
Son, one day you'll come to understand everywhere on this planet has its upsides and downsides to live. You are lucky to have the fantastic upside of constitutional carry. In fact for that matter you are lucky to have a Constitution - I don't.
Doesn't mean you may overlook your downsides, of which (based on my visits to the rest of the USA) in Nash Ville I am sure there are many.
Mhm. Some of carry across the US and ignore unconstitutional restrictions since we were old enough to travel alone. Constitutional Law preempts state law via supremacy clause; i.e. any law that is contrary to the Constitution shall be considered null and void (paraphrasing).
When 99.99% of people are law abiding, if everyone carried it would be a real help to the men in blue. Police can't be everywhere all the time. Carrying a firearm is a way to make people aware of the responsibility they have to only use it properly. Responsibility is something the left has wanted to destroy for years. It's a sign of civility, maturity and being serious and aware. The left can only acquire and keep power if we are dumbed down, stupid and distracted.
An armed society has always been a polite society.
Here in central Bama open carry legal, concealed without permit on it's way.
Lot's of "Yes Sir, Yes Ma'am, No Sir, No Ma'am going on.
Respect begins with self, and than resonates out to other.
It's a shame they no longer teach that in kindergarten..
People such as myself who live outside the USA often wrongly imagine that "America" is one place all the same. I worked in New York City for a while and was astounded at the general day to day rudeness from its inhabitants. I just assumed that all Americans were assholes.
Years later I had reason to make an extended visit to Tempe, AZ, What a difference! I could not believe how polite everyone was to me.
I now fully understand the reason for that. And I like it.
NYC is definitely NOT the city of brotherly love by anyone's standards. I'm glad you had the opportunity to explore other parts of america.
I lived the life of a Gypsy growing up, born under a wandering star, never in one house more than two years, (Father was a salesman) it was a blessing to be exposed to so many different cultures. The micro cultures are quite profound just on the other side of the track, town, county's, state, region country.
Even after I struck out on my own I still had that itchy foot, worked the oil patch all up an down the Gulf Coast Then I jumped in a big truck and ran them roads until the wheels fell off. Coast to Coast, Canada to Old Mexico, and everything in between.
Rubbed shoulders, sweat and bled with people I would trust my life to, and often did. And I've known some real human garbage I wouldn't trust with my neighbors dog, (and I don't even like that animal).
A wise old lady once told me, where ever Gods people are, the devil has set up shop, and the only time you'll ever be free of temptation and evil, is if you're lucky enough to be call home to the house of our Father.
I spent about 3 month in "the rotten apple" NYC, that place smells of fear, I thought it was crazy, no one made eye contact and avoided interaction unless someone in the vicinity was dangerously crazy, then everyone was trying to find assurances and alliances in case s#!t went down. (Often my Southern Charm was mistaken for crazy dangerous s#!t)
Everybody's a player, and most play the game well, unfortunately the only winners are the ones that don't play at all. And that explains the safety of isolation in the crowd, all alone in a sea of people.
Well I'm rambling on, I'll part with these words, Fear is a emotion so strong, it can compelle you to think with your fists, find reasoning in your rage, seek to destroy what which you don't understand, and carry contempt for Gods creation. The ability to feel secure in self, wether it be awareness or security allows you to elevate above the primal state of the reptilian brain. Nothing good ever comes from allowing fear to be your master.
Ps. What part of the world do you call home?
It is the city of brotherly love though. Because gay
Just wasn't the kind of brotherly love I was referring to fren.
But in that context you may be right, I'll just have to take your word on it.
I am aware, just like to make gay jokes wherever I can fit them in, because gay.
Well hell, that's just gay. LOL I'll try to make it a point to write you an opening from time to time.:-)
Get a room, you two.
Please do my friend i got gay jokes for days
Yes! More guns is the answer, not less.
Constitutional concealed carry is already in the whole state of alabama FYI
Not to be legally recognize by statue until 01/01/23.
If you're arguing the previous law was unconstitutional I agree.
What Ivey just signed goes in effect 01/23.
I don't know about "everybody" but most of the folks I know in Knoxville are doing the same.
DeSantis pushing in Florida too,
Mid Tenn here. Lots of folks got em. Being conceled one never knows exactly who or how many who’s. But most my peeps went ahead and took the class/got their permit anyway.
Where I live absolutely everyone has a rifle, a shotgun and multiple pistols. Local flea market vendors told me they are selling over 5k dollars of ammo each every day. MREs stocked. We all want peace. But willing to protect if necessary.
Heh, and yet Nashville is supposedly "blue". Just another bit of circumstantial evidence to prove that blue cities aren't really blue. On a different note, the more guns in the hands of legal citizens, the better.
See, I don't believe that. I'm sure it's true to SOME extent, but nowhere near what people let on. This is a weird bit of hypocrisy I see more than we should with people on this board, and on our side in general. It's been proven time and again that 90-95% of people moving from a blue to red state are conservative and moving for freedom and like company.
We can't keep claiming every major city is "blue" because of transplants from NY, NJ, CA, IL, MI, WA, OR, etc. Especially when the evidence is so overwhelming that all of these states are actually red. Remember there's overwhelming evidence that Trump won NY, CA, WA, OR, and MI in 2020. Not really been many people look into NJ or IL in regards to 2020, but I'm sure if we did we'd find a ton of evidence Trump won them as well.
This is like trying to have our cake and eat it too. "THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN!" but also "CALIFORNIANS AND NEW YORKERS ARE MOVING HERE AND TURNING THE STATE BLUE!" Both can't be true.
Besides, people GREATLY overestimate the number of blue state refugees that move to red states. I don't have the numbers off the top of my head for Tennessee, but I DO have the numbers for Texas, so I'll use that instead. Over the last 10 years there's been a grand total of 687K Californians who moved to Texas over the last 10 years. That's out of a population increase of 3.8 Million for the record. So a little over 18% of Texas' population increase came from California. And as I said, every actual statistic that isn't from VICE or Buzzfeed points to these people being overwhelmingly conservative.
Want to know the number one reason people move to Texas? Freedom, specifically the freedom to hunt, fish, hike, and experience the outdoors. Most of which are activities traditionally associated with conservatives (especially hunting since it involves guns).
Heck, even on here it's not uncommon to see at least 5-10 people talking about moving from some "blue" crap hole to a red state several times a week. And everything I've said thus far applies to EVERY major city, not even just the southern ones.
Another weird concept people not to stop assuming, is that EVERYONE on our side want's to live in the middle of nowhere in a rural county. Yeah, a lot of us do, but it's simply not true that all of us do. A very large percentage of people on our side (possibly even the majority) DO enjoy city life and all the conveniences it presents. Probably an even larger percentage enjoy living in Suburbia where they can enjoy the city amenities while having moderate peace and quiet. Remember, the suburbs are growing like never before in red states. In places like Miami and Houston, the surrounding suburbs are actually outpacing the core city in terms of population growth.
What a lot of people don't catch when look at state populations, is that even in California and New York, NYC, Buffalo, LA, San Fran, etc. ARE STILL GROWING in population. It's the rest of that state(s), where all of the traditionally red voters are, that's shrinking and resulting in net population decreases.
So seriously, we need to stop with this weird hypocritical nonsense where we want to claim every election for the last 60 years has been stolen in some fashion, but also claim states and cities are legitimately turning blue because of freedom seeking transplants who are overwhelmingly on our side.
Ok, first of all, I never even argued the pricing out part. That's pretty true across board and a problem that needs a solution. So not sure where you get that I'm arguing with that.
However the rest of what I said IS true. If you get butthurt over reality, then that's your problem. I can't force you to see reason and logic if you're dead set on having a victim mentality because you want to have your cake and eat it too when it comes to interstate immigration and politics.
The 90-95% stat is true, as is essentially every other fact I laid out. If you want to live in denial and project a constant defeatist mentality then be my guest. All you're doing is showing your hypocrisy when more and more evidence is shown every day that there are no where near as many liberals as there are conservatives. Just like how it was proven that 79% of all votes in Atlanta/Fulton County were fake/illegal. Let that sink in, 79% of all votes cast in the largest county/city in Georgia are either fake or illegal.
But of course according to you most of those votes were probably legitimate because Atlanta's actually blue and everyone who's moved there in the last decade is a raging liberal with absolutely no conservatives daring to set foot in Fulton county.
Ever consider that it's actually the liberal policies of politicians that cheated their way into office that's causing things to get worse? Not like we aren't experiencing that on a national scale currently with the resident. You get a handful of people into an office with power over a specific area and they can run the entire area into the ground regardless of what kind of people actually live there.
And when they cheat to get in, just like the resident, then that's not on the people who live there or have moved there.
I don't live in Nashville if you must know, but I don't need to live there to apply the same logic that applies to every major city in the country. I'm not saying there are NO liberals moving to large cities or that have lived there for decades. That's a wishfully ignorant thought. Even when everything is said and done, going by Q's 4-6% lost forever stat, there's going to be 13.6-20.4 Million brainwashed lefties in the USA.
The point I'M trying to make, is it's not the people MOVING to states and cities that are causing cities to become "liberal" crap holes. It's the mass cheating that's causing that. Nashville has I believe just under 700K people, so assuming for most of the last two decades around 20% of that have actually been brainwashed liberals, that's 140K people. Going with the 6% stat from the Q post, that's 42K people when all is said and done. (I know this may or may not be true since it's not like it's be an even 4-6% across the board, but this is just for argument's sake).
Now consider that most conservatives actually work and have lives. We're not like liberals where a large portion of them are unemployed, debt ridden, and have nothing but time to protest, loiter, be interviewed, be loud, and generally make asses of themselves in public.
They have the advantage of being lazy and not actually having any responsibility, which when combined with entirely lopsided media coverage (remember, the media will take pictures of Trump rallies 5+ hours before they start when there's like a few hundred people there and claim that's all that showed up while ignoring the actual massive crowds he gathers) give off the illusion of there being some cockroach nest of liberals in every major city that are just swarming about like the bugs they are.
People on OUR side on the other hand, have families, jobs, responsibilities. We work, and when we get home we're tired and want to rest or spend time with our family. We have an INFINITELY smaller media footprint, because we don't have the "luxury" of being unemployed Neanderthals who's entire lifestyle is funded by george soros.
So it's not that hard to take 42K-140K people in a moderately large city like Nashville, and make it SEEM like they're the majority of people in the area when there's so little competition for peoples attention. And the ease at which you can create and perpetuate this illusion scales with population size. So it's even easier in Jacksonville, Atlanta, Austin, Phoenix, etc. And LA/NYC/Chicago are essentially a paradise for this type of brainwashing/narrative coercion.
Wow how different things are for you. Anyone tried that here would be instantly zapped by the cops. A few years ago there was a guy walking to fix his mum's coffee table and he had some bits of wood in a plastic grocery bag. Cops decided for some reason it must be a gun in the bag so just gunned him down right in the street.
Good luck with your gun rights.
I am not a faggot thankyouverymuch.
Son, one day you'll come to understand everywhere on this planet has its upsides and downsides to live. You are lucky to have the fantastic upside of constitutional carry. In fact for that matter you are lucky to have a Constitution - I don't.
Doesn't mean you may overlook your downsides, of which (based on my visits to the rest of the USA) in Nash Ville I am sure there are many.
I'm new to Nashville, Orlando doesn't have a gun culture YET, but yep bad things can happen with or without a gun.
Mhm. Some of carry across the US and ignore unconstitutional restrictions since we were old enough to travel alone. Constitutional Law preempts state law via supremacy clause; i.e. any law that is contrary to the Constitution shall be considered null and void (paraphrasing).
Or 3.
When 99.99% of people are law abiding, if everyone carried it would be a real help to the men in blue. Police can't be everywhere all the time. Carrying a firearm is a way to make people aware of the responsibility they have to only use it properly. Responsibility is something the left has wanted to destroy for years. It's a sign of civility, maturity and being serious and aware. The left can only acquire and keep power if we are dumbed down, stupid and distracted.
LMGTFY: Let me get that for you???? Huh??? A clerk's acronym??
Fuck Around and Find Out...