Someone told me yesterday that the U.S. Government made a special deal with Ukraine to protect them when they were not accepted into NATO. HAVE NOT YET VERIFIED THIS.
Not a chance. Msm ignores. Sheep keep sheeping. This isn’t difficult. Internet complaints don’t matter and don’t represent public opinion at least to extent they say so.
The greatest country on planet blackmailed by the biggest shithole on planet earth.
Borsch aint so bad.
Children think money comes out of an ATM with never ending supply. Unfortunately most adults think money comes from a GOVT with a never ending supply.
I believe it is $13 bil + $33 bil + $40 bil? (Or did the 33 bil get bundled into this 40 bil?)
whos counting at this point ;)
A billion here, a billion there, Pretty soon you’re talking about real money.
I think it’s $13 bil + $33 bil + $40 bil. And didn’t we send $80 bil in military weapons/aid? I thought so.
Interesting numbers.
They are sending SOS to Moloch.
Guess what, baddies?
Moloch's dead.
All the dead baby souls in the world can't resurrect him.
Jesus is on the way.
Agreed. Very soon and in our lifetime I think.
It's all a scam to skim more money, another pay day for the congress.
And don't forget, 10% or more for the Big Guy (Biden). He needs to get his share!!
Continued money laundering for Congress and (fake) POTUS
Someone told me yesterday that the U.S. Government made a special deal with Ukraine to protect them when they were not accepted into NATO. HAVE NOT YET VERIFIED THIS.
Still seeking the truth about this.
SauceFag Here.
Maybe this from the State Department in 2021?
Let’s all mail Monopoly money and Life money to the White House. That would be hysterical!
Spicy find!
Anyone seen the names of the republican traitors who willingly bent over to receive this 40 billion dollar butt plug?
It’s quicker to read the names of the 57 who voted nay.
I'm having a challenge finding their names as well. Outing these assholes should be standard practice. I guess suppression should be expected.
The 57 Repubs who voted against:
Thank you.
Not a chance. Msm ignores. Sheep keep sheeping. This isn’t difficult. Internet complaints don’t matter and don’t represent public opinion at least to extent they say so.
The real question is who owns and controls the Ukraine?
AFAIK, Soros, obama, the usual suspects.
Maga. What could that money do in the US?