Yes, on his wiki page it list underwater operations as one of his specialities.
Olson graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1973 and qualified as a Naval Special Warfare (SEAL) officer in 1974. He graduated in BUD/S Class 76. He has served operationally in an Underwater Demolition Team, SEAL Team, SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team, Special Boat Squadron, and at the Naval Special Warfare Development Group.
Time to drain the swamp creatures in the military
This war will bring out the swamp.
I liked the theory that Trump was a Q boat. Decoy to get the cabal to attack it so mil intel would find out who the enemies were. play stupid games...
Pretty impressive.... He's an Admiral and a General...
He's an Admiral in the navy, I don't think he can also be a general. They're so ubiquitous these days.
Think the Russians would consider this an act of war? Or just some “buckaroo?” A stupid Americano who has seen too many movies?
I think Russia knows all about our involvement because Ukraine IS the USA in terms of ungodly corruption.
So this isn't surprising to them, but they're likely drawing attention for the world to see
So which part is UNCONFIRMED? That he surrendered or that it’s him?
I went to Wikipedia to check him out and someone has already added Battle of Mariupol, but it wasn’t clickable.
Dayum. Someone already added Azov Battalion for the list of Allegiances 😂
Mercenaries usually don't fare as well as conscripts who surrender.
Uh oh
He probably had something to do with the Moskva cruiser attack.
Yes, on his wiki page it list underwater operations as one of his specialities.
going to number fag here a bit...
O-10 & O-4 = 14 ... translation: we cut your Osiris dick off.
Need moar sauce.
Note sure how reliable the Ukraine news is, but in top it shows him as admiral and the bottom tweet shows as General (same rank but not same branch).
The story tags him as a former US Navy Admiral