This image is actually super detailed. In the background there's burning buildings, likely Antifa. The handcuffed idiot is clearly a tranny, and the BBB looks like a 666. Props to the artist.
Stalin was a fucking evil genius of a chess master. I did my first 12 page paper for World History on "The Stalinization of Russia".
This man literally finessed an entire country by working himself into the position that allowed him to appoint like minded, future supporters of his into all the necessary positions of power that superceded his. And when there were finally enough of them and the time was right, they all unanimously named him their single dictator.
Stalin couldn't directly name himself dictator at the start and the government surely would've been against it, so he did the next best thing. He made sure all those positions who COULD make it happen, were over the years filled by selected "Stalin appointees".
It was quite remarkable! Such an evil man. But genius. Absolutely genius.
So true. These idiots have never learned anything from history. These people will be among the first to be "sacrificed" for the cause. "Useful idiots" for a reason.
It's what they were never told about in history class. There is blame to spare, but the education system right down to the teachers complied with the agenda. Kids graduating from college know nothing but the propaganda. This was done to them, and we must never forget that. We must never forget who did the bidding of the criminal elite. Thank God there are some kids who are smart enough to see through it and have educated themselves apart from the lies they get in class.
If you haven't watched this entire clip. Please do. Super informative.
Yeah they don't realize they're just useful idiots until they're not, then they're just idiots.
Reminds me of Benny in the Mummy.
“Goodbye, Benny”
It’s not that per se. It’s more of that they think they’ll be the ones to ascend to power.
cough BLM cough
This image is actually super detailed. In the background there's burning buildings, likely Antifa. The handcuffed idiot is clearly a tranny, and the BBB looks like a 666. Props to the artist.
That's pretty much how it happened,Stalin killed his left wing opposition first,then he killed the right,then he went after the army......
These people don't read history.
They don’t read. FIFY
Stalin was a fucking evil genius of a chess master. I did my first 12 page paper for World History on "The Stalinization of Russia".
This man literally finessed an entire country by working himself into the position that allowed him to appoint like minded, future supporters of his into all the necessary positions of power that superceded his. And when there were finally enough of them and the time was right, they all unanimously named him their single dictator.
Stalin couldn't directly name himself dictator at the start and the government surely would've been against it, so he did the next best thing. He made sure all those positions who COULD make it happen, were over the years filled by selected "Stalin appointees".
It was quite remarkable! Such an evil man. But genius. Absolutely genius.
Powerful message for leftists. AKA "useful idiots".
So true. These idiots have never learned anything from history. These people will be among the first to be "sacrificed" for the cause. "Useful idiots" for a reason.
Harsh but true
It's what they were never told about in history class. There is blame to spare, but the education system right down to the teachers complied with the agenda. Kids graduating from college know nothing but the propaganda. This was done to them, and we must never forget that. We must never forget who did the bidding of the criminal elite. Thank God there are some kids who are smart enough to see through it and have educated themselves apart from the lies they get in class.
Tell that moron Naom Chomsky this.