Can we compile a MASTER THREAD for all pictures of CRISIS ACTORS appearing in MULTIPLE LOCATIONS?
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
Pics or video clips welcome.
If the images/clips don't specify which false flag they were at, please add it to the description.
If you know it, add their 'real' name (or IMDB link).
Post away...
This one is the most overt and obvious example I have ever seen. Gets me every time. Horrible, horrible acting to boot.
You mean smiling because you will be “on camera” before you get there, and then “trying” to act like you are distraught? Yes. Worst acting ever if he was even a good high school actor in an old middle school play …
Ghod the worst acting ever
::walks up to mike, grinning multiple times and snickering::
::starts the fake breathing and frowning::
::recites prepared remarks with lots of fake pauses to "gather his composure"::
I once got into a huge argument with an obvious shill about this.
Why do I call him an "obvious shill?"
Because our debate went on point by point for a half hour and he not only COULDN'T refute the argument, but he refused to even address it!
That being... NO ONE who has a child would have the wherewithal to show up on TV cameras the day after their child was taken from them completely out of the blue. Forget smiling, HOW COULD HE EVEN BE THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE?!
The only argument he could muster up about the smiling at least was "well maybe he wanted to support the community"... THE DAY AFTER?! Why would the people there even expect him to show up or even let him take the mic? "You're grieving, take some time Robbie. We understand."
It's like these sociopaths who would stage these elaborate hoaxes to advance their agenda are too sociopathic to even COMPREHEND how normal people can immediately see through their lies -- because the people they send out to defend the lies are too spiritually broken to understand how ridiculous they sound to people with souls.
It's a sort of Catch 22 that I think will destroy the Deep State in the end. The demons have no real gauge on how people actually see them, because even the people they send out to gather that kind of information are demons themselves.
My dad's death hit me pretty hard, despite us never being close. I was inconsolable the last time I saw him, on a ventilator.
I'm sorry for your loss. I'm glad you got to see him, at least that one time