Two observations: 1) If any further trials are to be conducted by Durham, I certainly hope he doesn't use the tainted jury pool in Washington, DC. 2) I've been living on hopium for awhile now, and it doesn't have any protein in it... some real meat (indictments, convictions, jail) should be added to our diet pretty soon.
That is why I practically ignored all of the dooming that happened this week. I knew that there are a ton of other items on the plate and we only just gotten started.
Ignore the troups at your peril. People are reaching the very end of their morale. A real win is needed and if it doesn't come soon we will begin to lose people that believe. At sompoint you get a detrimental return.
unpopular opinion but you're correct. Almost everyone I know that was 'hardcore' gave up. They stopped following the fraud situation after the maricopa audit, they ended up taking the vaccine and trying to push everything out of their mind. They feel they were wrong and lied to the whole time. There are less and less of us remaining every day.
I'll never give up or comply. I am just very discouraged and depressed at this point. I come here for the chance I will see a win large enough that the damn left HAVE to at least acknowledge the Dems are purposely doing these things and it isn't for the good. I want this over so bad that I can't sleep. Yes, I believe a plan, I just can't handle the timing. I'm struggling to deal with the constant teetering at the edge for us as well as the damn left. I have absolutely no compassion for them but am crushed when someone on our side is hurt. Especially if someone in the left rubs that loss in. It doesn't belong that my husband has cancer and I'm scared we won't be done with treatment before the shtf. I prep but of course it's never enough and adds stress to my already stressed schedule. I'm angry at both sides. Call me a doomer I don't care. If the white hats have the power why make our people suffer? Do something so the avg left suffer enough to admit the truth!
I'm really sorry to hear about your situation, that touched me. It sounds like you're really in the heart of a real battle. I really hope things work out for you and your husband.
Step 1 - Engage target in a battle that doesnt matter Step 2 - Loose battle but only just. Step 3 - Enemy believes they are winning (We are here) Step 4 - Begin Endgame of the real battle and win
Nah, it's edoocayshun. Everyone should be able to communicate clearly and unambiguously. If you are against corrections then you must be for dumbing down.
Meanwhile every pundit on the planet was saying he was going down. Hindsight is always 20 20. I hope you are right it has been two years of " this is the big one " So go easy on folks
Two observations: 1) If any further trials are to be conducted by Durham, I certainly hope he doesn't use the tainted jury pool in Washington, DC. 2) I've been living on hopium for awhile now, and it doesn't have any protein in it... some real meat (indictments, convictions, jail) should be added to our diet pretty soon.
That is why I practically ignored all of the dooming that happened this week. I knew that there are a ton of other items on the plate and we only just gotten started.
Ignore the troups at your peril. People are reaching the very end of their morale. A real win is needed and if it doesn't come soon we will begin to lose people that believe. At sompoint you get a detrimental return.
unpopular opinion but you're correct. Almost everyone I know that was 'hardcore' gave up. They stopped following the fraud situation after the maricopa audit, they ended up taking the vaccine and trying to push everything out of their mind. They feel they were wrong and lied to the whole time. There are less and less of us remaining every day.
I'll never give up or comply. I am just very discouraged and depressed at this point. I come here for the chance I will see a win large enough that the damn left HAVE to at least acknowledge the Dems are purposely doing these things and it isn't for the good. I want this over so bad that I can't sleep. Yes, I believe a plan, I just can't handle the timing. I'm struggling to deal with the constant teetering at the edge for us as well as the damn left. I have absolutely no compassion for them but am crushed when someone on our side is hurt. Especially if someone in the left rubs that loss in. It doesn't belong that my husband has cancer and I'm scared we won't be done with treatment before the shtf. I prep but of course it's never enough and adds stress to my already stressed schedule. I'm angry at both sides. Call me a doomer I don't care. If the white hats have the power why make our people suffer? Do something so the avg left suffer enough to admit the truth!
I'm really sorry to hear about your situation, that touched me. It sounds like you're really in the heart of a real battle. I really hope things work out for you and your husband.
Thank you. Prayers requested please.m
People a code word for “you” maybe?
Well voting machines are in canada now, so our elections aren't free and fair anymore, I feel ya
Sun Tsu's Art of War
Step 1 - Engage target in a battle that doesnt matter Step 2 - Loose battle but only just. Step 3 - Enemy believes they are winning (We are here) Step 4 - Begin Endgame of the real battle and win
Step 2- A tight battle that was lost. ( your sister is “loose”, but she did not “lose.”)
^This guy spell polices like a boss
Nah, it's edoocayshun. Everyone should be able to communicate clearly and unambiguously. If you are against corrections then you must be for dumbing down.
Remember: it's going to lose its loose wheel.
Spelling and language matter.
Good 'ol Sun Tsu...winning strategies for every challenge 👏u/Karmaskeeper81
The FBI had an office at Perkins Coie.
Hillary sanctioned the Russia hoax.
Just the tip of the iceberg. How about the influence peddling in the Clinton Foundation, Uranium 1, etc.
Plus, selling access codes to our enemies.
Sedition =Treason = Military Tribunal = Execution 💥
Perjury, eh? Knowingly, knowingly, knowingly, lying under oath.
Show this to a normie and they have zero clue but they can tell you everything you want to know about every season of the masked singer.
Or the back and forth in the Johnny Depp whatserface trial.
Amber Heard was the only one who gave a Shi!...
They are foooooooked!
This investigation only continues as long as Biden chooses to continue to fund it, correct?
No, till it is complete.
Biden chooses nothing. Has zero power. You should already know this.
Meanwhile every pundit on the planet was saying he was going down. Hindsight is always 20 20. I hope you are right it has been two years of " this is the big one " So go easy on folks