Putin at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum: "There will be profound degradation in Europe, the current elites will be replaced.
"Current wrong policies will lead to an increase in nationalist and extremist sentiments in European society."
Here's the thing.
For more than a century, the United States has been THE preeminent nation in the world. (This came about due to God's planning; he always planned for the USA to be the leader, the beacon of Faith and Freedom for the world.)
However, the devil always seeks to corrupt. So while the God-centered forces in the USA are the reason it rose to prominence, the Cabal has been using that position to undermine the world, instead of lead it.
However, this condition, where the US is the foremost and key leader, was never intended to be permanent but God. Rather, God wanted to set the example, and then have all other nations rise to the same level. Imagine a world of 120+ nations, small and big, with the principles and freedom ethos that founded the USA?
But the Cabal, too, planned for the USA to be destroyed, and infiltrated from within, to be able to shift to a one world government based the prominent central model. That's their new world order.
But as we were able to observe in the recent WHO meeting, where the "West" centering on the USA, all wanted to amend the WHO pandemic treaty to steal nations of their sovereignty, the BRICS nations and Africa nixed it. (Brazil, Russian, India, China and South Africa).
This signifies, in my opinion, the clear end of the USA-centric (aka Cabal centric) model the Cabal has exploited.
The world we are heading towards will indeed have a new "world order", because the stage where the USA was the Leader is winding down. In the new world, assuming the world doesn't get rumbled by the CPP (or the WEF, who simply cannot keep it up, anyway), the structure will be a much more multi-axis situation, with the influence and power being spread across these large nations who will leader the way and move more and more into a direction that aligns with the founding principles of the USA: Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, recognition and trust in the Creator, etc.
Russia is certainly leading the charge. But two point here:
One, we need to understand what "leading" is in this new era. It is not dominating. In fact, the Cabal in the USA has pretended that dominating is actually leading. But it's not. Not at all. Leading is a) showing an example of how to do it and b) engaging in mutually beneficial connections to facilitate or help others in THEIR choices to move in that direction, if they want.
The Cabal did not lead: the infiltrated, dominated, pushed other nations around and exploited them, using the might of the USA.
Two, we can understand the accuracy of this view by considering Trump. Trump has actually shown the model, briefly. Love your own country, serve it, but engage in mutually beneficial connections with other nations to facilitate mutual growth and benefit.
So Trump is truly positioned to be the best champion in the USA for leading the USA into the new era. He knows the value of cooperation, and he's not interested in exploiting others; he just wants a fair deal and to get the best deal he can. When all nations are lead by that spirit, the massive peace, harmony and prosperity that the USA has enjoyed will finally start to be multiplied in other nations, albeit in THEIR chosen way. The Same Principles, but different talents, personalities and resources.
Granted, this is all ... conjecture, but that's the landscape I see coming into focus on the back of the Great Awakening.
Well said friend!
Thanks Phantom!
Felt this needed a longer write up. Hopefully its not too long!
It’s a very good outlook on things. How much history has the elites kept from us? I agree it’s time to build up other nations and let them control their own country.
America needs to worry about America first.
Each country in the world has a different shoe than all the rest...What is best for their country might not be best for another...
Well written!!!!
Yes. I see what you mean The New World Order Globalist effort that is currently being promulgated/engineered by the likes of WEF, WB, WHO, UN, Soros, Gates, etc. is yet another of the self-serving, totalitarian, one size fits all world views/schemes that historically benefit only the few at the top and thus ultimately fails? To me, Trump's international visits were always about collaboration, respect for all peoples/culture, and forging win-win partnerships/agreements/assistance with world leaders that helped all parties fulfill their obligations to & make gains for their people. The receptions in Saudi Arabia, China, India, North Korea for example were each in their own way special in recent diplomacy. The globalists at large are without conscience and amongst the wealthiest people on earth. I pray they also find that, like those before them, they cannot, buy, bribe or bully their way to creating a New World Order, where they happily reside in comfort and plenty with little effort on their part and without the messiness of dealing with diverse views, hungry or sick people, unrests, revolutions, etc.
I disagree on a few points. You're starting to preach equality. The thing is Trump was always America first. Biden, and obama areactually the ones that want to bring America down a few pegs. A healthy America leading from the front is not a bad idea. We must get rid of the corruption.
Kek. You mean, as in "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights...."?
Discernment is required. There is true equality, and there is fake equality. Fake equality is the one you are talking about here, imo. And I'm certianly NOT advocating for that.
Fake equality is equality of outcome. True equality is equality of opportunity. The former is a lie, an impossibility. Communists, Marxists and Globalists say "we must all be equal" but they really mean, we must be above everyone else.
I'm sorry if you somehow got the impression I was saying it is a bad idea. It's most certainly not a bad idea. In fact, that's America's destiny, in my view. It's critical.
Not sure what other points you disagreed with. Were there any you agreed with, however? Curious.
Dig it
No, we're the world police because the cabal uses our wealth to take over the world. How many countries before we invaded last century didn't have a central/world bank, and how many did after we invaded?
There are two sides to this. What God and Christ intend for the US, and what the devil does. Anyway, that's how I see it.
just like God has plans for you, but so does the devil. You are the battleground.