Every single person documented injecting this poison into our children at this point in time, with all the information now out, needs to be arrested, tried, convicted, and executed.
Since they are willing to sacrifice children for their agenda, they should die for that cause.
These children will sadly pass away in a short time. All because their stupid parents want to be good compliant little useful idiots. "Tell me I did good, Daddy Government!"
Child sacrifice!
Moloch is pleased.
Every single person documented injecting this poison into our children at this point in time, with all the information now out, needs to be arrested, tried, convicted, and executed.
Since they are willing to sacrifice children for their agenda, they should die for that cause.
It certainly feels like we are watching a snuff movie, it's sickening.
I'm ready
May God have mercy on us all.
Dear God, make this stop. Please. I beg you.
None of these children deserve this.
it has to be the END TIMES.
It must be.
How long until we see the headlines about these poor babies dying?
Probably just after we see the headlines about everyone else who has died from the jab so far.
Demon possession.
It's sad when babies and toddlers are smarter than their parents. These parents should be arrested.
Is it odd that they are all white. Hmmmm
What is wrong with these people?!
Watching parents allow the murder of their own children. What a tragedy anyone could be that hopelessly stupid.
These parents are going to freak the blank out when they realize what they have done.
Maybe that's when we'll know for sure we've hit suicide weekend?
These children will sadly pass away in a short time. All because their stupid parents want to be good compliant little useful idiots. "Tell me I did good, Daddy Government!"
Please be saline please be saline please be saline
Fuck these faggots. Pain is coming for them. God help these children: (
Shot heard around the world
This is soul crushing. These people don’t deserve to have children.
I've honestly been wondering, if the shots are as bad as some make out, who would these children have if their family all pass from them?