Look at Truth Social's q. There's a post with a photo of Trump and Schiff that was posted two days ago. Trump is wearing a wristwatch with what appears to be the same time.
People said it's when a pawn moves the length of the board, to the other side, and becomes a queen. I play chess for fun, never heard of that. However, if that's the case, I think it means Q is now playing offense and the cabal is playing defense. I could be wrong, it could also signify we're in the end game.
I wish 9/11 evidence would get posted for the normies. 9/11 was my red pill and I always tell people, once you realize your own govt was involved in the killing of its own people and framed others for it, you will never trust anything again.
Me too. When 9/11 happened, I remember praying as I was hearing it happen live and distinctly hearing "God will NOT be mocked". The group of architects and structural engineers that got together and confirmed that this could not have happened was just the icing on the cake for me.
I saw a truck the other day with the plate “BAM BLM”. I did a double take as well; like how were they allowed to get that plate? Kill Black Lives Matter?
Then I put it all together. The plate was black and it was on an old black truck.
Want to take a shot at figuring it out before I give you what I think the explanation is?
He also posted a "baby fist" picture last night. Possibly saying it wasn't the real Q posting. "Baby Fist" was some idiot that was able to convince people he was Q on 8chan somehow.
Interesting that they sky in the pic looks like colors of Ukraine flag.
Sky event?
We're under a "sky event" the net couple weeks - 5 planets visible in alignment.
I took it as sunrise, as in dark to light on 9/11
You're right -- it does look like it.
Look at Truth Social's q. There's a post with a photo of Trump and Schiff that was posted two days ago. Trump is wearing a wristwatch with what appears to be the same time.
I think I saw someone say that TSQ was blinking
Whoa! I just looked and it's now a capital Q. It's pulsing like a heartbeat.
Yeah it changed to a capital Q last week I believe
I think it's his way of saying we're now on the offensive. It's a chess thing, lower q to upper Q
I don't play chess. What does lower q to upper q mean in chess?
Not my dig, but someone made a post about when a pawn reaches the opposite side of the Chess board it can become a Queen.
Pawn becoming a Queen is a huge tactical advantage.
TSQ's (old? did he change it, not sure) tagline was 'just a q minding his p's. Perhaps it meant pawns / assets. And now it would be Go Time.
Sure seems that way.
It seems to relate to how pawns can upgrade...
People said it's when a pawn moves the length of the board, to the other side, and becomes a queen. I play chess for fun, never heard of that. However, if that's the case, I think it means Q is now playing offense and the cabal is playing defense. I could be wrong, it could also signify we're in the end game.
Interesting. Thanks for sharing, fren.
Good work, fren! And, wow. 😲
Oh wow, I can see the pages on TS again without an account or getting that stupid login screen! Yay! 👏👏
q post 911:
hm... protests ---> "March (VERB) MADNESS"
I like this take
It's one I haven't seen before. I also think it's a great take.
thanks, fren
Sorry but I don’t get it! The clock is either 8:55 or 10:45… I can’t tell. Either way, what is the significance?
They mean the hands are pointing to 9 and 11, rather than the time being 9:11
Thank you for explaining that. I didn't get it either.
I looked at this way to long seeing the same thing (9:50) before my duh moment lol
I wish 9/11 evidence would get posted for the normies. 9/11 was my red pill and I always tell people, once you realize your own govt was involved in the killing of its own people and framed others for it, you will never trust anything again.
That's exactly how I finally woke up!
Me too. When 9/11 happened, I remember praying as I was hearing it happen live and distinctly hearing "God will NOT be mocked". The group of architects and structural engineers that got together and confirmed that this could not have happened was just the icing on the cake for me.
Dude. I literally saw a car with plate "IX XI" today. Total double take
I saw a truck the other day with the plate “BAM BLM”. I did a double take as well; like how were they allowed to get that plate? Kill Black Lives Matter?
Then I put it all together. The plate was black and it was on an old black truck.
Want to take a shot at figuring it out before I give you what I think the explanation is?
The song.
We get it.
Very good! Thank you for not giving it away.
No, tell me
Hint. I’ll bet the truck’s name is Betty.
Edit: The answer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_2D8Eo15wE
Ok, 911, but what does it mean!
He also posted a "baby fist" picture last night. Possibly saying it wasn't the real Q posting. "Baby Fist" was some idiot that was able to convince people he was Q on 8chan somehow.
Two clock faces as well.
Twin towers?
Just riffing.