Ya, it takes slightly deeper than surface level analysis. I do believe that true diversity is a strength, and there is a clear program to erase it. Whether regarding thought, religion, economics, culture....there is a move to homogenize the earth and erase what makes us unique.
Sounds about right. You know this was the chick's idea. You know the Indian cuck doesn't care in anyway shape or form about going to the grave for the photo op. But he doesn't want to lose her and thinks this will keep him in goodstanding like the good cuck he is.
Bet he's rolling over in his grave right now... FROM LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY. Would be a shame if a malicious spirit attached itself to them and they brought it home.
What a total piece of trash. Send haji back where he fuckin came from.
a gay brothel in Mumbai?
Looks middle eastern to me
Yeah, a shade of brown.. As in, not White.
He's so stoked to have a white chick, he will engage in any simpery required by her. We should seek to respect diversity by maintaining it.
“We should seek to respect diversity by maintaining it.”
Lots of people don’t understand this.
Ya, it takes slightly deeper than surface level analysis. I do believe that true diversity is a strength, and there is a clear program to erase it. Whether regarding thought, religion, economics, culture....there is a move to homogenize the earth and erase what makes us unique.
And fake everything to the lowest common denominator.
Common core educated look it up.
Globohomo jew agenda
Sounds about right. You know this was the chick's idea. You know the Indian cuck doesn't care in anyway shape or form about going to the grave for the photo op. But he doesn't want to lose her and thinks this will keep him in goodstanding like the good cuck he is.
I don’t actually think she’s White more like “white”
Where all the white women at!
Understatement. Hope the truth comes out about his murder.
I have difficulty imagining being this hateful.
Bet he's rolling over in his grave right now... FROM LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY. Would be a shame if a malicious spirit attached itself to them and they brought it home.
You can't make this shit up.
Typecasting to a "T" also.
Just wait until all those who hate Scalia see him rise to meet the Lord In air!
And SOTUS still threw abortion to the states, azzholes! Scalia is laughing at you.
Street shitter
That’s fucked up
I really do hate these people... theyre parasites...
I hope he dies from the jab
This is just stupid. Get them out of there.