I need a new c-pap machine and have to take a new sleep test before they would give me a new one. They are denying me the sleep test and the new c-pap machine because I am not vaccinated and refuse to take the PCR test.
As I have posted here before, I have never been tested, more a mask once in June 2020, and have never taken the vaccine and I intend to keep it that way.
As Q state, “Civil suits can be quite effective.”
As a fellow cpap user, this is abhorrent. You need this to freaking breathe at night. What do they expect you to do? Spend all night having apneas?
To me, this is no different than deciding to spitefully pull the plug on someone on life support. I see no reason why you'd need to take another test just to get a new machine. They already know what air pressure you need. Just set the new machine accordingly.
It's time to lawyer up, fren.
Already in progress.
Hey, fren, something just occurred to me. You are, in essence, doing a sleep study every night with your machine. If yours is like mine, it's like a cellphone and sends your sleep data somewhere every day after you get up. I can look my data up online every morning and see how many apneas I had and how many mask leaks, etc. This data should be all they need to get you a new machine. See if you can work this angle.
I will. Thanx.
Let me know how you make out. Who knows? -- I could be facing the same issue down the road. ☹
Not trying to be rude but have two people close to me with apnea and they are both overweight. So rare for a person of correct weight for their height, to have apnea problems. I think it is valid to suggest that people with it, lose weight if they can, because none of us want to have the prospect of hospitals hanging over us. And if I started getting apnea I'd be one of the people who'd be better off if I'd lose some, so I'm sure not finger pointing. We have to try to solve our own issues without the hospital. Maybe in another couple years it will be safer. I pray for that. Scary times.
I agree and do not consider you rude. I got heavy during the end of my working years teaching high school math. When I retired in 20, I weighed 280 and just turned 63. Since retiring, I lost 32 lbs and developed a diet and exercise routine that is keeping the weight loss consistent. I have a goal to be under 240 by the end of the year. I swim laps and dropped my time for the mile by 3 minutes since retiring. My wife says I no longer snore when I take an afternoon nap. There is a lot of room for improvement, but I am happy with the track I am presently on.
Well done!
No vax or PCR for this CPAP user here. Fortunately I have not encountered any such denial of service. I agree with weight loss to reduce dependency on a CPAP, but in the meanwhile you still need one. I would try a different sleep doctor or clinic if that was at all possible. My sleep doctor asked if I was vaxxed, I said no, not interested and we have continued on as we were before the plandemic.
As for weight loss, I have not been able to exercise for more than a year due to bad knees and subsequent knee replacement surgeries (one of which remains problematic). In spite of no exercise, I've successfully lost 50 lbs off my high of 287 in the last year with no exercise, heeding advice found in a book call "The Obesity Code", and can recommend with confidence. 42" waist to 38" waist, 3X shirts to 2X shirts, etc. Makes a huge difference in CPAP pressure needed, as well as in the way I feel. There may be a time when I don't need a CPAP in my future, however I have allergic rhinitis and enjoy sleeping with filtered air anyway.
I have sleep apnea and it's not due to being overweight. If anything, I border on being underweight. For me, it's apparently an hereditary thing. My father was a big-time snorer and probably should have used a cpap. I didn't find out until after I was diagnosed that my father's brother also has sleep apnea, along with both of his children (my cousins). My uncle and one cousin aren't overweight, either.
I was reading a long time ago about non-obstructive sleep apnea, and doctors think it may be a chemical imbalance.
Your brain doesn’t send the correct chemical signal to breathe at night, so you just stop breathing. This is what leads to SIDS in babies.
For adults, they are developed enough to breathe again after a small pause. I think it was linked to serotonin?
I remember reading that it was something to do with a serotonin imbalance. Strangely enough, lab animals with no serotonin were fine (with breathing, but problems in other areas), but lab animals with an imbalance had apnea.
Anyways, just some info I found interesting.
That is interesting
Oddly enough, I have obstructive sleep apnea. It took quite awhile before my doctor finally decided to send me for a sleep study, as I don't fit the mold of the typical person who is prone to it. My major symptom was insomnia. I couldn't fall asleep and would routinely be up until 2 or 3 in the morning. I'd manage a couple of hours of sleep and that would be it. I was constantly exhausted because of it.
The best thing that ever happened to me was getting a cpap machine. I sleep like a baby now.
The people I know who use cpap machines are very overweight as well.
This is something that concerns me if there ever is actually a SHTF scenario. Power grids going down would mean those people wouldn't be able to use their machines. Just something from a prepping point of view, I suppose.
I had a friend die during a power outage - was on cpap and supposedly no one knew the power went out (overnight so everyone was asleep). He suffocated
Do it, because every time someone does, it adds fuel.
What an absolute disgrace, it's pure evil ! just last night I was a bit frightened as my special needs daughter was telling me that she has pain in her stomach and the first thing I thought of was oh my God appendicitis , neither one of us are vaxxed , we've never taken the test either and I don't know what I would do if anything happened because they're going to give me a hard time even getting into the hospital and I don't trust them with my daughter once were in there ! We are all in a horrible situation!
My son is getting over a double ear infection, luckily my pharmacist sold me what I needed (my dad and his dad were both pharmacists and I was one, too. Old school.)
I rarely went to a dr growing up except for stitches, tonsillectomy. Same for him. No trust in but a few doctors. I tell my dr what I need...he's young and dumb.
I say that to say this...our whole family is no vax, no mask and no testers. Kinda live in "fear" of entering the system. I'll suffer 1st.
Hang in there!
Oh yeah, I was refused physical therapy last year because I wont mask...they offered to treat me in the parking lot if I wore a shield! Asked if they were gonna weld my shoulder. Pissed them off. Couldn't find lawyer who'd take on our hospital monopoly called Ballad Health. Used to be Mountain States, which I dubbed Mounting Mistakes. Horrific care if you can get it.
Yes. feel exactly the same.
Don't know what state you're in but sue the SHIT out of them.
Already in progress.
Have you tried sleeping in a chair reclined about at a 60-70 degree angle? I have been doing it for six years now and sleep deeply with dreams.
Prior to that I spent nearly 7 years with SA and didn’t sleep but a few minutes at a time, never dreamt and was tired all day having multiple short naps to survive. I fell asleep so many time driving I lost count. Sleeping in a chair saved my life. Maybe try it if you haven’t yet. Good luck!
Yes, you should sue. Their refusal is outrageous and not based on medical science.
Perhaps look into an 'auto CPAP' machine. They are quite common now. They automatically adjust the pressure for you, every night, throughout the night.
What ever happened to "do no harm"? medicine is dead. Time to build the alternative.
Tell them if they don't provide you the are you need then you will sue them for medical abandonment. That is a real legal term.
I told them that and the receptionist on the other end terminated the call.
how much is the machine?
If I use my insurance through Medicare, I pay nothing out of pocket. At the suggestion of another fren here, I looked up the cost and they run between $800 to $1500.
well, obviously, I can't give you eight hundred smackers, but If you start a givesendgo, I could give you five bucks...
Not asking for money. I just finished filling a complaint with the Ohio Civil Rights Commission who forced the state university system to change their mask policies due to a complaint I filed in 21 on behalf of 23 people whose rights were violated.
thought i'd make the offer...do you have a good lawyer lined up?
Yes, the same one when I went after the University of Akron.
good deal.
good luck, fren.
Sleep apnea runs in the family, my uncle and grandmother both have it (I probably have it, but I've just never bothered to get checked), so yeah...
My husband's cpap machine died while he was on a trip out west last summer. I contacted the doctor's office (in LA) that originally prescribed cpap in 2015, and they faxed the prescription to a respiratory care company in South Dakota, who sold him a new machine ($884). The whole ordeal took less than an hour. I suspect that the Summa system is using any means possible to push the plandemic propaganda.
It's all about misery loves company at this point with these twats. They know they fucked up, and now wants everyone else in the same boat.
So they're denying you because you refuse the jab and a PCR test...Seem like medical discrimination and the next communication to the hospital should be from your attorney in the form of a court summons.