A bit of a PSA here, frens, but I'm noticing an increased amount of infighting and suspiciously leftist-sounding confrontational convos in the past three or four days. It's my belief that the shills are now evolving to be able to bypass handshake restrictions and lie in wait so they can begin sowing seeds of chaos. I'd advise everyone to be on guard against (((their))) agents and post with sound mind and logical thought, not driven by emotions.
God wins!
I personally won't go as far to speculate that there are mods trying to destroy GAW from within.
However, it is very disappointing to see some of the posts that get stickied. There's a lot of: -Trivial fluff -Unsourced posts -Opinion posited as fact
..that gets stickied and it's a shame. Some stickied posts have been shown to be misinformation and they still stay up for hours. However, some of the responsibility rests on our shoulders in that regard as I have seen many of these posts get upvoted like crazy with only a handful of discerning commenters calling out the post in question for being false or opinion masquerading as fact.
I think most of the mods do excellent work for what is a rather thankless job, but I would like to see more care in what gets stickied.
I think some people upvote posts without actually reading them.
I think you're right, harkk :(
Based comment!
This absolutely happens - every day.
Oops, i just upvoted your comment without reading it...lol
To be fair, what I heard the mods mention is that stickies != confirmed info. Sometimes stuff gets stickied because they want it to be fact-checked. Sometimes someone just requested it and they're happy to oblige. Mods aren't capable of being everywhere at once, sadly, and they're probably not bots.
It would be ideal to see that noted somewhere in the sidebar just so everyone was on the same page about that, though.
"To be fair, what I heard the mods mention is that stickies != confirmed info."
I must confess that I was not aware of that, citrouille.
I definitely respect that time is limited and the mods don't have the time to fact check every post that's been put up. But I would like to see a more aggressive effort made to un-sticky posts that have been shown to be misinformation.
I work 2 jobs in addition to prep, and mod. I also find ways to practice an instrument in between.
When I spent time fact checking, I felt like an asshole bouncing around from post to post simply cutting down good people's well intentioned post.
I did it because I would've received the scrutiny from the community if I trusted the poster off hand and stickied.
I'm not God. I don't try to be. I get no ego rush from being a mod.
But alas, even though I feel this way, I am 1 of 22 mods. This only accounts for one persons point of view.
Im always here to make this community a fun place to learn and escape to.
Thank you for all that you do—2 jobs and a mod! Wow. Thank you to all the mods here.
This. Absolutely.
We have to report those posts once the evidence comes out.
They stay stickied for education purposes.
What would be cool is a section right under the stickies, highlighted a different color and stamped Fake News; put disproved posts there to spread awareness. Some people keep posting stuff we knew was fake months ago like they just discovered something.
There is that handy Hide button.
Just sayin'.
What does that have to do with people upvoting posts without reading them?
Same here. I don't bother with most posts that only have a link to a supposed news story and no explanation either. How much trouble is it to give a one sentence explanation instead of clickbait? Most of these alternative news sites are pretty awful, unfortunately. We really need a good, well done conservative news site.
This isn't Twatter. We're not supposed to ignore one another, we're supposed to make the community better.