So if I post complete nonsense and get downvoted to hell, I have the right to respond with:
"Over the target, baby, over the target! Over the target, baby, over the target! Over the target, baby, over the target! Over the target, baby, over the target! Over the target, baby, over the target! Over the target, baby, over the target! Over the target, baby, over the target!"
EDIT: Wow, I struck a nerve! Over the target, baby, over the target! Over the target, baby, over the target! Over the target, baby, over the target! Over the target, baby, over the target! Over the target, baby, over the target! Over the target, baby, over the target! Over the target, baby, over the target!
This is fun. I tend to lean on the transformer thing like at best, as a "yeah ok, but so what?" kinda thing. At worst for us it is a totally rediculous/awesome way to troll Team Evil. So no matter the truth is a win-win for GAW.
IMO, It is about a Trump level troll based on how everyone is going on about it.. The shills are out in force to say "zords aren't transformers!" It's driving them crazy. Even several anons have missed it. This is great.
true, that's how they keep the plausible deniability, when you add up all the other coincidences between gamestop, cohen, DFV and some by elon, you find out there's a lot of coincidences
Connect the dots, Musk is a charlatan.
Look at common sense skeptic on youtube, for example.
Dozens of very, very well researched Musk-destroying videos.
Came here to say the exact same nerdy statement. Fist bump, dork.
You're right. That "zord" looks like it belongs to the GREEN RANGER. It's not even the final form.
Also, just another coincidence, Elon twatted it after GameStop within 24 hours. Just another coincidence that should be brushed aside.
Whoa..the shills are strong in this thread. Check out your downvotes! Seems you’ve hit a nerve with this one.
I just upvoted both of you. You were at zero, which seems to me a sign of a shill attack.
Being criticized is a neccesary facet of un fettered freedom of speech.
Getting shillstormed is not.
Sure, but that's purely speculation
Yeah they don't look similar. And ignore the 'storm' connection.
All just a coincidence.,inspired%20some%20eventual%20Transformer%20designs.
"Go go powerformers. RoII out!" - Zordtimus Prime.
I’m ready for the mooning 🚀🚀🚀
But it's not a transformer, it's a power ranger!!
This post is debunked!
Can't be easy being a shilldoomer right now.
Especially if the Soros funds are drying up.
I love how they both posted dank memes and comms at the same time.
Someone downvoted you. Over the target. This tiny post with 7 upvotes. We made someone mad?
Isn't it fun! 😁
Lol someones always Mad af here
It's way worse over at the P.dub.
Probably spill over here. That’s why I never go there anymore. Not worth it.
Hedge funds have deep pockets, I’m sure they’re busily paying these shills to spread some FUD.
They're burning their clients' money to kick the can down the road just a day longer.
So if I post complete nonsense and get downvoted to hell, I have the right to respond with:
"Over the target, baby, over the target! Over the target, baby, over the target! Over the target, baby, over the target! Over the target, baby, over the target! Over the target, baby, over the target! Over the target, baby, over the target! Over the target, baby, over the target!"
EDIT: Wow, I struck a nerve! Over the target, baby, over the target! Over the target, baby, over the target! Over the target, baby, over the target! Over the target, baby, over the target! Over the target, baby, over the target! Over the target, baby, over the target! Over the target, baby, over the target!
I sure would like someone to transform this shitty economy.
The only way to transform our economy is to let it die, and from the ashes raise a new economy bereft of the parasitic Fed.
Get ready for the night to get much darker before the brightest dawn in the history of economics.
We'll build back but with more butter!
I'm listening
As long as they bring back the little indian lady :(
Fewer butlers right?
We're headed toward a survivalist economy no matter what. And the only ones who transform it are us.
Get ration bars.
note, transformer blew up at the Hoover dam. Hmm.
Wow, just coinkidinks..
Just out of curiosity I looked up Magnus. Magnus Carlsen is the what? The world CHESS champion! Holy moly 😯👀
"The crackle of unreleased energy".
Release the Crackle (kraken)!
This is fun. I tend to lean on the transformer thing like at best, as a "yeah ok, but so what?" kinda thing. At worst for us it is a totally rediculous/awesome way to troll Team Evil. So no matter the truth is a win-win for GAW.
IMO, It is about a Trump level troll based on how everyone is going on about it.. The shills are out in force to say "zords aren't transformers!" It's driving them crazy. Even several anons have missed it. This is great.
Well done.
Zords aren't Transformers.. they're transformers..
And both are cool as fuck
Not sure if they are shills or just mad they haven't invested in GME. Or are hoping that their stacks of Gold and Silver make them rich and not GME.
Up vote for "la la la la." I thought it was funny.
I know you're lurking. You inspired me. Hope you return brother.
T+35 - can’t wait
Not to be a nerd’s advocate, but the Zord in gamestops post isn’t a transformer, but to the uninformed, it could be I guess. 🤷🏼
true, that's how they keep the plausible deniability, when you add up all the other coincidences between gamestop, cohen, DFV and some by elon, you find out there's a lot of coincidences,inspired%20some%20eventual%20Transformer%20designs
Neither one of those robots is Optimus prime
That dude is a fucking awesome troll.
Connect the dots, Musk is a charlatan. Look at common sense skeptic on youtube, for example. Dozens of very, very well researched Musk-destroying videos.