The question is, what made the heart so weak and vulnerable that showers, runs, excitement, ect, makes it malfunction where it normally would not? These articles are for ignorant sheep.
That's true,but telling them basic info like the vax is poison is not a pearl.
We have to continue the fight,and you guys in commie states must be having a very hard time. When I tell people something like 95% of the deaths in the UK are triple vax,they don't argue with me,they are not even surprised anymore.
The absurdity I hope will all be tabled in a courtroom or tribunal in a case that sentences all the media owners and CEOs to death for their role in the ongoing vaxx killings and subsequent coverups - of which this pic is a perfect example.
Let them buy all the rope to hang themselves with.
As a devout Christian , I do not put a lot of stock into Darwins Theory. But, the clot shot is thinning out our species and only those whose brain evolved into critical thinking will survive. So maybe, God's plan included a little Darwinism in it.
Perhaps Darwin is credited with merely noticing a pattern that God created? Everything we see and everything we don't see is his work. His systems are all working as intended and are all incredibly marvelous. We see everything with a limited field of view, we don't have the ability to understand or even comprehend all that is. That is where Faith comes in. We trust in his plan and his creation.
To some degree, this is true,(Linnaeus saw many of connections) but Darwin took it too far. We grant that all humans (with the exception of two) came from one cell, but that one cell is distinctly human. We still haven't found any true 'missing links' and we are only beginning to see how truly complex even a simple cell is. Michael Behe's Darwin's Black Box, though detailed and sometimes complicated, is one of the best reads for the not so scientifically inclined. (You can skip the overly detailed points in the book) You may also appreciate reading Zombie Science by Johnathan Wells, which explains the missing link problems and how other so-called 'evidence for evolution' that keeps recycling is at best flawed and at worst deceptive.
The Theory of Evolution is distinctly different from Natural selection. If I remember correctly, even Darwin didn't believe humans evolved from single cell organisms toward the end of his life. The simple truth is that the theory of evolution is a possible hypothesis and it is unproven, the problem with this is that it is taught as fact.
The more evidence we obtain, the less the evidence points in the direction of macroevolution. The irreducible complexity of the cell, along with the requirement of processes to devolve before proceeding, makes Darwin's theory pretty much unworkable without some major adjustments, as a group of scientists pointed out . One hundred scientists from a variety of scientific fields, including Nobel nominee Henry F. Schaefer, the third most cited chemist, questioned the ability of random mutation to create life. "We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutations and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged."
MIchael Behe, Johnathan Wells, and other scientists who hold to Intelligent Design theory have no problem with micro-evolution (the idea that things evolve within specific limits) but macro-evolution takes the idea way too far.
Trying to have an intelligent and productive debate with an atheist is fairly impossible. The simple process of even admitting that the alternate theory is possible, is beyond their ability. The vehemence of their denial of even the remote possibility of intelligent design suggests pervasive indoctrination. The awareness of the overwhelming complexity of life and the diversity of it is fairly evident that random chance had nothing to do with the existence of life. Even with the ideal conditions and all the building blocks present, life has yet to spontaneously develop. There is something missing. The spark of life, the soul, the spirit of God, whatever you want to call it, we cannot quantify it. It is not within our power to create life. The spark of energy released when a sperm enters an ova is even visible, but the mechanism is unknown.
The bible tells us that the enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy and that’s exactly what they’re doing. God never creates disorder, but instead destroys the plans of the enemy as we partner with him, recognizing our authority over evil as his sons and daughters.
We need more followers of Jesus to wake up and authoritatively (by his power) bind and destroy the enemy as we see it.
To be honest, I believe in both, but that our free will is limited by both circumstance (the natural limits we have on what we are able to do) and both our and God's choices.
Compare what owning this Robot Dog would be like in comparison to a real puppy.
Sure, the Robot Dog won't shit and piss on the floor like the puppy will before it's housebroken, or eat that pair of your favorite slippers because you didn't realize puppies teethe and you need to pay more attention to its needs. The Robot Dog will obey all of your commands as long as you keep its battery charged. Meanwhile, the puppy might disobey your command even after you spent hours getting it to learn the command in the first place.
If you put in the time and effort, one day that puppy will become a dog who obeys your commands, doesn't eat your slippers, no longer has accidents, and who can still surprise you from time to time.
Which dog's love would you value more? The Robot Dog's or the real dog's love? Is the Robot Dog ever going to surprise you by exhibiting a new behavior it wasn't programmed to, barring a malfunction, of course?
Similarly, how many movies and books are based on the premise of a rich person who hides his wealth to test if a woman loves him for real and not simply because of his money?
Hopefully these analogies helps you understand WHY the Creator gave us free will.
From my estimation, He didn't want a bunch of robots who were incapable of independent thought. He wants his creation to love Him and praise Him because they choose to do so, not because they're programmed to or simply because they see the transaction as their meal ticket.
The problem with dogs is they aren't made to last. You are lucky to get 12 years out of the larger varieties before they stop working. (Can I blame the Creator for that?) I want my money back!
They were, once... Devolution ruined all that. Think of it as a perfectly functional system, then an enemy slipped in malware. Now all creation is looking for the restoration to the original design specifications, and that has cost the designer plenty to repair. The book of Romans will explain the details for you.
Sadly, the cabal is selecting for those of us with an operational brain. Of course they want their premier slaves to be the brightest and most productive.
Their NPC minions are disposable once they have served their purpose.
I'm OK with the idiots taking themselves out, but I am certain that the slavemasters are confident in their ability to control us.
Natural selection will naturally strengthen a species, and you can believe that along with any spiritual belief. Believing that natural selection will lead to new species arising from old ones is a whole other thing, and that is a matter of faith. We observe species disappearing, but we don't see new kinds of creatures appearing.
Some of these articles are so absurd that I'm not sure they're necessarily intended as a smokescreen for jab deaths, but rather to either mock the sheep or shake them awake.
Seriously the whole point of it is, like excercise, to have adversity training. Small stresses make the body stronger.
One thing that probably is true, in spite of the vaccine contributing, is that billions of people who sat around eating shitty food, drinking their sorrows away, and being inactive for 2 years are likely to have trouble getting back to shit. A lot of people's hearts are probably weak right now, and getting back to normal life is hard in the first place, let alone the jabs making it worse.
That's a great point, and I would bet that would be more prevalent in people who chose to live in fear or were ignorant of the obvious - they let themselves go out of despair.
The rest of us carried on with our lives in much the same way as we did before all of this nonsense was foisted upon us.
Someone needs to make a collage of all different ridiculous headlines.
Marijuana, climate change, bee stings, showers, etc. in one visible meme for us to share. I'd like to make it but I can't think of every one. I'd like every single absurd one on it.
The article contains a lot of information about the potential benefits of cold showers but it does provide the following caution-
Potential risks of cold showers
People with known heart disease or a risk of heart disease should not chance the potential consequences, according to Dr. Helene Glassberg, an associate professor at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.
An abrupt submersion in cold water, whether a shower or even jumping into a cold pool, could put certain people at risk for heart complications including heart attack or stroke.
“Abrupt exposure to cold water causes your blood vessels to restrict, causes you to take a deep breath, causes your heart rate and blood pressure to potentially go up and this could potentially cause a stressor on the heart,” Glassberg told TODAY.
“I’m not sure if the health benefits are strong enough to outweigh the risks,” she said. “So for anyone with risk, I’d caution them before jumping into something like that.”
Elliott said she agreed those with cardiovascular issues or risks should avoid cold showers. But she added, “If you don’t have any underlying medical conditions, then I don’t see any harm in trying to do it.”
Roughly 1 out of 3 Americans chose to be part of the vaccine control group despite the threats to their livelihoods, restrictions on travel, and other fear tactics. They are not experiencing sudden onset myocarditis and other adverse effects like the vaccinated are.
No matter how much Big Tech and the MSM censors the truth, when fully vaccinated friends, family members, and co-workers are suddenly dying in their sleep or from strokes, heart attacks, and other issues while their deplorable counterparts are perfectly healthy, even NPCs who fully bought in are starting to question things.
Anecdotally, so many people in my neighborhood who are fully vaccinated are getting sick constantly. Meanwhile, I've been healthy as an ox for over 2 years and the closest I've come to a cold is blowing my nose 3-4 times a day when pollen levels are out of control.
It's possible these kinds of messages are to prevent as many sudden deaths of the vaccinated as possible because not as many people bought into the fear and got jabbed as the genocidal maniacs predicted based on their computer simulations, and they're trying to create plausible deniability because they're losing control of the narrative.
Interesting short read. Obviously grasping at straws to cover for vax injuries. They even admit to the sudden spike in heart related deaths. It almost seems like they were ordered to spread the word that cold showers are killing people but they know it is hogwash.
Curious claim to make about "shower habits" when nobody ever died from the Polar Bear Plunge in New England done every year for decades now always in the dead of winter at Hampton Beach, NH no mater how old they were when the took the Plunge; sometimes in 15F weather too. So FB! Fact check THAT!
Clown world for sure. Of course we already know this article is dogshit disinfo, but for anyone interested, I’m going on 3 years of alternating hot/cold showers and can confirm it’s benefits. I’m a service-connected disabled marine corps vet (enabled by God) but have seen many of my health issues alleviated by doing this.
I turn on the MSM in the morning before work, just to catch the weather forecast for the day. There was something else they were using as an excuse earlier this week for the rash of heart issues. I think it was poor sleeping habits - something a lot of people could relate to in some way or other. I wasn't paying much attention at the time.
The question is, what made the heart so weak and vulnerable that showers, runs, excitement, ect, makes it malfunction where it normally would not? These articles are for ignorant sheep.
These articles are to hide vaXXine damage/deaths.
Yep, for the sheep who will believe anything. They ain’t fooling the rest of us.
Some of them are buying into it. But you would think that they should be asking themselves, why so many heart issues that showers are now a hazard?
Sticking sharp things in your arm can lead to heart attack, stroke or a very low IQ.
when you push propaganda (lie) you must continue with more propaganda (lies) to cover the propaganda (lies) that you pushed.
It works, the sheep fall for it. I am too the point of not caring about the sheep anymore. It is wasted energy trying to wake them up.
Do not toss your pearls before swine.
That's true,but telling them basic info like the vax is poison is not a pearl.
We have to continue the fight,and you guys in commie states must be having a very hard time. When I tell people something like 95% of the deaths in the UK are triple vax,they don't argue with me,they are not even surprised anymore.
The absurdity I hope will all be tabled in a courtroom or tribunal in a case that sentences all the media owners and CEOs to death for their role in the ongoing vaxx killings and subsequent coverups - of which this pic is a perfect example.
Let them buy all the rope to hang themselves with.
I hope you don’t live in Kentucky…you legally have to shower once per year.
Is that you, Steve Bannon?
As a devout Christian , I do not put a lot of stock into Darwins Theory. But, the clot shot is thinning out our species and only those whose brain evolved into critical thinking will survive. So maybe, God's plan included a little Darwinism in it.
Perhaps Darwin is credited with merely noticing a pattern that God created? Everything we see and everything we don't see is his work. His systems are all working as intended and are all incredibly marvelous. We see everything with a limited field of view, we don't have the ability to understand or even comprehend all that is. That is where Faith comes in. We trust in his plan and his creation.
To some degree, this is true,(Linnaeus saw many of connections) but Darwin took it too far. We grant that all humans (with the exception of two) came from one cell, but that one cell is distinctly human. We still haven't found any true 'missing links' and we are only beginning to see how truly complex even a simple cell is. Michael Behe's Darwin's Black Box, though detailed and sometimes complicated, is one of the best reads for the not so scientifically inclined. (You can skip the overly detailed points in the book) You may also appreciate reading Zombie Science by Johnathan Wells, which explains the missing link problems and how other so-called 'evidence for evolution' that keeps recycling is at best flawed and at worst deceptive.
The Theory of Evolution is distinctly different from Natural selection. If I remember correctly, even Darwin didn't believe humans evolved from single cell organisms toward the end of his life. The simple truth is that the theory of evolution is a possible hypothesis and it is unproven, the problem with this is that it is taught as fact.
The more evidence we obtain, the less the evidence points in the direction of macroevolution. The irreducible complexity of the cell, along with the requirement of processes to devolve before proceeding, makes Darwin's theory pretty much unworkable without some major adjustments, as a group of scientists pointed out . One hundred scientists from a variety of scientific fields, including Nobel nominee Henry F. Schaefer, the third most cited chemist, questioned the ability of random mutation to create life. "We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutations and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged."
MIchael Behe, Johnathan Wells, and other scientists who hold to Intelligent Design theory have no problem with micro-evolution (the idea that things evolve within specific limits) but macro-evolution takes the idea way too far.
Trying to have an intelligent and productive debate with an atheist is fairly impossible. The simple process of even admitting that the alternate theory is possible, is beyond their ability. The vehemence of their denial of even the remote possibility of intelligent design suggests pervasive indoctrination. The awareness of the overwhelming complexity of life and the diversity of it is fairly evident that random chance had nothing to do with the existence of life. Even with the ideal conditions and all the building blocks present, life has yet to spontaneously develop. There is something missing. The spark of life, the soul, the spirit of God, whatever you want to call it, we cannot quantify it. It is not within our power to create life. The spark of energy released when a sperm enters an ova is even visible, but the mechanism is unknown.
Science explains how. Religion explains why.
Science tries to, but hasn't gotten there yet. Life is too complex for us at this point in human understanding.
Precisely. That sums it up perfectly.
So why did he create the current situation? To test us?
The bible tells us that the enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy and that’s exactly what they’re doing. God never creates disorder, but instead destroys the plans of the enemy as we partner with him, recognizing our authority over evil as his sons and daughters.
We need more followers of Jesus to wake up and authoritatively (by his power) bind and destroy the enemy as we see it.
…and what a privilege it is…
Predestination vs free will. I believe in the latter.
To be honest, I believe in both, but that our free will is limited by both circumstance (the natural limits we have on what we are able to do) and both our and God's choices.
he didnt the devil did ....
Here's a review video of a Sony Aibo Robot Dog -
Compare what owning this Robot Dog would be like in comparison to a real puppy.
Sure, the Robot Dog won't shit and piss on the floor like the puppy will before it's housebroken, or eat that pair of your favorite slippers because you didn't realize puppies teethe and you need to pay more attention to its needs. The Robot Dog will obey all of your commands as long as you keep its battery charged. Meanwhile, the puppy might disobey your command even after you spent hours getting it to learn the command in the first place.
If you put in the time and effort, one day that puppy will become a dog who obeys your commands, doesn't eat your slippers, no longer has accidents, and who can still surprise you from time to time.
Which dog's love would you value more? The Robot Dog's or the real dog's love? Is the Robot Dog ever going to surprise you by exhibiting a new behavior it wasn't programmed to, barring a malfunction, of course?
Similarly, how many movies and books are based on the premise of a rich person who hides his wealth to test if a woman loves him for real and not simply because of his money?
Hopefully these analogies helps you understand WHY the Creator gave us free will.
From my estimation, He didn't want a bunch of robots who were incapable of independent thought. He wants his creation to love Him and praise Him because they choose to do so, not because they're programmed to or simply because they see the transaction as their meal ticket.
The problem with dogs is they aren't made to last. You are lucky to get 12 years out of the larger varieties before they stop working. (Can I blame the Creator for that?) I want my money back!
They were, once... Devolution ruined all that. Think of it as a perfectly functional system, then an enemy slipped in malware. Now all creation is looking for the restoration to the original design specifications, and that has cost the designer plenty to repair. The book of Romans will explain the details for you.
Sadly, the cabal is selecting for those of us with an operational brain. Of course they want their premier slaves to be the brightest and most productive.
Their NPC minions are disposable once they have served their purpose.
I'm OK with the idiots taking themselves out, but I am certain that the slavemasters are confident in their ability to control us.
The cabal are confident in their superiority. They honestly believe they are better than us. They see us no differently than we see third worlders
Natural selection will naturally strengthen a species, and you can believe that along with any spiritual belief. Believing that natural selection will lead to new species arising from old ones is a whole other thing, and that is a matter of faith. We observe species disappearing, but we don't see new kinds of creatures appearing.
Some of these articles are so absurd that I'm not sure they're necessarily intended as a smokescreen for jab deaths, but rather to either mock the sheep or shake them awake.
northern european people often sauna then plunge into artic waters or snow..
always heard that was healthy for your system.
how stupid .
I thought cold showers were good for the heart.
Don't trust *that *science, trust *this *science!
Seriously the whole point of it is, like excercise, to have adversity training. Small stresses make the body stronger.
One thing that probably is true, in spite of the vaccine contributing, is that billions of people who sat around eating shitty food, drinking their sorrows away, and being inactive for 2 years are likely to have trouble getting back to shit. A lot of people's hearts are probably weak right now, and getting back to normal life is hard in the first place, let alone the jabs making it worse.
That's a great point, and I would bet that would be more prevalent in people who chose to live in fear or were ignorant of the obvious - they let themselves go out of despair. The rest of us carried on with our lives in much the same way as we did before all of this nonsense was foisted upon us.
What’s the next reason, brushing my teeth??
Does your toothpaste contain baking soda and not life affirming FLOURIDE? You could totally be ummm.. risking a uhh.. Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
Someone needs to make a collage of all different ridiculous headlines.
Marijuana, climate change, bee stings, showers, etc. in one visible meme for us to share. I'd like to make it but I can't think of every one. I'd like every single absurd one on it.
Hat tip to penisse - need to add some things though, as new "evidence" emerges such as the topic of this post!!
(It's cold showers. Other articles says it's plunging into cold water during a heatwave.)
Well, watch the water and you’ll be fine!🥳
Well gosh, I remember seeing some climate alarmists say that we should start taking cold showers as a means of conserving energy and water use.
This article is from 2019, so pre-Covid vaccine-
Doctors weigh in on potential benefits of taking a cold shower
While more research needs to be done, there seem to be a few benefits to a good cold shower.
The article contains a lot of information about the potential benefits of cold showers but it does provide the following caution-
Potential risks of cold showers
Roughly 1 out of 3 Americans chose to be part of the vaccine control group despite the threats to their livelihoods, restrictions on travel, and other fear tactics. They are not experiencing sudden onset myocarditis and other adverse effects like the vaccinated are.
No matter how much Big Tech and the MSM censors the truth, when fully vaccinated friends, family members, and co-workers are suddenly dying in their sleep or from strokes, heart attacks, and other issues while their deplorable counterparts are perfectly healthy, even NPCs who fully bought in are starting to question things.
Anecdotally, so many people in my neighborhood who are fully vaccinated are getting sick constantly. Meanwhile, I've been healthy as an ox for over 2 years and the closest I've come to a cold is blowing my nose 3-4 times a day when pollen levels are out of control.
It's possible these kinds of messages are to prevent as many sudden deaths of the vaccinated as possible because not as many people bought into the fear and got jabbed as the genocidal maniacs predicted based on their computer simulations, and they're trying to create plausible deniability because they're losing control of the narrative.
Interesting short read. Obviously grasping at straws to cover for vax injuries. They even admit to the sudden spike in heart related deaths. It almost seems like they were ordered to spread the word that cold showers are killing people but they know it is hogwash.
Curious claim to make about "shower habits" when nobody ever died from the Polar Bear Plunge in New England done every year for decades now always in the dead of winter at Hampton Beach, NH no mater how old they were when the took the Plunge; sometimes in 15F weather too. So FB! Fact check THAT!
Clown world for sure. Of course we already know this article is dogshit disinfo, but for anyone interested, I’m going on 3 years of alternating hot/cold showers and can confirm it’s benefits. I’m a service-connected disabled marine corps vet (enabled by God) but have seen many of my health issues alleviated by doing this.
Thank you for your service.
I turn on the MSM in the morning before work, just to catch the weather forecast for the day. There was something else they were using as an excuse earlier this week for the rash of heart issues. I think it was poor sleeping habits - something a lot of people could relate to in some way or other. I wasn't paying much attention at the time.
Who believes this malarky?
If a shower habit throws you into a heart attack... you are by definition NOT HEALTHY.
Right, you're vaXXed.
What habit is that? Showering while vaccinated???
And many normies will believe it.
I'm honestly surprised that they have not blamed Putin yet.
What habit are the talking about? Snapping one off??
Having pleasure getting wet whilst singing?
Fuck you wim hof they comin for you.