Pox outbreaks on the body is also a common side effect of the MRNA poison. Recall that children were just targeted for this injection.
I believe the monkeypox narrative is a distraction from the side effects of the injection. If we hear of a sudden leap in transmissibility, that will be a sign that adverse reactions to the injections are beginning to pick up in quantities that are unable to be suppressed by normal propaganda means.
This is not to say that children are not being abused, but rather that the Cabal knows no boundaries of ethics or morality when throwing narratives out there to confuse the masses.
Monkeypox virus is transmitted from one person to another by close contact with lesions, body fluids, respiratory droplets and contaminated materials such as bedding.
Be very careful with this story Anons!
Pox outbreaks on the body is also a common side effect of the MRNA poison. Recall that children were just targeted for this injection.
I believe the monkeypox narrative is a distraction from the side effects of the injection. If we hear of a sudden leap in transmissibility, that will be a sign that adverse reactions to the injections are beginning to pick up in quantities that are unable to be suppressed by normal propaganda means.
This is not to say that children are not being abused, but rather that the Cabal knows no boundaries of ethics or morality when throwing narratives out there to confuse the masses.
Be extra vigilant!
It's shingles because their immune system is failing.
Why is it mostly in the gay population if it's a vaccine side effect? Wouldn't it be evenly distributed?
I agree it is a side effect but curious what you think accounts for the anomaly?
Parasites. Gay ass worms. Not good!
But are the parasites gay-ass worms, or gay ass-worms? This is important.
I think they gay catch it first,as their immune systems are compromised all ready.
A Lot of discussion when AIDS first happened was that the treatment was causing the immune breakdown
Vaids = Monkeypox
As a HUGE flashing neon sign saying "these kids have been abused"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Father God please protect our children and save them from this crazy government and culture
They're not.
I find it amazing how people just choose to start believing MSM narratives all of a sudden.
The kids have "monkey pox" just as much as people involved in car accidents died of "covid" in the last 2 years.
Yep. Monkeypox aftermath of vaids
Because it's fucking shingles.
I think we all know that answer around here.
Is it Monkeypox or are they lying? Like they lied about Ohio girl who is 10 and crossed state lines to get an abortion.
Or they have two dads instead of a mother and father.
If it's a MSM story...it's comms...just like every other convid MSM story.
Monkeypox is the same as shingles. Shingles is by product of vax.
Monkeypox virus is transmitted from one person to another by close contact with lesions, body fluids, respiratory droplets and contaminated materials such as bedding.
Because they are being sexually abused by male groomers.
Somehow, they picked it up at Monkeypox story hour. Thanks mom.