Another thought... since this Board is anonymous, what's the chance that some Anons are Q-Team members who drop crumbs like this to redirect our thinking?
I like etymology and did a little research in this area. Nautical terms have had a huge impact on our language and are the basis for many of the words we use today. This post is a great example.
pretty sure decoding symbols has this one right. water = info. look at the decoding symbols blog if you want to get into the weeds. i'm not proposing that all of the decodes there are legit; but I think he's got water and nuclear nailed down pretty good
I like this thinking.
Another thought... since this Board is anonymous, what's the chance that some Anons are Q-Team members who drop crumbs like this to redirect our thinking?
More like Chabad Lubavitch Jews turning on Rothschild Jews. Just new Cabal.
They're down $1.7 trillion so far.
The odds are high.
Why do you think Q sanctioned an official board on VOAT QRV?
Q told us they would NOT post outside comms.
Meaning you would never see Q come here; type a post and sign off as Q.
This allows Q to go on his board and say “so and so is a fake, only Q posts are signed off on here.”
This doesn’t mean any of the 10 members don’t use Twitter, e-mail, message boards, even anon boards.
Doesn’t Trump use Twitter? Doesn’t Flynn? Doesn’t all the others surrounding them use social media?
Yes, they just never sign off as Q.
I could come here and make a fake Q post but the real Q could still always post and deny it.
The same way Flynn or anyone could come here and say “hey have you looked in this direction?”
Posts and threads like this came up a LOT on VOAT and would seemingly drop from nowhere at the exact right times.
Lets not forget about the Maritime laws.. That border covers the entire united states lower 48...
I like etymology and did a little research in this area. Nautical terms have had a huge impact on our language and are the basis for many of the words we use today. This post is a great example.
Taxpayers "bail" out corporations, homeowners underwater, sub-prime lending...
Catch my drift... just flows sometimes
You speak my language brother!
I don't agree this is how info is disseminated. This isn't how you effectively communicate.
This may help. Jordan Maxwell YouTube link expounding on what they label “word magic.” Knowledge Oasis: Word Magic and Maritime Admiralty Law Explained.
Individually we are weak, like a single twig. But as a bundle, we form a mighty faggot.
Water= information
Bank name is about the directing the flow of money and there for the flow of society as the banks see fit.
Directing the flow of currency…
And money is called currency.
pretty sure decoding symbols has this one right. water = info. look at the decoding symbols blog if you want to get into the weeds. i'm not proposing that all of the decodes there are legit; but I think he's got water and nuclear nailed down pretty good
Did Owen Benjamin write this? Lol I could definitely see him drawing this up in one of his videos. Good stuff.
Mmm-mah-mah-muh-mmmmaritime... Admiralty control of waterways, including roads and driveways.
I...don't follow?
Banks channel currency through the nation.
These are all maritime words that made their way into the English lexicon.
River banks channel the banks channel currency (USD) through the nation.
Oh no
Downvoted because you said wAtcH tHe wAteR
I would downboat if I could