Hate to be that guy but this is our natural monsoonal pattern. Ive lived in the southwest all my life. Its not "against the jet stream". Also, studied meteorology.
I've lived in Phoenix for 50 years and our weather is much like LV. We definitely had a regular, predictable summer of dry heat followed by "monsoons" for years and then got stuck in the hot dry part longer, fewer rains, less lightning when it did rain, fewer big dust storms--that part is ok--for years. Since June it has been cool and rainy compared to the last six years, at least.
Exactly. I've lives in Phoenix for 30+ years, and you describe it perfectly. The 90's were always HOT Junes (122 for the record high of all time in June 1990) followed by dramatic monsoons, cooler and rainy nearly every day in July & August. Then around 2005 ish, the monsoons waned and even disappeared. There was nothing, and July and August had high temps instead of the normal cool down. This summer has been fab.
So they decided to put most of the entire Northern Hemisphere in one the hottest beginnings of Summer in history?
I have thought to myself that chemtrails have slowed down in last couple yrs. I thought maybe their tech got better or it moved to another location.
But this Summer and the heat to destroy crops and livestock just is par for course with the rest of the sudden food crisis they are generating. It proves that white hats are not in control, im sorry.
Those chemtrails her in south east Texas (Northwest of Houston) have been 24/7 for the past 3 months. Can even see them in the moonlight. Noticed them getting really frequent back in November of 21. I think we will see fires because all the trees are dying. Would love to know who is doing this....
I don't know how old you are or where you live, but this Summer has not been normal by any means for a large part of the entire Northern Hemisphere. At a convenient time, when the food supply and chain are under attack from every direction.
The pede I commented to claimed WH may be in control because of a storm in Vegas.
All I stated was if WH are in control of weather than why did they allow one of the hottest and driest beginnings to a SUMMER IN HISTORY.
In a community where we are all here trying to help figure out the truth, I don't know where you fit in calling your fellow pedes a clown.
Kind of like our liberal counterparts who hide behind a keyboard. My buddy Mike Tyson said something once about people like that.
It's been raining like it used to. Holding my breath and practicing u/DonSpectacularis' mental exercise of visualizing the cool rain falling, the cool air moving down to hit the hot moist air, etc. We in the west need this rain all over, so please give it a try too.
I wanted to see the town at the bottom of Lake Mead! The lower the water gets the more bodies are found. It would have been a good time to clean that mess up.
What part of Tennessee is getting flooded? I live in West, son lives in middle. We’re getting rain off and on for a few days, thank God(hasn’t rained in like 8 weeks)..but nothing flooded we know of yet. I have heard East Kentucky are having flooding issues.
Absolutely, it is God giving mercy to the Sin City. Even if it is "monsoons", it is what is desperately needed. I hope many think about getting out of this pit of sin.
I made the trip this morning actually... and yesterday. I actually saw the difference in height from the scenic view in Meadview. There was a very noticable raise in height... no binoculars needed. The level seemed a bit lower once 10-10:30 am hit. I think the pumps at the dam were raising capacity. Even at that time, the pools of water still at higher elevations were draining through the mountainside.
Yeah I watched a documentary about these guys who were able to get to the underground homeless camps. It was a big deal, they had to earn their trust, and they met actually really seem to be a lot of nice people. Of course they are a little bit crazy, but they’re homeless, and they live in catacombs. It’s complete darkness, you have to have some type of artificial light to move around under there. When I heard about that rains and the floods, I thought about them immediately. I also have hopes that when these floods are coming through cities, that they are flooding the dums And anything related to underground human trafficking.
Hate to be that guy but this is our natural monsoonal pattern. Ive lived in the southwest all my life. Its not "against the jet stream". Also, studied meteorology.
I've lived in Phoenix for 50 years and our weather is much like LV. We definitely had a regular, predictable summer of dry heat followed by "monsoons" for years and then got stuck in the hot dry part longer, fewer rains, less lightning when it did rain, fewer big dust storms--that part is ok--for years. Since June it has been cool and rainy compared to the last six years, at least.
Exactly. I've lives in Phoenix for 30+ years, and you describe it perfectly. The 90's were always HOT Junes (122 for the record high of all time in June 1990) followed by dramatic monsoons, cooler and rainy nearly every day in July & August. Then around 2005 ish, the monsoons waned and even disappeared. There was nothing, and July and August had high temps instead of the normal cool down. This summer has been fab.
Just lived there for seven years. Monsoon didn't happen the past 5 years.
Ive lived in metro phoenix almost all of my life except the years I spent in Vegas. Im intimately familiar with the area and the weather.
I concur!
Doomer shill! How dare you spit facts around here. Comie dark hat shill, Yada Yada
Maybe white hats have control of HAARP
My thoughts exactly.
I think the White Hats indeed have control over some of the weather tech.
So they decided to put most of the entire Northern Hemisphere in one the hottest beginnings of Summer in history? I have thought to myself that chemtrails have slowed down in last couple yrs. I thought maybe their tech got better or it moved to another location. But this Summer and the heat to destroy crops and livestock just is par for course with the rest of the sudden food crisis they are generating. It proves that white hats are not in control, im sorry.
Those chemtrails her in south east Texas (Northwest of Houston) have been 24/7 for the past 3 months. Can even see them in the moonlight. Noticed them getting really frequent back in November of 21. I think we will see fires because all the trees are dying. Would love to know who is doing this....
Same here in Utah through the month of July. The chemtrails have been nonstop this month.
I don't know how old you are or where you live, but this Summer has not been normal by any means for a large part of the entire Northern Hemisphere. At a convenient time, when the food supply and chain are under attack from every direction. The pede I commented to claimed WH may be in control because of a storm in Vegas. All I stated was if WH are in control of weather than why did they allow one of the hottest and driest beginnings to a SUMMER IN HISTORY. In a community where we are all here trying to help figure out the truth, I don't know where you fit in calling your fellow pedes a clown. Kind of like our liberal counterparts who hide behind a keyboard. My buddy Mike Tyson said something once about people like that.
I was praying for this! More of the Good Lord's people than the idiots...
Amen. I’ve been praying that we would get rain up this way by Reno. Maybe?🙏
I'm praying for it🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🐸🐸🐸
Thanks...hopeful and I wish.
That stuff just sounds silly.
Some serious stretch going on....
I dont know man. They definitely can control the weather, that is proven.
The more I learn, the more I see how much I don't know...
It's how we do around here!
It's been raining like it used to. Holding my breath and practicing u/DonSpectacularis' mental exercise of visualizing the cool rain falling, the cool air moving down to hit the hot moist air, etc. We in the west need this rain all over, so please give it a try too.
Yes, we have been getting more rain as well love it thank you Lord! 🙏❤️🙏 Enjoy reading u/DonSpecularis miss him around here.
I wanted to see the town at the bottom of Lake Mead! The lower the water gets the more bodies are found. It would have been a good time to clean that mess up.
Wasn't the last drought thread about Las Vegas, NEW MEXICO, not Lost Wages?
Thank you Jesus. We just got alot of rain here on our draught stricken land
Pearly dewdrops drops on Heaven or Las Vegas.
Swirly shimmery keks
They get monsoons in Arizona and Las Vegas most years
What part of Tennessee is getting flooded? I live in West, son lives in middle. We’re getting rain off and on for a few days, thank God(hasn’t rained in like 8 weeks)..but nothing flooded we know of yet. I have heard East Kentucky are having flooding issues.
Well..... unless someone manipulates the weather....
We got two drops today in SoCal.
They can keep that shit over there, us in the south are getting hammered badly, lots of property damage
Didn’t an article just say that LV would run out of water in 5 days. Convenient seeding of clouds or an act of God?
Utah next plz lord
Amen and praise God
Not doubting that God’s hand is in all of this, but..
CERN is definitely suspect.
The weather here in the Tricities area of Tennessee has been extremely weird ever since they turned the CERN collider back on. Coincidence?
"He who controls the weather will control the world" https://rumble.com/vt8rhu-lyndon-b-johnson-speech-in-texas-1962.html LBJ sounding extra creepy as he describes weather manipulation.
Absolutely, it is God giving mercy to the Sin City. Even if it is "monsoons", it is what is desperately needed. I hope many think about getting out of this pit of sin.
I doubt a day of storms is going to have Huge impact on what's going on at Lake mead lately.
I made the trip this morning actually... and yesterday. I actually saw the difference in height from the scenic view in Meadview. There was a very noticable raise in height... no binoculars needed. The level seemed a bit lower once 10-10:30 am hit. I think the pumps at the dam were raising capacity. Even at that time, the pools of water still at higher elevations were draining through the mountainside.
Glad to read this update.
Yeah I watched a documentary about these guys who were able to get to the underground homeless camps. It was a big deal, they had to earn their trust, and they met actually really seem to be a lot of nice people. Of course they are a little bit crazy, but they’re homeless, and they live in catacombs. It’s complete darkness, you have to have some type of artificial light to move around under there. When I heard about that rains and the floods, I thought about them immediately. I also have hopes that when these floods are coming through cities, that they are flooding the dums And anything related to underground human trafficking.