I'm like you in that I expect (hope) the Pelosi drama to result in some kind of BOOM.
However, more than likely it is just a distraction. And, China is a willing participant.
The only real mystery is whether it is a DS distraction or a White Hat operation.
Eyes on to what is REALLY going on, yes?
Something like:
- Senate votes on AR ban
- Arizona election issues
- 2020 fraud news
- Big pharma document drops
- Ukraine false flags, war crimes
- GME split news
- What else?
ANYTHING to keep the thing that MATTERS out of the news, right?
And/or, the Kamel toe issue will be resolved by SCOTUS that she has to remain VP due to birth right issues and that Piglousy would ascend to POTUS by default….
It never stopped Obama
It never stopped Obama…..”Yet”…, perhaps this could be the opening. So many levels of things happening. I’m wondering if “think game theory” as to do with games like Red Dead, GTA, The Witcher. With these open map games one thread leads to many others and you don’t really work through them linearly.
Just tried to post this as a shower thought from my iPad, not sure if it went through. I’ve only posted a few times through the years. If it doesn’t show up, please feel free to post it if you want.
More thought on that scenario is: This is exactly why they picked her as VP and why piglousy brought up the 25th back when Trump was still POTUS…. This was always their plan. We all got stuck on how they would lose camel to allow Nancy in, well it was right there in front us the whole time. This IS why she went to tie one on in defiance of China. To show she has no fear and that she is a leader, China was just playing it’s part, it really had no intention of shooting her down. Bread and Circuses….it’s all a ruse to prop her up. Expect FJB to go down soon.
I think I got it this time!
Technology is not my fren, what I don’t know about it would fill volumes…
oh, that's a thought.... yikes!
ONE does NOT want Xiden to die IN OFFICE...THE SOB WILL GET A STATE FUNERAL!!! And NO ONE wants that...
This theory is floating but will go down like the turd that it is.
slight of hand. pay attention to what I tell you, not what I'm doing with my other hand...
Another possible angle: are there any legal ramifications to her being out of the country? She is Speaker of the House. Does it change things like Presidential succession if she is not on US soil? Does it affect any legislative action?
Well getting rid of Kamala via the 25th or being foreign born isn't going to happen over night, neither is getting rid of Biden, unless he just up and croaks. Pelosi is less than 24 hours away from US soil at any given moment. So I doubt succession is an issue. It likely has an effect on house votes/legislative matters but she likely cleared out any important matters prior to her departure.
I feel like Piglosi is there on behalf of China. All the other shit is just noise.
Yeah we are the ones here that can’t stop posting add nauseam about it. It doesn’t matter what we think, it doesn’t matter what we care, all that matters is that she is an attention seeking whore, and we give her that pleasure every day by posting about it. Over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over …..
ding ding ding
Pfizer dropped a document today but I could not open it.
Yes, it should be CLAS movement Pelosi. It wasn't at all or at least it didn't feel like it. Anyway Kosovo invasion? Everything is like look at here!!! But even Trump was talking about it so I don't know. It got to be big deal to start war. Maybe first step?
Biden dead maybe?
The one thing I'm not worried about is an all out nuclear war. Even Satan doesn't want to destroy its feeding grounds. What concerns me is what this planet could turn into if we allow it.
I don't care about Pelosi. She's not long left in the world either way. She was always a distraction.