I didnt really know who Godlewski was (still dont really) so looked him up. This article from Daily Beast (2021) talks about this pervert being a "Qanon" so we already know the article is less about him and his crime and more about Q bashing. The implication is once again out there that we are all nut job conspiracy theory hypocrits.
Bashing "Qanons" seems like a good thing in articles, but (speaking for myself) I have learned more GOOD information on this website than from any MSM outlet on any channel. I am hoping more people find this site to "get red-pilled" every day. Thanks for the article.
I try to share the site in obscure places. I saw someone on here with their account named off a character/robot from a game I was mentioning GA on in the region chat and it makes me wonder if it's actually working. 😎
Agree, always great to welcome more people looking for real information and interesting decodes. The point I was making about the article is their use of the term Qanon. Whenever I see that term used by media, I know that the writer did not do their own research and does not know that there is no such thing as "Qanon" - there is Q and there are anons - separate entities.
I didnt say the media invented the term, but they misuse the term for hype and highlight Qanon as an entity instead of differentiating "Q" from "anons". That term is a red flag to me when I see an MSM article, not when I see it used here.
In one of his lives he states he worked with Q and wrote some of the Q- drops. He also said he coined the phrase " Watch the water" and admited he didn't know what it meant.
"he states he worked on with Q and wrote some of the Q- drops" and that's completely at odds with the "always have plausible deniability" mantra that Q has been operating under. Nope, doesn't pass the sniff test.
I didnt really know who Godlewski was (still dont really) so looked him up. This article from Daily Beast (2021) talks about this pervert being a "Qanon" so we already know the article is less about him and his crime and more about Q bashing. The implication is once again out there that we are all nut job conspiracy theory hypocrits.
Bashing "Qanons" seems like a good thing in articles, but (speaking for myself) I have learned more GOOD information on this website than from any MSM outlet on any channel. I am hoping more people find this site to "get red-pilled" every day. Thanks for the article.
I try to share the site in obscure places. I saw someone on here with their account named off a character/robot from a game I was mentioning GA on in the region chat and it makes me wonder if it's actually working. 😎
Which game? Overwatch?
Warframe. Been banned by the furry/commie chat mod a few times
I play Agma.io and I have made the name [Q] SQLQ feared by even the legends!
Agree, always great to welcome more people looking for real information and interesting decodes. The point I was making about the article is their use of the term Qanon. Whenever I see that term used by media, I know that the writer did not do their own research and does not know that there is no such thing as "Qanon" - there is Q and there are anons - separate entities.
You are wrong. The media didn't invent the term, the anons on 4 chan did. From the first Q drop Q was called qanon by everyone who followed him. See for yourself. This is the 4 chan/pol archive where Q posted first from october 2017 to mar 2018. https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/qanon/start/20170801/end/20171121/page/15/
I didnt say the media invented the term, but they misuse the term for hype and highlight Qanon as an entity instead of differentiating "Q" from "anons". That term is a red flag to me when I see an MSM article, not when I see it used here.
He's slime alright. Exposed by Sather already. Pedo grifter.
In one of his lives he states he worked with Q and wrote some of the Q- drops. He also said he coined the phrase " Watch the water" and admited he didn't know what it meant.
Yeah that tracks. I'm always coining phrases that I don't know the meaning of.
People in glass houses sink ships!
Never throw rocks in a project looking glass.
"he states he worked on with Q and wrote some of the Q- drops" and that's completely at odds with the "always have plausible deniability" mantra that Q has been operating under. Nope, doesn't pass the sniff test.
I did not know that about him. I would hate to think Q worked with such a scummer.
Yep. Because everything scumbags claim on the interwebs is true.
Did you see Gregg Phillips posted on Truth Social inviting this pedo to the pit for a live-streamed debate!?
Why the hell is Gregg giving this cunt a MINUTE of time?
He did say it would be moderated by the Sheriff... so I mean it might be pretty funny, maybe he'll even be arrested. But still though it's weird.
100% that is the impression of the general public.
Says “nukechina2”
2nd acc lol
nukechina3 comin soon