The percentage of pedophiles in gays and trans is astronomical. It should be looked at as a risk factor when considering adoption. Like, investigate these perverts until you're absolutely sure they are aren't pedos.
And then consider how fucked up that child will be when raised by a same-sex couple. The clown world keeps progressing.
While I am more or less ambivalent on same sex parentage, I do question people who go against nature to have same sex relationships and then try to return to nature to raise a child.
But that said, they have deliberately created a situation where questioning statistics makes you the bad person, and then the same sex would be parents take offense at those statistics being used to pull them into additional scrutiny that "straight couples don't have", though that's of course not true and shouldn't be true.
Better screening processes need to be in place to ensure that those who would adopt are going to be a protective and loving family. If they lost a child due to a miscarriage, or have medical documentation that shows that pregnancy is not feasible for one of them due to being effectively sterile for one reason or another, you at least have a good idea that they want a child.
Also, we need to stop sending kids through the system and withholding them from good families. There are orphans in need, and families who will take them. Those families may not make 7 figures, but they'll still be able to afford care and work hard to make sure the child is fed and clothed.
Dunno, I went down a rabbit hole into orphanages a long time ago and the systems meant to put children in good homes and it just wasn't pretty. Too many good families denied for very stupid reasons, while high risk factor families gain access to these kids and abuse them, sexually or physically or mentally, or decide they don't want them and send them to the next point.
The things that happen make A Series of Unfortunate Events look like non-fiction.
Careful now! People get insecure when you challenge their "all gays = pedophiles" worldview with your facts and life experience!
Every pro life virtue signaler needs to read your post twice. So many "pro lifers" will insist that more needs to be done to prevent abortion, yet they want someone else to do it for them... and when it comes to actual pro life issues like orphanages and ACTUALLY helping kids, suddenly they're too busy working their jobs and acquiring material bullshit while also scrolling and sharing boomer memes on Facebook...
I want abortion to be considered murder all the same. But we first need to facilitate a pro life society in ALL facets. Our adoption system is a fucking joke. It could not cost people $40,000 just to acquire a child to raise. Wanna take it out of taxes or whatever, fine. But the process needs to be overhauled. We also need to stop shaming single mothers and we need to KILL off the apathetic mentality that people have developed as a result of our evil system. "Well you shouldn't have been stupid!" By that logic, from Jesus's perspective, you should go to hell REGARLDESS of what you do and believe.
We want to point a finger at Soros and all the other problem children, but it seems people still need to take a long, hard look in the mirror. A lot of the routines and values we have been taught are VERY anti-life and if you are pro LIFE then you would want the best existence possible for ALL life, not just yours.
The percentage of pedophiles in gays and trans is astronomical.
Can you provide supporting data for this claim?
Every gay person I have talked to so far is in agreement: no quarter for pedos aside from ones who haven't committed a crime. Making claims like yours WITHOUT supporting data is what leads to witch hunts which then results in public support sympathizing with the evil ones you seek to eradicate. Being skeptical is one thing, but it disappoints me how many here tout individual responsibility and holding people accountable for THEIR crimes, but then quickly stoop to mob mentality especially when it's based on declaratives that people FEEL are right and support their worldview, but are not supported with facts and evidence.
The stats are out there. And if you don't wanna look for them, take a look at the drag queen story people and how many have been busted for child porn or pedophilia.
And what's your point? We all are sinners and have problems.
I never had a problem with trans or gay people UNTIL they tried to shove it down children's throats. Why are they so reliant on teaching children it is correct? Why are they putting gay porn books in the libraries in schools?
You're telling me it is bad logic to be suspicious of people that sexualize children?
Kids should be protected at the highest level. I don't care about if I am right or wrong. I care that kids are protected. They've proven that they want to get closer to kids to have easier access to them. Take a look at disney. It would be terribly irresponsible NOT to be cautious in these situations, or else you get a child what is scarred for life. Fuck that. Not taking that risk.
The percentage of pedophiles in gays and trans is astronomical. It should be looked at as a risk factor when considering adoption. Like, investigate these perverts until you're absolutely sure they are aren't pedos.
And then consider how fucked up that child will be when raised by a same-sex couple. The clown world keeps progressing.
The problem is these people in child protection encourage it and support it. They're all pedos in my eyes
Makes sense when CPS is made for child trafficking. This shit goes deep.
Child Pimping Services.....
While I am more or less ambivalent on same sex parentage, I do question people who go against nature to have same sex relationships and then try to return to nature to raise a child.
But that said, they have deliberately created a situation where questioning statistics makes you the bad person, and then the same sex would be parents take offense at those statistics being used to pull them into additional scrutiny that "straight couples don't have", though that's of course not true and shouldn't be true.
Better screening processes need to be in place to ensure that those who would adopt are going to be a protective and loving family. If they lost a child due to a miscarriage, or have medical documentation that shows that pregnancy is not feasible for one of them due to being effectively sterile for one reason or another, you at least have a good idea that they want a child.
Also, we need to stop sending kids through the system and withholding them from good families. There are orphans in need, and families who will take them. Those families may not make 7 figures, but they'll still be able to afford care and work hard to make sure the child is fed and clothed.
Dunno, I went down a rabbit hole into orphanages a long time ago and the systems meant to put children in good homes and it just wasn't pretty. Too many good families denied for very stupid reasons, while high risk factor families gain access to these kids and abuse them, sexually or physically or mentally, or decide they don't want them and send them to the next point.
The things that happen make A Series of Unfortunate Events look like non-fiction.
Careful now! People get insecure when you challenge their "all gays = pedophiles" worldview with your facts and life experience!
Every pro life virtue signaler needs to read your post twice. So many "pro lifers" will insist that more needs to be done to prevent abortion, yet they want someone else to do it for them... and when it comes to actual pro life issues like orphanages and ACTUALLY helping kids, suddenly they're too busy working their jobs and acquiring material bullshit while also scrolling and sharing boomer memes on Facebook...
I want abortion to be considered murder all the same. But we first need to facilitate a pro life society in ALL facets. Our adoption system is a fucking joke. It could not cost people $40,000 just to acquire a child to raise. Wanna take it out of taxes or whatever, fine. But the process needs to be overhauled. We also need to stop shaming single mothers and we need to KILL off the apathetic mentality that people have developed as a result of our evil system. "Well you shouldn't have been stupid!" By that logic, from Jesus's perspective, you should go to hell REGARLDESS of what you do and believe.
We want to point a finger at Soros and all the other problem children, but it seems people still need to take a long, hard look in the mirror. A lot of the routines and values we have been taught are VERY anti-life and if you are pro LIFE then you would want the best existence possible for ALL life, not just yours.
33 times more likely.
I abdolutely agree. It is an atrocity that these people are given children to raise.
Can you provide supporting data for this claim?
Every gay person I have talked to so far is in agreement: no quarter for pedos aside from ones who haven't committed a crime. Making claims like yours WITHOUT supporting data is what leads to witch hunts which then results in public support sympathizing with the evil ones you seek to eradicate. Being skeptical is one thing, but it disappoints me how many here tout individual responsibility and holding people accountable for THEIR crimes, but then quickly stoop to mob mentality especially when it's based on declaratives that people FEEL are right and support their worldview, but are not supported with facts and evidence.
The stats are out there. And if you don't wanna look for them, take a look at the drag queen story people and how many have been busted for child porn or pedophilia.
And what's your point? We all are sinners and have problems.
I never had a problem with trans or gay people UNTIL they tried to shove it down children's throats. Why are they so reliant on teaching children it is correct? Why are they putting gay porn books in the libraries in schools?
You're telling me it is bad logic to be suspicious of people that sexualize children?
Kids should be protected at the highest level. I don't care about if I am right or wrong. I care that kids are protected. They've proven that they want to get closer to kids to have easier access to them. Take a look at disney. It would be terribly irresponsible NOT to be cautious in these situations, or else you get a child what is scarred for life. Fuck that. Not taking that risk.