its the same in the UK - 500 migrants a day come off the boats in Dover for the past few years and put up in 4* hotels whilst our own MIL vets sleep on the streets in the cold! And these "asylum seekers" are all fighting age young men with better phones and shoes than me and seem to have all left their wives/women and children back in whatever "unsafe" place they claimed to have escaped from.
France most likely!
But we cant say shit cos its "racialist" apparently. And England is a far smaller country than the US or even Texas State.
It's the Kalergi Plan. Great Replacement. Watch Part 9 of the Europa: The Last Battle series. It's all there.
This is one of the few perfect arguments to use with a normie. This has been going on for decades. Are you telling me that politicians are so inept that in 50 years they have not been able to figure out what to do? Or is it that they know exactly what they are doing and things are going exactly as they want?
That's why I knew the homeland security act was not b/c of foreign terrorists. They did nothing to stop illegals from coming in with no vetting or documentation, but made citizens undergo ~strip searches at airports and took grannies' knitting needles.
And made citizens put our hands up like criminals in those invasive body scanners! Every time I go through there, and have to remove my shoes, it pisses me off so much. Why is everyone ok with being treated like a criminal just to get on a damn plane??
Find and read PrussiaGate, by Will Zoll. A series of essays that explain the history of the "invisible enemy" Trump speaks about. No, it is not COVID. It's an eye opener that gives the historic background and context of what we are seeing today.
Yes, the politicians are indeed our enemies and are not working for us, but against us. As Q has said, "Infiltration, not invasion."
I really hope to collaborate some day with him, somehow. Hopefully through Comedy somehow. Interesting dude and one of my favorite guilty pleasures is Diggstown, such a fun movie.
So if the IRS is a completely corrupt organization, and their only mission is to steal our assets, would not that make them common thieves attempting to break into our homes, with all options on the table?
Because they are trying to destroy the US.
Once people understand that fact, this all makes perfect sense.
When people question, why they do this or that, the answer is they are trying to kill our country.
its the same in the UK - 500 migrants a day come off the boats in Dover for the past few years and put up in 4* hotels whilst our own MIL vets sleep on the streets in the cold! And these "asylum seekers" are all fighting age young men with better phones and shoes than me and seem to have all left their wives/women and children back in whatever "unsafe" place they claimed to have escaped from.
France most likely!
But we cant say shit cos its "racialist" apparently. And England is a far smaller country than the US or even Texas State.
It's the Kalergi Plan. Great Replacement. Watch Part 9 of the Europa: The Last Battle series. It's all there.
Where can I find this Europa ?
Pirate Bay, or Rumble (P1) (Full)
Thank you
Yes, indeed. For those wondering, England (not the whole UK, just England) is about the same size geographically as the US state of Indiana.
~ Mapnerd :)
It's just not sustainable. We are in a far far worse situation that US is with immigration.
This is one of the few perfect arguments to use with a normie. This has been going on for decades. Are you telling me that politicians are so inept that in 50 years they have not been able to figure out what to do? Or is it that they know exactly what they are doing and things are going exactly as they want?
That's why I knew the homeland security act was not b/c of foreign terrorists. They did nothing to stop illegals from coming in with no vetting or documentation, but made citizens undergo ~strip searches at airports and took grannies' knitting needles.
And made citizens put our hands up like criminals in those invasive body scanners! Every time I go through there, and have to remove my shoes, it pisses me off so much. Why is everyone ok with being treated like a criminal just to get on a damn plane??
while the border is open to any tom dick and harry from any country on the globe
It's why I stopped flying . F__k airports.
We The People have been conditioned, over time, to accept lawlessness as 'normal'.
We no longer have government.
Find and read PrussiaGate, by Will Zoll. A series of essays that explain the history of the "invisible enemy" Trump speaks about. No, it is not COVID. It's an eye opener that gives the historic background and context of what we are seeing today.
Yes, the politicians are indeed our enemies and are not working for us, but against us. As Q has said, "Infiltration, not invasion."
This is what I need to send to my friend
Watch Part 9 of Europa The Last Battle - two hours breaking down exactly what has happened, is happening, who is behind it and WHY. Ultimate red pill.
There is no gov anymore.
We’ve been occupied by a foreign power for over 100 years. They don’t care about the will of the people.
It’s not difficult to grasp. Our govt has been captured.
"We don't like the laws so we're just going to ignore them"
-Extremist-left activist politicians.
Because they want to steal elections and illegal (thus, undocumented) immigrants make it easy
I really hope to collaborate some day with him, somehow. Hopefully through Comedy somehow. Interesting dude and one of my favorite guilty pleasures is Diggstown, such a fun movie.
Because they packed the courts with their criminal agents.
Illegal "immigration" just makes my blood boil for this very same reason.
So if the IRS is a completely corrupt organization, and their only mission is to steal our assets, would not that make them common thieves attempting to break into our homes, with all options on the table?