If you're still #unvaccinated out there, remember that you resisted $1,000,000,000,000 worth of global advertising. That's you being a BADASS right there! 😉
🏆 - WINNING - 🏆

I think that's a vast understatement. We didn't just resist advertising, we resisted coercion. We lost our careers. We lost loved ones. We lost our comforts. We didn't just say no to some globohomo artwork on the side of a bus stop.
Not just a badass...
Now that is a fk GIF!
Except that gif needs a badass metal guitar not a folksy acoustic.
Bluegrass Pepe is badass too!
Yup everyone who held the line is a freedom warrior.
That's such a sad thing. We almost lost my father-in-law, and sort of did due to stroke, but all my brothers and sisters sans one were not with the jab.
Same here. Whole extended family and kept pushing me to do it also. They were so proud and wanted to be the first to go get it.
My grandpa and grandma both were NOT vaxxed. Him and my grandma both (mid-80s) got COVID earlier on (when the symptoms were more severe for elderly). They both took vitamin D, zinc, quercetin, and it took them about 1.5 weeks to get over the symptoms. My grandma for 1 or 2 days was extremely nauseous and couldn't breath well, but she stayed home and got over it because she didn't want to get up off the couch or go to a hospital. The symptoms weren't really ever that bad for my grandpa. Then after 1.5 weeks or so, they started feeling fine again with little to no symptoms, and then decided they wanted to be extra careful and went into the hospital and got the anti-bodies. 1 or 2 days after getting anti-bodies, my grandpa had a severe stroke. He lost his ability to walk, talk, and pretty much do anything on his own. My family took care of him at home because he didn't want to be stuck in a nursing home, but it was a battle of health issues ever since then until he passed away a handful of months ago.
Sorry for your loss Fren. Glad your grandpa got to have his family around him during his transition.
Yes fren. My dad too. Thursday will be a year. I feel like they got him in the hospital. He is my biggest reason for fighting and sharing what I learn through this process. Lean into God during the painful times. He will carry you through ❤️
Very sad, especially b/c at that point, they already had their own antibodies and didn't need to get the monoclonal antibodies. The biggest betrayal that the medical community has done to the public is claim that natural immunity isn't effective protection. Since when, Fauci??
Strokes fucking suck.
I'm so proud I don't even mind that all of us did not get some type of medal.
Pride, in and of itself, is medal enough! 👀
Unlike some, I’ve never been particularly proud of my pre-American national heritage, or heaven forbid, proud of what gender I’m attracted to (that’s just weird) or anything like that.
But I am damn proud to be a pure blood, and one of the only ones in my family at that.
Honestly, we should take over pride month, with our own flag and parade, to celebrate Pure Blood Pride.
German actually (contrary to my username).
Although my parents raised me speaking English and thanks to an interest in anime and video games, I know way more Japanese than German.
Thank God my parents were of the freedom loving variety and not of the… whatever variety Angela Merkel is. Yuck.
🥇you get a medal, you all get medals🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇and 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿
Pride is the greatest sin
I guess nobody should be proud of anything at all for forever. Graduated valedictorian from MIT? No, can't be proud. Built a house? No, can't be proud. Restored a 50's Chevy with your dad? No, can't be proud. Son won his little league championship? No, can't be proud.
Do you see how silly that is?
Agreed. It becomes a sin when it’s out of control and you stop humbly realizing that we’re all just people and doing something great doesn’t make you “better” than others.
Or when you forget that all of our achievements aren’t possible without our creator.
When you see a really nice pot, who are you proud of, the pot for existing or the potter for making such a nice pot?
Here's the first definition for pride from Webster's 1828 dictionary.
If you think you're better than the janitor because you graduated valedictorian from MIT, that's when pride is a sin.
There is surely nothing wrong with celebrating your accomplishments and enjoying the fruits of your labor.
Ecclesiastes 3:13
And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labour, it is the gift of God.
I don't think I'm better than those who chose to get vaccinated. I grieve for those who were fooled and I pray vengeance comes from God according to His will.
Who said you cant be proud?
I said pride is the greatest sin and you went on a tangent
I managed to keep my kids from getting the shot and my mom. I tried with others and am sad I was not able to help more people resist. So far no one has been hurt in my immediate family among those who did get it (brothers) and I am thankful for that.
Pride has nothing to do with it for me.
Well said brotha.