Daily Call To Action Repost #4 (will repost until September 3 when it will be deleted)
Below is my understanding after listening to the Moment of Truth Event & having others reach out to me. I am not a lawyer, and would love some insight into this information.
The plan is to get Sheriffs to start investigations & force all machines to not be used during the election as a result. Sounded like the data we collect can be run against multiple TB of data Lindell has.
Lindell has many Sheriffs ready, to teach other unaware Sheriffs, how to find/verify the fraud themselves so they can take the machines before the machines can be used in elections.
They showed machine fraud in every single county so far that used machines (even Trump won counties & states).
Step 1 Check this site to see if your county is already listed. http://ordros.com/cvr/
If your county is listed, skip to Step 3.
Step 2 We must get these Cast Vote Records immediately in every single county. You can can either review Lone Racoon's in depth guide, in the link, or you can read the basics that I have laid out: https://magaraccoon.com/docs/cvrsfordummiesv2.pdf
This is the link to Lindell's site to find info yourself with an email & phone request- https://frankspeech.com/article/save-your-county
Screenshot of that page: https://files.catbox.moe/0doyv9.jpg
Lindell's site text:
The Cast Vote Records are the clearest indicators of whether or not there is machine-based election fraud. On September 3, 2022, federal protections for these records under Title 52 Section 20701 comes to an end allowing the legal destruction of these records. Don’t let these records disappear from the public conscience. Please use the following form language to request the Cast Vote Records for the 2020 General Election from your county and municipal clerks before it is too late. Copy and paste the template below and supply the value for your jurisdiction and send to your county and municipal clerks.
(copy & paste the form below, update the jurisdiction with your county)
Pursuant to our state’s freedom of information law, please remit the Cast Vote Records [insert jurisdiction] from the 2020 General Election. These records should include the following fields as a minimum:
- CVR Record #
- Timestamp
- Tabulator ID
- Municipality
- Precinct
- Batch ID
- Record ID
- Counting Group
- Session Type
- Ballot Type ID
- Paper Index
- Contest
- Candidate
- Undervotes
- Overvotes
- Mark Density
Lone Racoon has some tips for getting those records here: https://magaraccoon.com/foia.html
There was an organization ready to help anyone who gets pushback from their county clerks. The Cause of America is the group name I heard listening to the Lindell event. I think this is their site- https://causeofamerica.org/
- If you are sending info about a rejection, please send it to CVRRejections@protonmail.me
If they refuse to give you the information (thanks u/TRYNEIN ):
A clerk is a 'Public Servant' and they are required to have a surety bond in order to hold that position.
Demand they give you a copy of their surety bond and a copy of her financial statement.
Tell them if they do not want to perform their duties as a public servant that you will file a complaint against their bond.
Take a witness or two with you, if you can, who will be willing to file affidavits that she isn't doing her duty.
Also, you should be able to get a copy from the county recorders office if needed. (context found here https://greatawakening.win/p/15JTb4yJ9z/x/c/4OcQsKjDGu1)
Step 3
When you get your Cast Vote Records (assuming they are not in the system above already) email that file to draza@ordros.com & racoon@frankspeech.com (Lindell just said on his interview that they will put the data together for easy Sheriff use https://frankspeech.com/video/mike-lindells-interview-clint-curtis-moment-truth-summit also Aug 30 Alabama judge is looking at the evidence in this video link about 13:14). UPDATE * If you are sending a Cast Vote Record file or files, send it to NewCVRs@protonmail.me. I would send it to every email & let's watch the telegram channel to see if they want it ONLY to one of those emails. Likely Lindell auto forwards to the proper Racoon email.
Step 4
Start digging for fraud. I am looking into how to do this myself, I believe Lone Racoon had some info on http://ordros.com on how to do it. https://magaraccoon.com/ has a wealth of information & I am still digging into it. I will put highlights here as I find them. Always grateful for suggestions & pointers. If you have a question, please continue to send it to TheLoneRaccoon@protonmal.com and/or MamaRaccoon@protonmail.com
Step 5
Report fraud to Sheriffs & share with local friends so they can tell Sheriffs too.
(I need to find the style/editing info post about green letters, italics, etc... Will update this to look better once I find those instructions for future posts).
u/Emyrylde can you send me that telegram channel link so we can add it here please?
Awesome! The correct email to send it to is NewCVRs@proton.me
Thanks for the links. Sent my request in on Tuesday, I'll drive down there next week if I don't get a confirmation soon. About the Bond strategy. "Demand they give you a copy of their surety bond and a copy of her financial statement."
More info here. Bonds for the Win https://bondsforthewin.com/filing-claims/
Thank you for the ping. It has been a non stop day for me since I posted this earlier & the next two will be even more so.
I will put info up & respond later at night when I get time to breathe during that time. I will certainly add for tomorrow.
Thank you! I will add this to tomorrow's post.
Just talked to my County Elections Office. They are working the current election just held this week, but will be working the many requests they have had for the CVR after that.
She indicated this is the first year that anyone has requested the CVR Report, but has had many calls for it this week.
OK. Just thought I'd document here.
My County uses Hart. I found their user guide online at Idaho SoS website. In Part 20, the instructions for manual recount mentions CVR, so perhaps that is how to get to the CVR Report?
Just adding here to have in one place.
Why can't Utah be that easy?!? I love visiting there & used to go 1-5 times a year.
Thanks for this legwork pede & this sounds like some good progress, keep on it some some other assistant doesn't "accidentally" delete it if the current count goes too long.
OK has a 24 month retention in our election laws.
Awesome, two extra months.
Thank you so much!
Make sure this gets sent to the rejections email.
Both can be true. Many lisences seem to have been put in place as roadblocks to prevent certain individuals/groups from participating in various actions easily.
IIRC the MIT professor (Shiva Ayyadurai) who ran against Elizabeth Warren (forget his name) showed a video post election where rates were dropped when many showed up at once requesting the information & stating that tax dollars already paid for the information & high costs to obtain it wouldn't be accepted. I will need to really dig later tomorrow to find that again.
Thank you! Great on point questions & kept your cool while discussing it.
They sounded scared of something. I wonder if these clerks are being threatened by governors/secretary or state (in Ut Lt Gov has done this) with legal action or prison?
Just sent mine in
This is the response I got from my email. Does anyone know what to make of it? This is in a small Wisconsin county in the middle of the state.
**Thank you for your patience as I was seeking clarification on your request.
Cast Vote Records or CVR reports are not available for all voting systems. The voting systems used in XXXX County for the 2020 General Election did not have the ability to create a CVR report, thus there is no record available pursuant to your request.
The Edge voting machines utilized in the November 2020 election do however have media backed up that is available for a fee upon request during the retention period, but note this would not include a CVR report as it is not available from that system. Fees are set by our voting machine vendor and transferred to the requestor – in this case, backups from the Edge machines for the November 2020 election would cost approximately $940: $20 per machine @ 45 machines total in XXX County, plus $15 per storage device plus shipping (any estimated fees are due up front before media can be requested). Additionally, 5 Insight optical scan machines were utilized in the November 2020 election in XXX County. These machines also do not have the capability of producing a CVR report, though the physical optical scan ballots are retained for the duration of the retention period (22 months).
Please let me know if you have any additional questions or requests.
Thanks, and have a great day!**
Send that response to racoon@frankspeech.com
Seems fishy...
Will do! Thanks!
I would email TheLoneRaccoon@protonmal.com and/or MamaRaccoon@protonmail.com with the response you got asking for clarification on if these are the records they wanted or if you need to request something else.
Also ask them if there is a general fund to help with these record requests, or if that needs to be a grassroots thing at this point.
Awesome to see bond fagging pop up again!!
I didn't follow it closely enough to know how it works. From what I am reading, it could work in specific situations though in some states it seemed like it could be tied to financial loss due to corrupt/public official neglect. Still learning about it myself.
Any chance you have some alternate options to get Cast Vote Records?
Honestly I'd just fire off the email fren. It went so smoothly for me I'm thinking of doing some more.
You could even try multiple counties and play them off each other. Start with the most honest-seeming one and work your way from that. I think it's harder to block once it gets out of the bag. "Well so and so county already released theirs so what's the issue?"
If they say no the worst case is you just forward it on to CVRRejections@protonmail.me
Fair enough. Do you recall why bonds were an issue? I will include it as a possible avenue (since it may work in some stubborn areas) though I do like your idea. Hope that other states aren't as corrupt as Utah was having the Sec of State/Lt Gov threatening to sue each clerk that give out info.
Still no response from county as of business day #3 after the request.
May have to schedule an in person visit next week...
No response here either. I plan to show up at the clerk's office. I've asked a few to accompany me as witnesses. It seems I'll be doing this alone.
That may be what is needed in your area.
Update: Address corrected!!
The Lone Raccoon "Dumb old me messed up the emails in my overnight post. I edited the post but the email for actual CVRs is NewCVRs@proton.me and the email for rejections is CVRRejections@proton.me. So sorry for the confusion." u/HonestBobbin
Thank you. We are all human & make mistakes. Glad they let us know so quickly & you are staying on top of it.
Update: Address corrected!! The Lone Raccoon "Dumb old me messed up the emails in my overnight post. I edited the post but the email for actual CVRs is NewCVRs@proton.me and the email for rejections is CVRRejections@proton.me. So sorry for the confusion.
Looks like someone combined the two PM options.
Try CVRRejections@protonmail.com and CVRRejections@pm.me
Update: Address corrected!! The Lone Raccoon "Dumb old me messed up the emails in my overnight post. I edited the post but the email for actual CVRs is NewCVRs@proton.me and the email for rejections is CVRRejections@proton.me. So sorry for the confusion."
Sorry, but the proton emails are not from me
This is all that I posted
I am still getting a rejection to my email sent as well. I used the telegram link to grab email addresses and sent direct to the Raccons.
CVRRejections@proton.me is the updated email. Lone Racoon made a mistake like all of us at some point. Likely from exhaustion trying to get info out fast. I will have a Telegram channel link you can look to for more info tomorrow morning.
Sheriffs must step up their roles as the protectors of their public. In any countywide America sht sheriff is top dog. Not the feds.
We can all support & encourage them.
**MANY THANKS FOR THE "FORM LETTER" with specificity...
Sounds great. If they refuse, report that too.
Guess this response is good, if true. We'll see what happens
Good afternoon, the Gloucester County Clerk’s office is in receipt of your Open Public Records (OPRA) request dated Thursday, August 25, 2022 11:22 AM in which you request “the Cast Vote Records of Gloucester County from the 2020 General Election”. Please be advised that there are no responsive documents filed in the Gloucester County Clerk’s office. As a courtesy, I will forward your request to the Gloucester County Clerk of the Board. The information for the Clerk of the Board is below. Please let me know if I may be of further assistance.
Please keep us informed.
Update:. I received my county files!
Do I email all 9 of the files?
Sent them along to the emails provided
Thanks for replying here & in Day 8 Donny
Jetson White on rumble has some interesting theories around Nikola Tesla and September 3rd :) Space Force
I have had some of hiss tuff shared in the past. It will be interesting to see if it lines up.