Nah. But here's the thing. Normies are so sheep that they don't care about it UNLESS it comes from the black box. If it's not in TV, it's not reality. So until it goes mainstream, and hopefully it will, they won't care.
I agree but i dont think msm will continue to die a slow death. We do not have that kind of time. Rather I think we'll all wake up one day to the EBS on all stations tv/radio with military news
My question is are the Normies smart enough to care about the Iran deal?
They might once the Truth gets out...MSM is not going to be MSM for much longer...IMO the 'old institutionalised media houses' as we know them are not as convincing anymore because if you want to know the truth, its out there, you just have to want to look and the way that 'events' are panning out at the moment is piquing the curiosity in 'people' and once you know know...I have faith...🙏🏻
There is a significant portion of the population who are so clueless about EVERTHING (they only know tik tok and such), it will fly right by them. When Cuomo announced he was resigning as gov of NY, I thought it was pretty big news, and I was at a drive-up window when I heard it on the radio. I told the girl working the window, "Cuomo just resigned!", she said, "Who?", I said "The governor of the state you live in". Not only did she not know who the governor of her own state was, she wasn't in the least phased by hearing that a governor of a state, her own state, resigned.
My question is are the Normies smart enough to care about the Iran deal? The Normies I know aren’t.
Nah. But here's the thing. Normies are so sheep that they don't care about it UNLESS it comes from the black box. If it's not in TV, it's not reality. So until it goes mainstream, and hopefully it will, they won't care.
Soon they'll have nobody bolstering their false ideas and beliefs. Msm is gonna die.
I agree but i dont think msm will continue to die a slow death. We do not have that kind of time. Rather I think we'll all wake up one day to the EBS on all stations tv/radio with military news
They might once the Truth gets out...MSM is not going to be MSM for much longer...IMO the 'old institutionalised media houses' as we know them are not as convincing anymore because if you want to know the truth, its out there, you just have to want to look and the way that 'events' are panning out at the moment is piquing the curiosity in 'people' and once you know know...I have faith...🙏🏻
There is a significant portion of the population who are so clueless about EVERTHING (they only know tik tok and such), it will fly right by them. When Cuomo announced he was resigning as gov of NY, I thought it was pretty big news, and I was at a drive-up window when I heard it on the radio. I told the girl working the window, "Cuomo just resigned!", she said, "Who?", I said "The governor of the state you live in". Not only did she not know who the governor of her own state was, she wasn't in the least phased by hearing that a governor of a state, her own state, resigned.
"My question is are the Normies smart enough to care about the Iran deal? The Normies I know aren’t."
Some of the "normies" will catch on. It's the hardcore leftie True Believers who'll keep wearing their Trump Hate glasses till the very last minute.
Source: I'm related to two of them.
That's the problem. "normy" (normie?) often is a euphemism for below average.
Not always though. Many "normies" I know are doctors and lawyers with complex psychological reasons for their unreasonable beliefs.
I think a lot of it traces to it's-what-the-elite-are-saying and I-want-to-belong-to-the-elite.
Recently many have staked their lives on that desire.
Well said. They want to be part of the “in-group” (elite) so bad they are willing to risk their lives for it.