56 And they said it couldn't be done! YES, Biden's #PedoHitler speech is somehow our fault! 🤣 🤡 (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by bubble_bursts (context) 2 years ago by bubble_bursts +56 / -0 26 comments download share 26 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
For Trump it would be a window to his soul? Talk about overreach / projection. LAME.
What the fuck does this even mean lol
That's a long-winded way of saying "orange man bad"
Word salad garnished with orange slices
Well Trump didn't do it, so it is NOT a window into his soul. SHEESH!
It's blackening the sky it such a astronomical cope.
These people will be stuck in a mobius loop for 5 years when they have to deal with reality.
Holy crap, why is that guy posting under his real name those insults to a majority of decent hard-working US citizens? What if a not so clever one lives nearby and decides to pay him a visit?
Not only do they actually believe in this, they also really believe MAGA is a small minority in far away rural areas.
I can promise you, MAGA is the majority of the right. and growing every day
And it already was even in 2016. Now I would say its approaching 80%.
This is why Trump emphasised the size of the inauguration, and Q made it a point to explain this to us. We are not alone. We are the majority.
Interesting. According to "Juan O Savin" 81% is the target beyond which civil war is impossible.
Sam Harris must be delusional. Guess he’s been drinking the kool-aid.
the guy is delusional and willfully blind, I knew this was how he was for a long time, but he's finally let everyone see it now.
A gaffe? Only a gaffe? Lol ok
First time I've heard a sound and light crew and the management team instructing them referred to as a gaffe.
"Gaffe" redefined from "an accidental mistake" to "carefully preplanned and executed strategy that happens to backfire"
So, different standards, to make your logic work. Got it.
'The final command from the party was to ignore what you saw with your own eyes'
That was in 1984. In 2020 that was the first command!
yup. It is Trump's fault, all right.
Sauce: https://nitter.net/SamHarrisOrg/status/1565825294459498496
And we wonder how Leftists in place controlled top to bottom by democrats can STILL blame everything on conservatives...
What a retarded intellectual
is he really an intellectual then?
No, he's just a tard who happens to be eloquent lol. His mashed words mean nothing. They contain no wisdom.