Ha! LOOK what the judge ordered! If the goal was to charge Trump before the midterms, the *LOSERS* at the FBI can't make a move using any of the stuff from the MAL raid until the Special Master's investigation has concluded.
And HMMM..who knows when that will be? Six months from now?

DOJ already said no charges before the election.
Stole this from Sundance:
Recall that PedoHitler said, “I didn’t have any advanced notice. None, zero, not one single bit”, regarding the raid.
The DOJ already said no charges before the midterms to avoid the appearance of a conflict
The good ol wrap up smear as pelosi described it
This is it right here. To keep the cloud over the midterms. Just like they did with Mueller and 2018 midterms. It would be better if they DID charge/not charge before midterms. Shit or get off the pot. They wanted this, to keep the uncertainty and cloud hanging overhead
The order regarding the special master certainly was a huge win and complicates things significantly for the DOJ. However, I wager they will ultimately indict DJT (because that is what they do).
Updoot for proper use of "hanged" . Moochelle Obama is hung but will also be hanged once its tribunal is over
It's too late for that. Raiding at all provides the appearance of a conflict. I concur with KEKtheMIGHTY1776; it is because of conflict that they want to take what they knew was a nothing burger and make it look like it almost might be something eventually. It's why Hillary was exonerated just before the 2016 election with "yeah yeah, this happened, but she didn't mean to and she's good so don't mind her." Get their bad in and out as fast as possible, keep their enemy's nothing in full view as though it were something for as long as possible.
Here are some curiouser and curiouser particulars concerning the motion of Judge Aileen M. Cannon granting appointment of a Special Master in the case of Trump v United States in regard to the FBI search and seizure of property from Mar A Lago.
First, page 2 of Judge Cannon's motion granting motion to appoint a Special Master. For emphasis, note motion was filed 09/05/22, or in layman's terms... today.
Document 64 / Case 9:22-cv-81294-AMC Trump v United States filed 09/05/22
Page 2
The following is a summary of the record based on the parties’ submissions and oral presentation.1 Throughout 2021, former President Donald J. Trump (“Plaintiff”) and the National Archives and Records Administration (“NARA”) were engaged in conversations concerning records from Plaintiff’s time in office [ECF No. 1 p. 4; ECF No. 48-1 p. 2].2
[bold type face - mine]
See full filing below (24 pages)
Next, page 1 of a letter addressed to Judge Cannon from A distressed US citizen.
[bold type face - mine]
Document 63 / Case 9:22-cv-81294-AMC Trump v United States filed 09/02/22
O'rane M. Cornish, Sr.,
3767 New Getwell Road,
Memphis, TN 38118.
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida.
Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr Building
400 NW 1st Avenue
Miami, FL 33128
RE: Case No.22-cv-81294 - and OFFENSIVE filing....
Attn: Hon Aileen M. Cannon (AMC);
August 20, 2022 (date of letter)
While perusing the Yahoo News face page on my computer, I saw an item that announced the attached was filed. I began reading it, and was immediately offended and repulsed by the statement of the very first line the end of which falsely state "... ... ...President ... ... ...". I find this extremely offensive as a citizen of the United States, as a United States Air Force Vietnam-era Veteran (1072-2002) Attach 2 just so you know. The offensive verbiage is highlighted in yellow fyi. It is my fervent hope that your responses, whatever form it takes, to the filing, repudiates the impudent claim evidenced by that verbiage. May I suggest that your very first line state something such as: Movant Donald H. Trump improperly identified as 'President', ... ... .... Fact is, as I am sure you know, the USA has just one President at a time.
To allow such verbiage to go unchallenged, is to give aid and comfort to the continued effort to undermine Democracy; the good order, discipline and freedoms, which have been the hallmarks of the grand experiment - - - the United States of America. Please, I beseech you not to let that arrogant falsity go unchallenged, because it is corrosive to our freedoms - our society, the form of government we chose to live by -- see what happened on January 6th? Further, the Attorneys who submitted the filing should be sanctioned for they should know better.
O'rane M. Cornish, Sr.
A distressed U.S. citizen
[bold face type face O'rane M. Cornish, Sr.. note - some of the text in bold face is originally in italic type face, but the green italic color on GAW sucks, so see original document for original bold and original italic emphasis by O'rane.]
See full filing below for attachments (3 pages):
Document 1 / Case 9:22-cv-81294-AMC Trump v United States filed 08/22/22
President Donald J. Trump ("Movant"), through his undersigned counsel, respectfully files the Motion For Judicial Oversight And Additional Relief, which seeks an order that: (a) appoints a Special Master; (b) enjoins further review of seized materials by the Government until a Special Master is appointed; (c) requires the Government to provide a more detailed Receipt of Property; and (d) requires the Government to return any item seized that was not within the scope of the Search Warrant, and states as follows:
Link docket Case 9:22-cv-81294-AMC Trump v United States / all filings
Now, on the face of it would appear that in making the observation about how to address President Donald J. Trump by Judge Cannon is the point of this comment. By filing O'rane's letter (filing the letter at all is a mystery in and of itself), and Judge Cannon using former President Trump in her order granting the motion, one might, with understandable logic, conclude a cause and effect relationship based on Orane's letter telling Judge Cannon how to address President Trump in the court's proceedings
A good question could be why was this letter, of all letters the court must be receiving in connection with the case, filed at all on the dockets page? A letter that gets into the official record of the case history not submitted by or through attorneys?
A good subject for conversation would be to opine on whether the fact that Judge Cannon does refer to President Trump as former President Trump in her order granting Movant's request for a Special Master was a result, for what ever reason, of Cornish's letter.
A good question could be, why did the clerk not file a letter dated 20 August 2022 (and assumed sent the 21st by the tone of the the author) and presumably received shortly thereafter, until 02 September 2022?
Original Motion by President Trump, Document 1, was filed on 08/22/22.
Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment, Document 2, was filed on 08/22/22
Description of Document 2:
Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment to Judge Aileen M. Cannon. Pursuant to 28 USC 636(c), the parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce E. Reinhart is available to handle any or all proceedings in this case.
You can read the descriptions of the filings on the court docket home page for the Trump v United States and get of sense of when what is filed and, furthermore, not available for online viewing (grey tabs on the far right of the page), in contrast to documents that are available to be accessed online (the ones with the blue highlighted tabs for accessing the documents).
Sometimes what you cannot read can be deduced from the description of the filing.
So, here is the issue.
How does a distressed US Citizen in Memphis, TN, on 20 August 2022 have access to a Motion that has not been filed in court until 22 August 2022 and address his letter of offense and repulsion to Judge Aileen M. Cannon, who is not assigned to the case until 22 August 2022."
Orane's letter dated 20 August 2022
Motion to appoint Special Master filed 22 August 2022.
Judge Cannon assigned to decide on the motion 22 August 2022.
Let me offer an answer to my own question:
https://youtu.be/DNy0TElah18 (10 min)
Just sayin...
There's going to be leaks, and it will cause a bigger shit show before the elections. October Surprise incoming.
Midterms mean nothing. The goal is to kneecap his next run for office.
Why is it called a "special master?"
There is no actual justice, it's all just "lawery" games.
It seems the only moves the FBI makes these days are the ones they aren't allowed, by rule of law, to make.
FBI raid set corrupt FBI agents up to get handcuffed like this.
Early on, it was Trust Sessions, Trust Wray. That is when I quit keeping up with Q. Then later on, I was so wrong as time after time Q was right. I think it may have been more of do not trust Sessions and Wray. But IDK,I am just some pleb with the internet.
We're not privy to the insider information, or moves taking place. Sessions did his job. It wasn't an easy job, and I suspect he was instructed who to appoint, and what to do, when, and what not to do. The DS was plenty panicked about Sessions, until they got their guy in, and then Rosenstein was the right guy to go after Trump. Except it kind of fizzled from a public perspective. Remember the wire tap and secret recording of Trump debacle? Kept everyone guessing.
I have no idea what is going on with Wray. If he was put into place to ruin the FBI's reputation, and expose the rotten core, he's doing a fine job. It doesn't sound like anyone raised objections about an illegal raid of Mar-a-Lego.
The FBI had a decent reputation - far from stellar - and few of us knew just how corrupt they had become. They needed to be exposed.
It looks to me like the CIA's reputation was questionable before Trump was elected, and if he had dismantled them, or attempted to, few conservatives would have complained. The problem is, that would have started an agency war with the president, as most of them are rotten to the core. So Trump went about dismantling their power structure and sources of covert funding. They complained, through their corrupt politicians, but they couldn't come out and say "Trump is killing our illegal sources of funding for our international corruption schemes".
Anyway, sorry about the long winded thought process. I'm trying to figure it out like you are, and this is what I'm seeing at the moment. Tomorrow it might all look different....
BTW - the CIA is an integral part of the whole DS universe. I suspect they are the primary target (in DC), but not directly. More like a slow death by a thousand cuts before the head is removed.
There are still Patriots at Langley. Unfortunately, the SIS (Keystone) was corrupted badly under Hussein. Whistleblowing is not encouraged at the Pickle Factory.
I'm sure there are more than a few patriots. But I bet few of them get promoted very far up the chain.
Yup, could definitely have been more of a "trust so-and-so to do the WRONG thing".
We shall see.
Yeah he did say half-ass and not whole-ass. What would be whole-ass gayness is a grown adult putting 6969 in their username.
How do you know he is an adult?