Does any know if it was figured out exactly what Q was referencing in the below post?
Buy a history book published 20 years ago. (1998)
Buy a history book published 10 years ago. (2008)
Buy a history book published this year. (2018)
Focus on WWI/WWII
Something ALARMING will be discovered.
Its the same with the Civil War. I bought a whole library of books written from the 1860's-1890's. They tell a much different story than the Macmillan/Addison Wesley tripe. Lots of info about Grant selling America in 1871.
The prevailing theme is that the South got sick and tired of being raped out of their wealth, like blue states are doing to red states today. The war was actually triggered when Lincoln tried to seize a warm water port in Louisiana.
The civil asset forfeiture, the indefinite detention of dissidents without cause, all the stuff they are doing to us today........ The South was sick of it.
You know what was barely mentioned? Slavery. That's the new history. The South's only blunder was that they should have freed their slaves and then STILL gone to war. The North KEPT their slaves after the war and after the South gave theirs up. Was never about slavery for even one second. Whereas the North were mostly govt conscripts who would simply go back to their jobs whether they win or lose, the South was a family fighting for its life and Soul.
Reminds me of a quote in the movie Avatar, when the guy says "You always make enemies out of people so you can justify taking their shit".
I've posted this a few times, but its relevant here and thought I'd give it one more go. There's a lot that's squirrelly about Civil War history.
This is meant to backup what you are expressing.
Thanks for that invaluable link, man. I will Johnny Appleseed this info to everyone I know
YW. Glad you find it enlightening. I've posted it several times and it never gets legs. Please get it out to as many as possible.
Definitely! This info is so rare, I almost considered photocopying pages of of some of the old books Im talking about. The info is literally nowhere else....... Maybe the basement of the Smithsonian or buried in Tartaria somewhere, but that's about it.
Very noice! I've archived to my local disk and now its nice to know its archived online.
I agree with everything you said except the blunder. The southern army should have pushed north and burnt DC or Boston or NYC to the ground.
too brutal for the generals, but hindsight is 20/20 and Sherman did it to the south.
They should have burnt all three to the ground
Lincoln had a lot in common with someone like Biden
Cut from the same cloth. We see the gaslighting and attempts at twisting narratives in real-time. Imagine an era without anons to set the record straight as it evolves. For a good portion of my life I believed in the mythical Lincoln as much as I did the mythical MLK.
Imagine the rich industrial north trying to flip the bill to agricultural south too.
Wouldn't have freeing the slaves helped the south mitigate the looming foreign intervention too?
But 100% - at least on the civil war front. Old books focus on all the various factors that led to thr Civil War, while new ones is... slavery... and...... slavery.
Lincoln didn't even want to free the slaves.
Thanks for directions to another rabbit hole. I'm trying to collect winter reading material, so could you list some titles of the books you talked about? I'd like to see if they are available on Project Gutenberg,, etc.
It's gonna take some effort, but I'll post my 1949 Webster's Deluxe edition breakdown of WW2 in full. It's gonna be a lot of scanning, though...
Only one mention of Hitler's "poor treatment of the jews."
Not one mention of death camps...
No mention of any "holocaust."
Holocaust in the definitions is "a burnt offering." No mention of jews.
As of 1949, the holocaust wasn't a thing. You'd think by then they'd have included it in the WW2 breakdown, all things considered...
that is interesting. I wonder if this fact still holds true in the 1998 publication that Q is talking about. Holocaust was taught in the 1980s so it would be odd if that's the case.
However Q is specifically mentioning 1998, 2008 and 2018 for a reason I believe.
Also important to note this is the Clinton, Obama and Trump eras for during each publication.
It was not until the 70s that the word Holocaust became a thing, this was also the time that so many muh, survivors, came out with these horrific stories. When you actually research the Nuremberg trials you will find that the defendants were beaten and threatened. Of course they were put to death, they had to be, so that they could never backtrack and plead their true innocence. Of course there were soldiers that were horrible people that did horrible things, this is always true of every war from both sides. Just keep in mind, history is always told by the winners and a lot of truths are lost.
Common core?
Is it possible that someone has scanned it already? Do you have a full title I can search for? I love this.
I have a couple of Encyclopedia sets. One from the 1920’s, Holocaust meant “burnt offering”.
A set from early 1940’s (haven’t verified what it says about the Holocaust) and the set from the 1950’s doesn’t mention the Holocaust.
If I can get 15+ likes on this comment, I’ll go take pics of the encyclopedia from the 1940’s & report back.
Questioning WWII history gets you shut down in most places. So does bringing up the Holodomor.
Just throwing that out there.
Don't judge if you are truly not willing to research.
Did you know that there is not one order that Hitler ever gave that called for mass extermination of the Jews, research which camps were supposedly death camps, where are they located? Who liberated said camps? Why are the photos taken during the war from planes showing a completely different layout than the photos after the war. Look up the stories from survivers that were called crazy and accused of spreading lies. The propaganda during these times were so much easier to pass off.
a truly fascinating rabbit hole to travel down. My brother and I dug into this years ago and in doing so it opened our eyes more than almost anything else could've because it presented the propaganda approach pushed on us in such a different light being at the early parts of our 'education' in public schools. Genius on so many levels. Im still not sure what's true about WW2 completely, but I know the official story doesn't add up. Neither do the numbers.
I remember reading that the gas chambers didn't have any scoring on the walls which should have been there with the type of gas that was supposedly used.
There is a thing called "The Leuchter Report" by man named Fred Leuchter who was the number one man called on whenever there was need for execution equipment. He went to Auschwitz-Birkenau and did testing. When he proved that no gas was used to kill anyone in the chambers his life was ruined.
The only proof I will ever need is my own eyes, "wooden doors that open to the inside and the knowledge of how chemicals work with electronics, i called bullshit." Anyone that has literally been there and realize how big it is or can use common sense can see truth. Yes hundreds died, they were starved, who starved them and the guards watching over them? Look no further than our own country and our allies, we bombed and blocked food shipments and caused the starvation.
Now you want to know the group that truly suffered, look up the Holodomor. What is currently written has changed because they want to blame anyone but those truly responsible. And who are they you may ask.
Nazis changed to right wing.
30 years ago they were socialists.
I always thought they were right wing, as they grew out of opposition to communism. At least that's my memory from public education in the 80's. We didn't have federalized education standards then, so I'm sure different states had different teachings.
They decided that nationalism is right wing. They also ignore the hard core nationalism of Russia during ww2 and North vietnam during the war and many others.
The key point is that communists own the means of production,nazis realized that was very inefficient and let factory owners work for them so to speak, they controlled every aspect instead. Cost of goods, price of labor and what they were allowed to produce.
Their is a very good vidio on you tube by a historian named tik if you are interested.
Just downloaded this and have not read any yet, but here's a 1998 history book in pdf format, free:
Looking for the other years.
here's a 2008 edition that covers 1900 - 1949 (so both world wars):
6 mill...
I mean 5 mill
well maybe less than 3
"I'm just throwing some spaghetti around, don't mind me
i have read numerous books from right after ww2 and all of them always claim 600, 000 not 6 million
After reading this last week I got to looking around on Ebay and scored a history book from 1927 for $10 shipped.
While it won't cover WWII, I'm curious to see what it has on the Civil War, WWI, and The Federal Reserve.
Keeping an eye out for a cheap one with a revised date shortly after WWII.
I was surprised how hard it was to lookup US history school textbooks on Ebay, almost like they don't want you finding past history lol
Keep us updated when it comes in. I’m intrigued as to what it will say
Nazis gotta nazi huh.