LOAD Truth Social on your ANDROID phone NOW!!! Go to www.truthsocial.com/sideload and follow the simple instructions. Easily bypass the pro-commie GooglePLAYstore!!! SHARE!!!
✅ - TRUTH APP - ✅

I was wondering when they would just release an apk, no way Google lets them on the play store.
Unfortunately TS still not available in South Africa....😢😎
Have you tried a VPN to establish a US connection? If you follow the apk link your phone will automatically install per your permission.
Super easy. I've directly loaded apk files for years.
Good luck!
Thanks ....
Or upload it elsewhere and provide u/purkiss80 with the link?
EDIT: if necessary (which I doubt), rename it to "truthsocial-release.apk" without the quotes.
Ah, so no cell phone required as with the website? Great!
But the issue is TS needs a US or UK mobile number to sign up, verify and login. Even with an American vpn.
So, shit out luck, still.
What about grabbing a Google voice phone number for a us number? There are many other services that offer us numbers too. It may be extra steps, but where there is a will there is a way for MAGA.
Same here in Australia. Very disappointed. Couldn’t be bothered using vpn to access as I don’t understand why they address geographically blocking Australia. Even the website won’t load, stating it’s unavailable etc.
Because of phone number registration? The APK is downloadable for all users
Can a VOIP number be used, ie Skype or Google voice type number?
I'm in the US, but I can say Google Voice numbers work. I have one.
LGB! And Let's go PLAYSTORE!
Wtf is an APK, and what funky thing will it do to my phone?
apk is the filename for your apps on an android phone. Anytime you install a new app from the Google play store, you install an apk file. Most android phones can install .apk files without the need for Google play store. It can be risky at times because it's not "verified" by Google or whatever, but if the source of the file is from truth social, then I would consider that trustworthy, but that's just my opinion.
All android apps are apk's, app developers typically upload their apk's to the play store and google approves them. Downloading an apk yourself is the same thing as downloading from the play store, except you lose the layer of "trust" that google provides
Lol trust and google don’t belong in the same sentence. But I know what you mean
Its an archive containing the source/resources for an android app