I actually do wish this board would soften to those who have vaxx regret. As people wake up, they need compassion and guidance, not judgment and guilt.
A distinction needs to be made between those who simply got the jab vs those who also continuously spat intense vitriol against the unjabbed.
The former category is a lot easier to be sympathetic towards, they just expected their experts to know what’s best and we’re deceived.
As for the latter, they may be regretful too, but their vicious true selves have been revealed, and that can’t be unseen or taken back. Everyone will know that these are the types of people who would have sold out political dissidents to the Nazis, and that reputation will never escape them.
People are so violently against people who have gotten vaxxed, it's dumb. It's like they have three people in their lives who tried so hard to push it on them that they can't comprehend that not everyone who took it tried to make them take it.
It's outright evil to treat the misled as lesser humans.
The ones who tried to force it down our throats? We can laugh at them.
The people, like everyone in my family that took it either under duress or because of being misled and never once tried to force anyone else into it? Those are still good people who can or have woken up.
Fodtunately and unfortunately, most people suffering these awful effects seem to be in targeted areas or boosted. I have not seen problems occur with non boosted at any notable rate in my region.
I am quite happy to grant them their wish to pursue their own happiness. And part of that happiness is a moment of realization to stand before the immeasurable, where no wife crosses our path, and no mother is there to comfort us, where only the reality reigns: tremendous and grand.
And the truth is: they were stupid, ignorant (ignoring the facts), deceived by their post hoc justifications, lack of insight, and frankly, unwillingness to consider other options, because they:
wanted to eat at McDonalds
wanted to travel
wanted to celebrate holidays
wanted to feel holy for making this sacrifice to protect the vulnerable.
reveled in their us vs them glory
weaklings who rather avoid confrontation than stand as a man or woman in their rights
willing to sacrifice their rights (Rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness) for temporary safety.
Afraid to get into trouble.
The fact remains: they traded their rights to Life and Liberty for what? Trinckets in a hoax ....
So, yes, a lot of guidance to give, but in essence, to accept the consequence of what they themselves have put into motion = the man in the mirror.
I actually do wish this board would soften to those who have vaxx regret. As people wake up, they need compassion and guidance, not judgment and guilt.
A distinction needs to be made between those who simply got the jab vs those who also continuously spat intense vitriol against the unjabbed.
The former category is a lot easier to be sympathetic towards, they just expected their experts to know what’s best and we’re deceived.
As for the latter, they may be regretful too, but their vicious true selves have been revealed, and that can’t be unseen or taken back. Everyone will know that these are the types of people who would have sold out political dissidents to the Nazis, and that reputation will never escape them.
Exactly, COVID Karens deserve no mercy.
I found it very interesting that tik tok compilations of "Covid Karens' were always people who refused to wear a mask.
The sheep really controlled the internet culture for a while.
In order for our own sins to be forgiven. We must forgive others.
Yup!! I have an uncle who said people not submitting to the clot shot should die.
As my pure blood wife and I sat across the room from him not knowing we knew better.
Fuck that.
This is why twitter is beta testing a delete button
Whoever wholeheartedly recognizes a mistake, and is truly and sincerely sorry about it, will get nothing but kindness from me.
And don't forget there are protocols created by "America's Frontline Doctors to treat the vaccinated or other places like this article that maybe helpful - https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/i-recover-post-vaccine-treatment/
Have you seen that fb group that was mentioned here the other day? Just search for Facebook.
Stories are horrendous if true.
People are so violently against people who have gotten vaxxed, it's dumb. It's like they have three people in their lives who tried so hard to push it on them that they can't comprehend that not everyone who took it tried to make them take it.
It's outright evil to treat the misled as lesser humans.
The ones who tried to force it down our throats? We can laugh at them.
The people, like everyone in my family that took it either under duress or because of being misled and never once tried to force anyone else into it? Those are still good people who can or have woken up.
Fodtunately and unfortunately, most people suffering these awful effects seem to be in targeted areas or boosted. I have not seen problems occur with non boosted at any notable rate in my region.
Interesting view.
I am quite happy to grant them their wish to pursue their own happiness. And part of that happiness is a moment of realization to stand before the immeasurable, where no wife crosses our path, and no mother is there to comfort us, where only the reality reigns: tremendous and grand.
And the truth is: they were stupid, ignorant (ignoring the facts), deceived by their post hoc justifications, lack of insight, and frankly, unwillingness to consider other options, because they:
The fact remains: they traded their rights to Life and Liberty for what? Trinckets in a hoax ....
So, yes, a lot of guidance to give, but in essence, to accept the consequence of what they themselves have put into motion = the man in the mirror.