I agree. I think this helps show how effective the indoctrination/ brainwashing is. My point is a cry for help really. Steve Kirsch provides logical arguments w/sauce. Why aren't people able to realize the COVID shots ought NOT be taken by Anyone? How is the brainwashing this effective!? F...!!!
Most people here do not understand the severity of the situation. You don't just lose your job and medical license if you go too far out of line. No, they straight up murder you, and you better hope that you're loved ones aren't killed as collateral damage. I hate the medical tyranny, too, but I understand the frustration of doctors who are awake and stuck making tough decisions. I'm not going to judge these doctors for deciding they're better off alive and protecting their family and patients as best they can under these shit circumstances. Because let's be honest about the doc's words here:
Who will be the truth czar for healthcare? How am I to keep up? I am left to assume that the population wants the government to guide their healthcare.
After witnessing the COVID mass psychosis myself, I have to agree with the doctor's assessment that there are far too many people who actually want this medical tyranny to stay. Why put yourself and family at risk of murder for masses who will simply not have your back for going against the system?
We have come to the point where everyone has to make a decision, whether they personally are willing to accept life on their knees, or are willing to fight for liberty, knowing full well that it may by a fight to the death.
Then get out and save yourself of a charge of murder/genocide before it is to late. Either way you are potentially dead. Dead from violation of the Nuremburg Code or dead by those that control the entire medical field. I got out when I tried to warn a breastfeeding mother about the Covid shot and potential impact on her child. I would not be suppressed. Granted I was planning on retiring in 2 months, so an easy decision. But I could have made money by taking a job giving a Covid vaccinations, but wouldn’t. Sometimes you have to make decisions regarding whether you choose to do what is right or what is wrong. Can you live knowing you harmed others? Mistakes, yes they happen, but this is a distinct choice.
What do you if you're fresh out of medical school and saddled with six-digit student loan debt?
What do you do if you know your replacement is an incompetent mess who will probably get your long-time patients killed even without the COVID injections?
Tough decisions. Good for the people like yourself and the doctor in the OP who can gracefully retire and leave the entire mess for someone else to fix, but a lot of people don't have that luxury.
Yes, I realize that, but can they live with themselves knowing they contributed to the demise of patients by prescribing remdesevir and ventilators, or gave Covid injections when they knew it would kill patients? I don’t think I could do it or would do it. If I was a physician, I would take steps to go to patients’ homes or they come to mine. I would have left nursing and worked two to three jobs or sold my house and rented before I would inject a patient, support the Covid shots or inject myself. I did that because I refused to bow to administration or support the Covid shots knowing the harm it could potentially cause. I hope one day the mother involved acknowledges to herself that the shots were harmful, resulted in damage to her child, and that I was trying to forewarn her. It doesn’t matter to me one way or the other, but I want her to think twice before she believes the nonsense government, doctors, hospitals, theCDC, FDA, NIH, and Dept. of Health spited to get compliance and enact their agenda of maiming, killing/depopulating and sterilizing the populous world wide.
We are David against Goliath in this. Medicine being intertwined with the govt is a disaster for the patient. Get the rocks out. People in health care will stand at the gates to be weighed just like the rest of us.
The CDC is NOT a 'Gov' agency and has NO legal authority under law. The AMA and FDA that have allowed this criminal Lie and Every Leader of these 'trusted' medical leaders, Must be prosecuted with the Lying fauci and the CDC.
Any industry compromised by powerful crime and terrorist interests no longer serves any genuine purpose for their clients. If it was engineers, chefs, or mechanics who were engaging in mass murder at the behest of shadowy crime powers, it would be true. Still true when it is the medical field.
So nobody in medicine is credible or worth a damn unless they can demonstrate records of genuine opposition to the crime in their industry. These records will essentially be the only genuine medical credential until new doctors are trained outside of the crime structure and influence.
Medicine as a failed industry needing abolition was arguably needed even before the clotshot, so many cases of crime interests pushing opiates, ritalin, statins, hormones, vaccines for infants which clearly were behind all the SIDS deaths.. all manner of malicious conduct. The clotshot however should remove any fragments of remaining doubt for those who were not yet 100% bought in.
Until you are all 100% ready to be RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN HEALTH AND OF YOUR FAMILY, you need doctors. Where do you go if you are in an acute crisis? A headache? Menstrual cramps? Digestive issues? Pain? Depression?
Medical school loans run $300K+. Do to the overabundance of lawyers and irresponsible consumers (will sue at the drop of a hat), the cost of medical malpractice insurane may run in the tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands per year. Medical license, continuing education, clinic fees, etc. make the profession tough to keep your head up. And once you have mastered being a physician, a counselor, a businessman, an accountant, a president of your comapny...then, then, you have to abide by the rules of the medical mafia. Want to not live in poverty? Obey those rules. How many of you all are willing to give it all up in the height of your career? It's a catch-22. If I asked any one of you, you would tell me "Family, God, Country." Yes, doctors care about their FAMILIES FIRST. How will are you to speak up and lose your livelihood for the ignorami of the general population who would just as well cart me off to the executioner instead of give them their drug fix? When all they really need to do is grow the F up and start taking responsilbilities for their lives (better diet, exercise, meditation, herbs, supplements, etc.).
Until each one of your is growing a victory garden and knows how to harvest, prepare and effectively administer medicinals in any and all circumstance, well, you need this system. I'm in the process of disengaging from it. How about you all?
Where I work, there was a vocal minority ready to hang the unvaxxed for the sake of a few privileges, that are their constitutional rights.
I've seen plenty of posts here where people are ready to dance on the graves of the same vocal minority.
I'll be the first to say I want to see the DS leadership (not the blackmailed ones who had no choice in the matter) hanging in the public square - not some private little injection for a select few.
Anyway, the point is, we need to unite against the DS. Or we'll never get out of the hole we're in.
I feel not one whit sorry for this doctor. For years most doctors have joined with the hospitals for protection in their malpractice insurance. Most signed agreements to pay a “tail” for X number of years which enslaves them to the hospital. All for a lower cost malpractice insurance. If they retire they are beholden to pay the “tail” either in a lump sump or yearly amount, which is hundreds of thousands of dollars. If the doctor doesn’t do their bidding, they threaten to revoke privileges or report them to the medical board. So instead of standing up, doing what is right, they CHOSE to submit. The aligned themselves with Big Pharma, and there is a site which tells patients how much their doctor accepted in cash gifts, donations, etc. what this doctor is saying is he can’t speak up, refuse vaccines, write the prescriptions for fear of his license. So what he isn’t acknowledging or saying is he therefore has become a willing accomplice to genocide to save himself and his family and in the process is destroying others and their families. Does he realize many, a nurse, doctor, businessman, pharmacist has sacrificed by being unwilling to mandate their employees be vaccinated (despite the governments threats and bribes of revoking business licenses, paying bribes or promises of tax breaks or government favoritism in return. Many have sacrificed their jobs, families and businesses by refusing the death shot. Quite honestly, as a former nurse, I will be glad if the medical community falls, because it is all a scam in the name of money, and has been so since the early 1980’s. Does he realize doctors aren’t practicing medicine, they are pill pushers and surgical interventionists? When has the doctor looked for an underlying cause, instead of a quick fix of a pill? Many doctors are responsible for getting patients addicted. When has a doctor looked up a medicine before prescribing to be sure there is no drug interaction or contraindication with the patient’s other medical diagnoses? I believe we will be better off with less doctors and hospitals and more emphasis on health, nutrition and exercise.
Yiu mean because of how they treated us...In the hospital.
There were professionals who k ew better and refrained. They were punished for being g correct. You were either stupid or a pussy if you bent your knee.
I agree. I think this helps show how effective the indoctrination/ brainwashing is. My point is a cry for help really. Steve Kirsch provides logical arguments w/sauce. Why aren't people able to realize the COVID shots ought NOT be taken by Anyone? How is the brainwashing this effective!? F...!!!
Punch his words...that describes it perfectly.
What a fucking whiny punkass fag.
That entire diatribe is saturated with the stench of a victimhood mentality. What kind of shitbag uses his kids as his excuse.
Reminder that over 100 holisitic practioners have died under mysterious circumstances since 2015.
Most people here do not understand the severity of the situation. You don't just lose your job and medical license if you go too far out of line. No, they straight up murder you, and you better hope that you're loved ones aren't killed as collateral damage. I hate the medical tyranny, too, but I understand the frustration of doctors who are awake and stuck making tough decisions. I'm not going to judge these doctors for deciding they're better off alive and protecting their family and patients as best they can under these shit circumstances. Because let's be honest about the doc's words here:
After witnessing the COVID mass psychosis myself, I have to agree with the doctor's assessment that there are far too many people who actually want this medical tyranny to stay. Why put yourself and family at risk of murder for masses who will simply not have your back for going against the system?
We have come to the point where everyone has to make a decision, whether they personally are willing to accept life on their knees, or are willing to fight for liberty, knowing full well that it may by a fight to the death.
Then get out and save yourself of a charge of murder/genocide before it is to late. Either way you are potentially dead. Dead from violation of the Nuremburg Code or dead by those that control the entire medical field. I got out when I tried to warn a breastfeeding mother about the Covid shot and potential impact on her child. I would not be suppressed. Granted I was planning on retiring in 2 months, so an easy decision. But I could have made money by taking a job giving a Covid vaccinations, but wouldn’t. Sometimes you have to make decisions regarding whether you choose to do what is right or what is wrong. Can you live knowing you harmed others? Mistakes, yes they happen, but this is a distinct choice.
Well that about sums it up really.
What do you if you're fresh out of medical school and saddled with six-digit student loan debt?
What do you do if you know your replacement is an incompetent mess who will probably get your long-time patients killed even without the COVID injections?
Tough decisions. Good for the people like yourself and the doctor in the OP who can gracefully retire and leave the entire mess for someone else to fix, but a lot of people don't have that luxury.
Yes, I realize that, but can they live with themselves knowing they contributed to the demise of patients by prescribing remdesevir and ventilators, or gave Covid injections when they knew it would kill patients? I don’t think I could do it or would do it. If I was a physician, I would take steps to go to patients’ homes or they come to mine. I would have left nursing and worked two to three jobs or sold my house and rented before I would inject a patient, support the Covid shots or inject myself. I did that because I refused to bow to administration or support the Covid shots knowing the harm it could potentially cause. I hope one day the mother involved acknowledges to herself that the shots were harmful, resulted in damage to her child, and that I was trying to forewarn her. It doesn’t matter to me one way or the other, but I want her to think twice before she believes the nonsense government, doctors, hospitals, theCDC, FDA, NIH, and Dept. of Health spited to get compliance and enact their agenda of maiming, killing/depopulating and sterilizing the populous world wide.
Who needs doctors? Eat healthy and move around.
I haven't been to a Dr since 20 because of the dumb shit associated with covid. Some offices still require masking! 🖕
We are David against Goliath in this. Medicine being intertwined with the govt is a disaster for the patient. Get the rocks out. People in health care will stand at the gates to be weighed just like the rest of us.
We've been indoctrinated to trust these sources, then abused/oppressed to prevent critical thinking that will literally save lives directly.
The brainwashing is intense.
The CDC is NOT a 'Gov' agency and has NO legal authority under law. The AMA and FDA that have allowed this criminal Lie and Every Leader of these 'trusted' medical leaders, Must be prosecuted with the Lying fauci and the CDC.
It's an excellent example of the difference between sedition and treason. "Knowingly"
I think this is why the plan has gone on for so long. Cabal loves the “i wasn’t aware” defense. This time….. it won’t work. KNOWINGLY
Uhmm... You might want to look a further than just on Wiki.... You will find the CDC is a 501(C3)
Any industry compromised by powerful crime and terrorist interests no longer serves any genuine purpose for their clients. If it was engineers, chefs, or mechanics who were engaging in mass murder at the behest of shadowy crime powers, it would be true. Still true when it is the medical field.
So nobody in medicine is credible or worth a damn unless they can demonstrate records of genuine opposition to the crime in their industry. These records will essentially be the only genuine medical credential until new doctors are trained outside of the crime structure and influence.
We're witnessing the destruction of the old gaurd, and the parallel construction of the new!!! 💥💥💥🙏🙏🙏
Medicine as a failed industry needing abolition was arguably needed even before the clotshot, so many cases of crime interests pushing opiates, ritalin, statins, hormones, vaccines for infants which clearly were behind all the SIDS deaths.. all manner of malicious conduct. The clotshot however should remove any fragments of remaining doubt for those who were not yet 100% bought in.
Nothing worth salvaging in the current paradigm.
If doctors are knowingly harming or killing patients, they have much bigger problems at this point….
Until you are all 100% ready to be RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN HEALTH AND OF YOUR FAMILY, you need doctors. Where do you go if you are in an acute crisis? A headache? Menstrual cramps? Digestive issues? Pain? Depression?
Medical school loans run $300K+. Do to the overabundance of lawyers and irresponsible consumers (will sue at the drop of a hat), the cost of medical malpractice insurane may run in the tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands per year. Medical license, continuing education, clinic fees, etc. make the profession tough to keep your head up. And once you have mastered being a physician, a counselor, a businessman, an accountant, a president of your comapny...then, then, you have to abide by the rules of the medical mafia. Want to not live in poverty? Obey those rules. How many of you all are willing to give it all up in the height of your career? It's a catch-22. If I asked any one of you, you would tell me "Family, God, Country." Yes, doctors care about their FAMILIES FIRST. How will are you to speak up and lose your livelihood for the ignorami of the general population who would just as well cart me off to the executioner instead of give them their drug fix? When all they really need to do is grow the F up and start taking responsilbilities for their lives (better diet, exercise, meditation, herbs, supplements, etc.).
Until each one of your is growing a victory garden and knows how to harvest, prepare and effectively administer medicinals in any and all circumstance, well, you need this system. I'm in the process of disengaging from it. How about you all?
Where I work, there was a vocal minority ready to hang the unvaxxed for the sake of a few privileges, that are their constitutional rights.
I've seen plenty of posts here where people are ready to dance on the graves of the same vocal minority.
I'll be the first to say I want to see the DS leadership (not the blackmailed ones who had no choice in the matter) hanging in the public square - not some private little injection for a select few.
Anyway, the point is, we need to unite against the DS. Or we'll never get out of the hole we're in.
I already am responsible for my own health.
Surgeons are good pill pushers are not. .half of what a doctor treats is because of the last pill he gave.
All those issues you mention use drugs. Pharma is the problem.
Good point, he could do a number of things differently.
The proper order is "God, Family, Country", not "Family, God, Country".
You can't (properly) raise a family if your moral code is out of line. God first.
I feel not one whit sorry for this doctor. For years most doctors have joined with the hospitals for protection in their malpractice insurance. Most signed agreements to pay a “tail” for X number of years which enslaves them to the hospital. All for a lower cost malpractice insurance. If they retire they are beholden to pay the “tail” either in a lump sump or yearly amount, which is hundreds of thousands of dollars. If the doctor doesn’t do their bidding, they threaten to revoke privileges or report them to the medical board. So instead of standing up, doing what is right, they CHOSE to submit. The aligned themselves with Big Pharma, and there is a site which tells patients how much their doctor accepted in cash gifts, donations, etc. what this doctor is saying is he can’t speak up, refuse vaccines, write the prescriptions for fear of his license. So what he isn’t acknowledging or saying is he therefore has become a willing accomplice to genocide to save himself and his family and in the process is destroying others and their families. Does he realize many, a nurse, doctor, businessman, pharmacist has sacrificed by being unwilling to mandate their employees be vaccinated (despite the governments threats and bribes of revoking business licenses, paying bribes or promises of tax breaks or government favoritism in return. Many have sacrificed their jobs, families and businesses by refusing the death shot. Quite honestly, as a former nurse, I will be glad if the medical community falls, because it is all a scam in the name of money, and has been so since the early 1980’s. Does he realize doctors aren’t practicing medicine, they are pill pushers and surgical interventionists? When has the doctor looked for an underlying cause, instead of a quick fix of a pill? Many doctors are responsible for getting patients addicted. When has a doctor looked up a medicine before prescribing to be sure there is no drug interaction or contraindication with the patient’s other medical diagnoses? I believe we will be better off with less doctors and hospitals and more emphasis on health, nutrition and exercise.
Yiu mean because of how they treated us...In the hospital.
There were professionals who k ew better and refrained. They were punished for being g correct. You were either stupid or a pussy if you bent your knee.
Doctors direct Healthcare; nurses deliver it. Both professions failed.
"shortage of doctors because" ...
Gonna be a bigger shortage of doctors when more than half are locked up for knowingly administering poison to everyone.
The enemy, and that which keeps medicine from being a consumer-controlled, physician-respecting free market, is INSURANCE.
Look at the copium. How are you supposed to help your patients if you cant perscribe what they actually need?
Rome wasn't built in a day.
Piece by piece the system will fall.
And then one day... Boom.
This was a sad read. Predictable and sad.
LORD help us.
Maybe they wouldn't whine so much about being treated poorly if they actually worked to heal people.
Stay away from healthcare. Docs.
Far far away
Feel free to retire.
Do doctors need a freedom to prescribe?
Cry me a river.
Grow a set, and have a back-up plan for housing and food if you have to stand up for yourself.
This assumes there is no plan and Q doesn’t exist nor Trump.
Sometimes I wonder why stuff like this is posted here.
It’s normie level non Q believer Material