JUST IN: Never Trumper Ben Sasse Resigning Senate Seat
Ben Sasse (R-NB) is expected to resign his senate seat before the end of the year. Sasse won re-election in 2020 and his term was to expire in 2026. The Nebraska governor will choose Sasseβs replacement. NBC News reported: Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., who frequ...
Rats jumping ship.
My spidey senses indicate something bigly going on behind the scenes.
I agree with you. This is way too out of the blue for something not to be up.
Who in the hell would leave their cushy senate job, that they just won, to go work for a school. Doesn't smell right at all.
I read that if you are a Congress person and serve even one year in that position, you are eligible for 'retirement pay' equal to your actual salary! Work one year, get paid the same salary for doing nothing forever after.
Sasse can now pull Congressman salary and a second salary at the new job!
How did we let this happen?
Not quite that simple, there are various ways, but he's got his 5 years in. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congressional_pension I think something's up. He's been pretty smug about being an unmovable block to MAGA.
I see. Well, my information appears to be incorrect. Thanks for fixing.
I suspect for most of them their actual salary and/or pension is quite inconsequential at the end of the day, they make the bulk of their money via various grifts, like "consulting" (peddling influence, insider info), getting seats on boards of directors of companies, etc.
But I agree with the sentiment of your point.
Speaking fees
Book deals
That's the big problem. We need to have all these extra "perks" taken away once these grifters leave office. More limits on what "freebies" these people get while in office as well.
I maintain that a Congress creature's salary should be directly linked to a small percentage of U.S. GDP that cannot be shifted for any reason.
That way, if they improve the country's standing and make us more money, they make more money. If they cause us to make less money through destructive legislation, they get less money.
It should have been built on a system directly related to the growth of the country, to incentivize improving this country instead of selling it out directly.
Congress should never have been allowed to vote for its own salaries and benefits.
heading to a bunker in NZ?
Especially this time of year with all their holiday bonus pay, time off, and pervert parties to attend.
Burning Bright was on Devolution Power Hour (link above) and he listed out a whole bunch of things that are all occurring or being disclosed right before the midterms that would never happen if [they] were in control.