BIG TELL: Obama Snubs Desperate Democrats and Refuses Campaign Requests from Dozens of Desperate Democrats - Sees What's Coming
Obama sees what’s coming and doesn’t want to be a part of it. Democrats are in trouble. Their policies are disastrous. The economy is in collapse. Crime is out of control. The situation is dire. Now Barack Obama is refusing requests to campaign for despera...
Obama (and those who pull his strings) have only been in it for one thing... themselves.
Why should they support politicians who are going to lose and can't pay him back in political favors?
Yeah, but if they don't want the Dems to lose control, one would think they'd do everything to help them, . . ., UNLESS they believe they don't have to because "the fix is in" via cheating.
Hello? He's a tad busy serving this third term and planning his forever term.
Ain't that the truth.
Zero needs to stay home and felate Big Mike.
This article and Bannon’s remarks are steeped in politics as usual. But 2016 happened and it hasn’t been politics as usual since. Obama isn’t campaigning with Dems because he knows it won’t matter to voters. Is he worried about his image or is he worried about his survival? Bet on the latter.
nah he is just one lazy motherfucker maybe he can get valerie to campaign fillin for him
Why do something so lowly as campaign for the great unwashed masses when they ignore our votes and install whoever they want?
Because he is one of the desperate democrats. We will see the double agent traitor in chains.
I'm so glad Obama took Bill Clinton's place as the first 'black' President.
Will they now start referrring to him as half white President. kek