Wow, this is how they do it. This is how they fucking program those weak minded people who won't research jack shit and only listen to main stream lies.
"yA'kNoW, I hEaR tHaT eVeN a LoT oF cOnSeRvAtIvEs ArE hApPy wItH pReSiDeNt BiDeN, sO hE mUsT bE dOiNg A pReTtY gOoD jOb.... durrrr durrrteeee durrrr..."
Not sure if this is legit or not. I found one of these accounts posting that message on Twitter (@DottyWishes) , but @OhioLiberal25 makes no sense. First of all, his user name includes the word liberal, so no one would believe he was a conservative Republican anyway. I looked thru his post history on Nitter and I couldn't find that particular post. I'm not a Twitter expert, so maybe I missed it somehow, but I couldn't find it.
No need to have the same exact people’s posts 2-3 times in the meme with enough different people saying it anyways, but this is how “they” try to influence people. Bots/fake accounts in lockstep parroting the same talking points
I mean, I get that they're supposed to be bots and bots are fake. But the script has to have been written by a white hat. It's so over the top. This looks designed to expose normies to the idea that twitter is full of bots and has a liberal bias.
They have to be shown stuff like this so they can come to their own conclusion. If they don't think it was their idea they won't believe it. (You know, like they can't be told, have to be shown...)
anyone else notice how so many news stories quote tweets? almost as though if there is not a twitter quote, then what ever is being written about did not happen. that is a large amount of credibility being given to twitter. why?
Wow, this is how they do it. This is how they fucking program those weak minded people who won't research jack shit and only listen to main stream lies.
NPCs listening to scripted bots.
These people really are stupid. They built their own bot identifier.
That is the gayest ever
Twitter will be far better when Elon Musk removes these programmed bots.
That's 50% of Twitter right now... just brainwashing bots.
The 75% probably programmed the 50%. It's really just about the math.
Normies be like:
"yA'kNoW, I hEaR tHaT eVeN a LoT oF cOnSeRvAtIvEs ArE hApPy wItH pReSiDeNt BiDeN, sO hE mUsT bE dOiNg A pReTtY gOoD jOb.... durrrr durrrteeee durrrr..."
Twitter, Twatter,farter harder.
Can you say BOT.
Not sure if this is legit or not. I found one of these accounts posting that message on Twitter (@DottyWishes) , but @OhioLiberal25 makes no sense. First of all, his user name includes the word liberal, so no one would believe he was a conservative Republican anyway. I looked thru his post history on Nitter and I couldn't find that particular post. I'm not a Twitter expert, so maybe I missed it somehow, but I couldn't find it.
Now that's just stupid
No need to have the same exact people’s posts 2-3 times in the meme with enough different people saying it anyways, but this is how “they” try to influence people. Bots/fake accounts in lockstep parroting the same talking points
This has to be fake. It's too much.
I mean, I get that they're supposed to be bots and bots are fake. But the script has to have been written by a white hat. It's so over the top. This looks designed to expose normies to the idea that twitter is full of bots and has a liberal bias.
They have to be shown stuff like this so they can come to their own conclusion. If they don't think it was their idea they won't believe it. (You know, like they can't be told, have to be shown...)
You would think they could do this better. Switch the sentences around or something.
Bot bot da bot bot da bot bot bot!
"George HW Bush's #1 Fan" lol.
JC! Prima fascia evidence of bots on Twitter! Give it up! You lost!
There are duplicates in there. I can't tell if it's reposts or just copies of the same tweet.
I wonder if AI is sentient enough to know when the plug is pulled…. Guess we find out on Friday…. 😂🤣😂🤣😂 #justAclumpOfElectrons
anyone else notice how so many news stories quote tweets? almost as though if there is not a twitter quote, then what ever is being written about did not happen. that is a large amount of credibility being given to twitter. why?
Well Andrew in Ohios tag is @ohioLiberal25..