Hahahahaha. I'm dying! Two birds one stone with a good joke and troll.
Idk much about editing or have experience with any software on a serious level. Obviously adobe is expensive but have you played with that or other cheap/free apps like gimp you reference?
Gimp is the only one I'm using at the moment. It's relatively easy to learn with the help of YouTube tutorials.
I had tried adobe (hacked version from utorrent or something) way back when but I found it too complicated at the time and it was beating the crap out of my cpu.
As for other cheap/free tools? Can't say I know of any. When I "discovered" Gimp, I stopped looking around because it gets the job done and that's good enough for me!
POOR, POOR Lil' Fruit Cakes...they NEVER thought to look for another job when Elon Musk said he was buying Twitter and Look where they are...OUT ON THE STREET LIKE HOMELESS PEOPLE...serves them right...
now thats karma..owns a Tesla doesnt know how he is going to make payments....boom 2fer loose your job and your car.......paybacks suck
It's like a punchline.
It's good to know they're "visibly shaken" not knowing how they'll pay bills now. They should be shaking in front of a firing squad.
I don't know why, but this really makes me smile.
ps does this dude have a rainbow tail?
Tail / butt plug
It's photoshopped but still funny
photowhat? I don't know what you're talking about
I'm saying all the furry toys and tail look to be photoshopped in to the photo and not actually real.
Fake pic
mi no habla
fuckin with u in case you couldn't tell... You're right and wrong... It's not photoshopped... It's Gimped GIMP is a free "photoshop"
Hahahahaha. I'm dying! Two birds one stone with a good joke and troll.
Idk much about editing or have experience with any software on a serious level. Obviously adobe is expensive but have you played with that or other cheap/free apps like gimp you reference?
Gimp is the only one I'm using at the moment. It's relatively easy to learn with the help of YouTube tutorials.
I had tried adobe (hacked version from utorrent or something) way back when but I found it too complicated at the time and it was beating the crap out of my cpu.
As for other cheap/free tools? Can't say I know of any. When I "discovered" Gimp, I stopped looking around because it gets the job done and that's good enough for me!
No way the furry toys were naturally in this pic
these have to be some of the silliest folks alive .... oh life is not gonna be kind at ue for this one
BOSS> Why is "Rainbow dildos" in your search history...
ME> Fighting the New World Order boss..
BOSS> It's time you got a raise!!!
Apparently these were just two guys trolling the media.
well, if they frequent this board... sorry boys. kek
Daniel also says, during his local Fox interview, the following "I have to go now and see my husband and wife".......................In his TESLA kek!
Hahahahahahaha!!! Rainbow-flavored dildos!!!!
I would be shaken too if I were walking around with those rainbow things
Learn to mine.
why he will make late' from the tap and drink wine at their new job just like the rest of us
watch the video that guy is a troll... funny but a troll
He had to go home to his wife AAAND husband lol
Nice, they should learn to work in manual labor.
hahaha this is just so sweet it making my diabetes act up.
They have this stuff AT WORK??
sure! Lounges, rooftop tanning, wine on tap.... Dildos!
Borrowing money to buy a car. ngmi.
POOR, POOR Lil' Fruit Cakes...they NEVER thought to look for another job when Elon Musk said he was buying Twitter and Look where they are...OUT ON THE STREET LIKE HOMELESS PEOPLE...serves them right...
Looks like his next engineering job might be as a sanitation engineer.
Looks like the kind of guy that might wind up at Paul Pelosi's place while the old bag is out of town.
Should I feel bad? I don't think so.
They stepped into the cage. Lol