The Hook -
The Birth of a Vaccine Cult Victim
In America, we routinely vaccinate our babies on the day they are born, for Hep B.
#HepatitisB and pregnancy. It is important to get tested during pregnancy and make sure that your baby is vaccinated within 24 hours of birth so your baby can be hep B free for life!
WHY do we vaccinate babies on the day they are born, for Hep B?
I have had many online debates about this, with pro-vaccine people,
and according to the pro-vaccine people,
- it is theoretically possible, for a HepB+ mother, to give birth to a HepB- baby,
BUT during a bloody childbirth, the HepB- baby is exposed to its mothers HepB+ blood, thus potentially infecting the previously HepB- baby.
presumably, the HepB vaccine would "stimulate" an immune response, faster than the HepB virus itself would,
So by the time the HepB virus "went viral", the vaccine-induced HepB antibodies were already waiting,
Thus its imperative to vaccinate the baby literally upon its first breath.
got to get those Hep B antibodies built up!
- the Hep B test is notoriously unreliable, which is why it would just be too impractical and risky to have universal Hep B testing of mothers,
instead of the universal "safe and effective" Hep B vaccinations of babies.
Not to mention that the mother IS being tested. The status is known, and the baby is still given Hep B when the mother's status is negative. Maddening.
Behaviors that increase the risk for Hep B are things like having unprotected sex, sharing needles, having sex with prostitutes,
So anti-vaxxers LOVE to mock the pro-vaxxers on this point,
That your baby does NOT need a Hep B shot,
because your baby has ZERO risk for catching Hep B, from a Hep B- mother,
UNLESS your baby is sharing dirty needles and/or having unprotected sex with hookers.
Too late for that, Doc. Kids are given 2 vx at birth - one of them is Hep B. Does CDC think all women are sluts ? Or newborn will be having sex ? Or every house has syringes lying around ? 😕
So, WHY do we REALLY vaccinate babies on the day they are born?
- supposedly the Hep B vaccine makes babies lethargic, and lethargy freaks the parents out, and makes them want to quit vaccinating,
So, the workaround, is to vaccinate the baby on the day they are born, and write off the lethargy to the birth itself. Its hard work being born! baby needs sleep!
- if the baby is vaccinated on the day they are born, there is no
photographs, videos, etc.
there's really no way for the parents to ever know what the baby was like BEFORE the baby was vaccinated.
- It trains the parents, who the boss is.
the doctors tell you you are getting a Hep B vaccine, and thats it.
if you try to decline, they will send in 2 nurses, to try and sweet-talk you.
if you still won't give in, they will "accidentally" vaccinate your baby when they take the baby to the nursery "so mother can sleep"
they don't care what the parents want.
they will do what they want, and theres nothing the parents can do about it.
best bet is to avoid doctors in the first place.
home birth.
This happens to newborns despite parental refusal - clinical staff take it upon themselves to inject them with neurotoxic Hep B. New mothers organize to ensure there is always a parent in the room with the baby. ALWAYS.
The Line -
Birth thru Kindergarten - The Vaccine Cult Victims Most Formative Years
How many vaccines are on the CDC vaccine schedule from Birth to Kindergarten?
Every time a young child has to go in for a vaccine,
Its not "just" a vaccine.
There's a whole lot of drama involved, sometimes.
Some kids don't like vaccines, so they are coerced into getting vaccines,
Like, they are mocked for being "scared of needles".
They are sweet-talked by nice nurses.
They get told how important it is to vaccinate,
Not only for themselves, but for others,
Won't you just think of the immune-compromised!
Cancer patients, who would love to be able to get vaccinated, but they can't.
But you can vaccinate...
And when they are done getting the vaccine,
They get a fancy new band-aid, with their preferred super-hero on it.
They get a piece of candy.
They get told they are smart, and brave,
And to "Trust The Science!"
And young children go thru this vaccine process dozens of times, before Kindergarten.
So of course, by the time a child makes it to kindergarten, they can already explain what vaccines do, why they are important, etc.
And so a lot of kids actually start kindergarten, being somewhat knowledgeable about vaccines, for a 5 year old.
What they "know" comes from "sources" like animated cartoons,
or a kid-simplified version of vaccine science from a doctor or nurse or parent.
Its a very superficial understanding, at best.
BUT, the kicker is, that a lot of these kindergartners actually believe that they understand how vaccines work, what the risks are, etc,
And these kindergartners, carry this delusion all the way thru school, and all the way thru life.
The average adult understands vaccines, about as well as the average kindergartner,
Which is to say, "NOT AT ALL"
Before COVID vaccines, i used to challenge pro-vaxxers on this point.
I would ask them,
"Can you tell me ONE thing that you know about vaccines TODAY,
that you didn't already know in kindergarten?"
And 90% of the time, adults could not tell me ONE single thing...
The Booster -
In their own mind, they actually have a very low-level understanding of vaccines, BUT are operating under the delusion of a complete knowledge of vaccines,
Which is why 90%+ of parents vaccinate their kids without giving it a moments thought.
They have been "experts" since Kindergarten.
And today, they are "in between" Boosters.
I have been studying vaccines obsessively for over 8 years, and what i have discovered is just so wide, and so deep, that our common secular language just doesn't have the words to properly describe it.
what do you call it, when the vaccine cult invents "SIDS" to cover-up the fact that their vaccines routinely kill babies?
The vaccine cult is not secular,
The vaccine cult is a religion.
The vaccine cult is EVIL.
The vaccine cult is SATANIC,
They even boast about it, right to your face,
If you know where to look.
You were probably once a Vaccine Cult Victim yourself,
Until you left the Vaccine Cult, and refused to take any more vaccines.
Symbolism will be their downfall.
If you want to fight the evil vaccine cult,
You can critique their credibility, and reasoning, and authority,
Simply by hammering on this ONE vaccine, Hep B, that is given at birth.
Its simply inexplicable, and their answers only invite more questions.
Its indefensible, and they know it.
So make them defend it, by questioning it loud, and often, in pubic places.
Once you start looking into the vaccine schedule and you find out they only tested the Hep B one for 4 days then added it to the child vaccine schedule on the very first day of birth!? If you're not questioning why the hell a baby needs HepB, you should the 4 days 'safety trial'
The (anti-vaccine) label should also be a non-issue for anyone who has an ounce of information and also doesn’t want their baby to get Hep B vax. Other vaccines are built on a relative house of cards too but that’s the most egregious.
… and Hep B shot. I can't believe more parents don't ask WHY a brand new baby would need a vaccine for an STD.
Well done!!!!
HEP B for newborns....TOTALLY INSANE
You and your work are awesome. Thank you.
Imagine how this "debate" goes when everybody finally realizes viruses don't even exist!
Its not the pathogen, its the terrain
There's no such thing as "pathogens". Bacteria do not "attack" us from the outside. And the terrain is altered by our psyche to assist us in dealing with life situations that catch us off guard. When we resolve said situations our psyche instructs the body to create bacteria and fungi to reverse the changes that were made while we were embroiled in the conflicted life situation.
Both "germ theory" and "terrain theory" are incorrect in their basic assumptions.
And a comment. I have found two other strategies that seem to work well. 1) Simply comparing the recommended vaccine list from 1970 compared to the list today shocks people and unsettles them; and 2) asking them to look up mortality rates for the Amish compared to the general US population also does the trick for some.
But people with autism in the family shortly after the MMR is also approaching the commonality of people who get sick after the "annual" flu shot. Plenty of people recognize the flu shot propaganda, and many nurses will tell you the truth when the doctor isn't looking.
Thank you for This!
Great post! But... hear me out!
Not that I don't believe any of this (I am certainly inclined to); however, t'll take more than "what-ifs" and "theoreticals" to convince any of the vaxxer crowd that this is not just all "anti-vaxxer fearmongering".
I've been getting more of an evidence-centric "devil's advocate" hair up my ass lately, out of reponse to the increasing number of things I see posted on social media without verification. The left is ALWAYS looking for a crack, chink or chip in your truther armor to discredit you, even if your information is legitimate. We need to dot our "i"s and cross our "t"s everywhere we go, Frens.
mass psychosis formation. Indoctrination.
To your knowledge, are any vaccines beneficial? The tetanus and rabies shots come to mind.
Tetanus needs an anaerobic environment inside your body to create the toxin that causes the illness. That is why the rusty nail is always used as the example, not because of the rust or dirt, but because it would be a deep puncture wound. So basically, if the wound has bled, it's not going to be a problem. Even if you have a deep puncture that is a potentially anaerobic environment, the chances of getting tetanus are extremely slim. Plus, if you go to get a shot because of a wound, it's too late for the shot to prevent tetanus (if you're assuming the vax even works the way it's supposed to). So the standard practice of vaxxing people who've ended up in the er due to a wound is nothing but nonsense.
Edit: The tetanus bacteria can even be found in the human gut. So it's not something that should be feared so much, as if all it takes is contact with the bacteria to cause serious illness. It requires the bacteria plus the perfect environment to become a problem.
i have been vaccinated numerous times for "tetanus", which is usually administered as a tri-valent DTP (diphtheria- tetanus- pertussis).
so, right away, you are increasing the risk for "compilations" by having a trip-valent vaccine.
chances are good, if a need a tetanus shot for some reason, i wouldn't also need D and T shot too.
and a "tetanus" shot is allegedly good for 10 years, and yet, every time i do something where i "need" a tetanus shot, they give me a tetanus shot anyway, regardless of how long ago the previous tetanus shot was.
but probably the biggest reason you don't need a tetanus shot, is because tetanus is an anaerobic bacteria, meaning that it only thrives where there is no oxygen, such as beneath the soil.
so, stepping on a rusty nail alone is not a reason to need a tetanus shot.
if you stepped on a rusty nail that was buried in soil, then you might have a problem.
but the odds of that happening are slim.
as for rabies...
its a rabbit hole...
start here
a simple way to answer your question, would be for me to say that i will never get another vaccine again, for any reason.